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Chapter 7

Are mutations part of the image of evolution

The idea that something natural becoming something else, and calling this
something natural.
He starts by defining mutations are usually a permanent change in the DNA strand.
He also refers to the original DNA can be lost. A mutation would be like changing a dot to

a dash in Morse code. If we tried to spell SOS in Morse code, but changed the first dot to a dash,
it would accidentally read: so instead of an SOS we now have a Dos. The original word was loss
and the original intent is now different than what was originally intended.
The next claim is the idea that mutation is usually beneficial. An interesting example is a human
getting super heroes no matter how much or how powerful that human gets its still a human, and
may be called a superhuman but human is still in that sentence. Its almost like we are trying to
tackle something that even Hollywood cannot tackle, because they always have to have even a
human side of emotion to a movie.
Point mutation was the first example given
The car was red. The red cat had one key.
The key has one eye and one tip. This is an example of not even what one word can do throwing
off the meaning but even just one letter can too. The car can change do something like caa rather
than cat too. So this is like playing telephone but instead playing for fun your basing it on the
entire idea of how human existence came to be.

Inversion mutation would be Yek eno dah rac der eht. The inversion is very hard to read

because the words are completely backwards.

The next type of mutation is Deletion mutations this can be the idea that
something is deleted or if there is a second subject and that subject is
deleted the first subject takes on the seconds subject meaning as well thus
changing the meaning. The example would be the sentience the pool was
blue. The pump was used before we swam. (Pool) The sentience still makes
sense but it is different than the original intensions.
Frame shift mutation is the last one mentioned is the errors become so bad
the errors actually produce new words.
The final argument is interesting because it is stated in scripture we were
perfectly and wonderfully made so because of perfection the DNA at the time
without Sin could not have mutations.
Overall my audience to teach this would be middle school because these
idea are heavy conceptionally but a person I believe can reach
understanding through example of sentences.
My question is every human perfectly and wonderfully made or was this only
possible before sin because sin created imperfections thus creating
Chapter 11 Where did the idea of millions of years come from

The study of Geology is explained to heavily determine that number.

Geology is explained to only been around according to this article for only
about 200 years. I thinking by pointing out the study is young weakens the
argument of millions of years because according to that logic the study is still
green and new.
Many people also discount the flood creating the fossils and the million years
belief not come to be just off one number but the number was constantly
increased until it reached one million or for others even possibly in a billion.
The article points out 1779 it was said 70000 years old the earth was, and
then an unpublished manuscript said 300000 years what a jump.
The theories also changed as well that the earth was like hot molton ball that
cooled. The crust chemical receding the ocean was the next theory. The
conclusion reached by the 1840 was the cooling of the earth was a natural
event by the earth naturally rather than fast event like a flood by God the
supernatural cause.
The days of creation came to be challenged as well as some believed the
days were more figurative.
My audience to teach this would be elementary because this belief is
foundational to understand the human hand is not the only hand on science.
The flood was not a natural gradual process but rather fast event by a
supernatural God of love and Justice.

How Should a Christian respond to gay marriage ch.15

This is addressed as a very difficult subject of many people the main
opposing argument used is homosexualality is not mentioned in the Bible but
it is mentioned in Leviticus 20:13 it actually talks about this "'If a man has sexual
relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They
are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.
Judging by the Bible a lot of people say this sin is not the worse but it seems to be not because its a
man with another man but rather it is classified as a sexual sin, and because it being a sexual sin it
is a sin directly against the body.
One of the arguments I really liked combated the idea of people become gay because of a
homosexual gene. The author explains And

would knowledge of such a gene make

right what Scripture clearly says is wrong?

I like this because the opposing persons main argument is based on what if,
and the author lets the person have their idea to say the gene does exist, but
ultimately if the scriptures speak against should a sudden human discovery
replace the value of eternal scripture. This is why we have to careful that we
do not put too much faith in science, because if that is only source the Bible
can be positively proved but just as much disapproved.
I do fear are acceptance for this because acceptance for homosexuality will
greatly increase. Its interesting because Men and Woman have roles with in a

marriage and the Men and woman think differently. Acceptance for gay
marriage eliminates one of the sides either side of the men or woman.
My audience would be all audiences because this idea of attributing sin to a
gene instead of saying the devil made me do it its like saying my genes made
me do it. We were all born into sin but that is not an excuse to sin

Does the Big bang theory fit with the Bible? Ch.10
It is explained from the beginning the Big Bang theory is a theory based one
million years ago. It comes from the belief of these gasses collapsed from
stars which cooled down as the earth expanded. The idea of earth made in 6
days compared to the earth came to be in a million years is highly different.
The Bible teaches something completely opposite from the teaching of the
Big Bang. The Bible says that earth was created before the stars and that trees were created
before the sun.1 However, the big-bang view teaches the exact opposite.
The future is explained different as well because it is explained the Big Bang teaches the earth
will run out of energy and eventually die. God on the contrary teaches the world will be judged
and remade. The bible ends excitingly with eternity while big bang ends sadingly with death.

The Big bang offers infinite range of values because it is expanding in which the Bible teaches
balance because the earth in Christianity was made by a perfect God. The idea of the earth
infinitely expanding seems to be the secular grasp for something like eternity which Christianity
teaches happens in the end.
Overall I would teach this concept to younger ages like elementary because having a basic grasp
of where came from is important, and not being able to have observed the creation of the world
leads to faith that science cannot provide, because science cannot answer where we came from. I
would teach this with explaining the question science cannot answer.

Why 66?
This deals with the consistency of scripture in all 66 books but yet offers different
perspectives. The books are made up of forty different writers. The bible was
overseen by God and because of this is believed to be without error. (This may also
see that way because God oversaw everything that would happen and because of a
perfect God the Bible is perfectly where it needed to be.)
The 66 books is known as the cannon. The goal explained was fixed in their number,

divine in their origin, and universal in their authority. The quote used was These are the
fountains of salvation, that whoever thirsts may be satisfied by the eloquence which is in
them. In them alone is set forth the doctrine of piety. Let no one add to them, nor take
anything from them.
The thing interesting was 1 and 2 Samuel and Ezra and Nehemiah, were

counted as one book included with in the number 66. The torah was
important to represent the law. The books need reflect and not contradict the
first five books known as the Torah. The council of Jamnia what not to decide
future books to be included but rather to examine books that already were.
The Dead Sea Scrolls and apocrypha were examples. Apocrypha contained
14 books. The Dead Sea Scrolls contained

The process is explained to be long because usually one scroll contained like
2 books at least. Evidence people did not want to quote the same course but
rather have multiple sources to prove validity.
Things determined book Apostolic, authentic, ancient accepted, accurate. 2nd
timothy 3:16.

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