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Natnicha J.

Mini Research Paper #1

March 22, 2016

Freuds ideas were just as revolutionary as Einsteins.
Freud challenged old ways of thinking as he was essentially the founder of
modern psychology. Einstein challenged old ways by discovering the photoelectric effect
which was instrumental in creating the quantum theory. Both of their theories worked
well together since they both have discovered new ideas in their specialties but saw that
there was actually quite many similarities. Science writer Richard Panek begins "The
Invisible Century" with this snapshot of the courteous but cautious meeting between the
two intellectual giants. Although the author of the theory of relativity and the father of
psychoanalysis may not have understood the intricacies of each other's theories, the
aim of Panek's new book is to show us what they had in common: Each pursued a line
of research that seemed to lead to an impasse, each "figured out that the solution lay
not in a new perception but in a reconception of the problem" and each found it
necessary to go beyond visible evidence to arrive at this solution.
Panek compares these transformations in 20th century science to the discoveries that
ushered in the Scientific Revolution in the 17th century. When Galileo looked through
his telescope to see moons of Jupiter undetectable by the naked eye, when
Leeuwenhoek trained his magnifying lens on a drop of water and saw "upwards of one
million living creatures" in it, people's conception of the universe expanded
As we can see, Freud had strong qualities in linguistics and personal intelligence,
which Einstein possessed spatial intelligence in seeing the world. These two figures
were not afraid of presenting, speaking out about their ideas to the world, and did not
care much for public criticism because they stood firm in what they believed in. Since
both were both too focused on their discoveries, they did not have enough time to
socialize in the real world. However, the two shared a strong and robust passion for
learning as well as educating others.
Freud and Einstein worked hard to discover and find without the use of better
instruments or the sheer determination. They had the will to think artistically and
innovated towards all the possibilities that might have been, will have been, or could
have been. These two men met once, and both had pleasant talks. They both respected
that each other was a man of great talent and was honored to be in each others

Natnicha J.

Mini Research Paper #1

March 22, 2016

Rubin, M. (2004, July 19). Freud, Einstein have genius in common. Retrieved
March 22, 2016, from http://articles.latimes.com/2004/jul/19/entertainment/et-book19
Einstein Defiant. (n.d.). Retrieved March 21, 2016, from

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