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Unit Name: Poetry

Lesson #9
Name of Lesson: Part Two of The Highwayman
Goals and Objectives:
Goals: Students will be analyzing and identifying figurative language in poems.
Objectives: Students will be able to analyze and discuss major points of this particular poem
while citing evidence from the poem.
Materials and Tools:
Materials: Students will need their literature books, a piece of paper, and writing utensils.
Anticipatory Set:

The teacher will write out the daily lesson on the whiteboard and also write It is time to
look inward and begin asking yourself the big questions: Who are you and what do you
want? on the whiteboard.

Activity 1: D.O.L. Activity (15 minutes)

Activity 2: Time Machine

Students will turn to the correct page and listen to the part two recording of The

Students will take out a piece of paper after a quick discussion about the ending of the
poem. Students will then pick a character and write about how that character would react
in our own time period. Students will also need to cite a poem line or two about why they
think the character would act this way. At least five to seven complete sentences!

If some students finish early, the teacher will ask them to use the same piece of paper and
write down examples of similes and metaphors.

Closing: Exit Ticket

Students will put their name on the piece of paper and turn it in to their period basket or
to the teacher.
Reflective Assessment and Evaluation:

Evaluation and Assessment: The assessment will be what they write in their paragraphs and if the
students are able to locate similes and metaphors in the poem.
Troubleshooting: If students are disruptive, the teacher will first warn the students of increasing
homework, such as writing their own poem around the topic of their favorite hobby and the
figurative language handout 21-30.

Unit Name: Poetry

Lesson #10
Name of Lesson: Magnetic Poetry
Goals and Objectives:
Goals: Students will analyze and discuss a poem.
Objectives: Students will be able to analyze and create their own poem by using randomize
words from multiple poems.
Materials and Tools:
Materials: The teacher will need about ten envelopes with the words cut up and students will
need a piece of paper with writing utensils.
Anticipatory Set:

The teacher will write down the daily lesson on the whiteboard and will also write It
only ends once. Anything that happens before that is just progress on the whiteboard.

Activity 1: D.O.L. Activity (15 minutes)

Activity 2: Magnetic Poetry

The teacher will put students into groups of three or four and give them an envelope.
Remind the students that this assignment will need to be turned in at the end of class and

will be worth points.

Students will open the envelope, start creating a poem using the words they have in the

envelope, and write the new poem on a piece of paper.

If there is time, students will not only share their poem with the class but also hear the
original poem after everyone has completed the assignment.

If some students need something more challenging, ask the students to create a simile,
metaphor, or another figurative language term in the poem.

Closing: Exit Ticket

Students will turn in the assignment to the teacher or to the basket and will be reminded
that homework is to finish the term handout. Remind students that this assignment will be
a grade.
Reflective Assessment and Evaluation:

Evaluation and Assessment: The assessment will be the newly created poems that each group
will create in class.
Troubleshooting: Students will rearrange the poem twice if they finished earlier than the other

Unit Name: Poetry

Lesson #11
Name of Lesson: Classroom Poetry Collage
Goals and Objectives:
Goals: Students will be creating poems with the class.
Objectives: Students will analyze and discuss the process of creating a poem while using the
figurative language terms.

Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific

words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase

important to comprehension or expression. (7.L.6)

Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are
appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (6-8.WHST.4)
Materials and Tools:

Materials: Students will need their D.O.L. packet, writing utensils, and a piece of paper.
Anticipatory Set: (3 minutes)

The teacher will spend the first few minutes explaining both the quiz and the assignment

while quickly reviewing the figurative language terms.

Students will turn in the figurative language term handout into the class bin or to the

Activity 1: D.O.L. Quiz (8-10 minutes)

Students will complete page 38, section C and page 39, section B for the D.O.L. quiz.
After the students have finished the quiz, the student will exchange papers and correct
another persons quiz with the teacher going over the quiz.

Activity 2: Classroom Poems (15 minutes)

The students will have a choice with this assignment. Students can either complete the

three poems individually or can work on the poems as a class.

If students choose to work as a class, then there will be a few rules. For instance, students
must raise their hands in order to complete a line. The same students cannot keep giving
out lines for the poem. It is a group effort and everyone needs to participate. If students

are not offering their input, the teacher will start going down the rows.
Students will need to create 3 stanzas with 12 or more lines in each stanza. Also, each
poem needs 4 figurative language terms (metaphor, simile, alliteration, oxymoron, idiom,
rhyme, poetry patterns, onomatopoeia, or personification) and the students can choose
which term they would like to use.

Closing: (3 minutes)

The teacher will have a small discussion about what we did in class and how they liked
this activity. If there is a way to make this a little more challenging for the students. There
will be no homework for any of the classes.
Reflective Assessment and Evaluation:

Evaluation and Assessment: The assessment will be the review of figurative language terms
before the creation of the three poems. Also, how the students form the figurative language
examples will be an assessment of their progress.
Troubleshooting: This lesson is designed as a group activity, however it can be made into an
individualized lesson if students are being disruptive. Also, even though there is three topics
already does not mean the teacher cannot come up with more (Valentines Day, favorite hobby,
favorite childhood memory, etc.)

Unit Name: Poetry

Lesson- Tuesday 2/16
Name of Lesson: Review and Crossword
Goals and Objectives:
Goals: Students will review figurative language terms.
Objectives: Students will review figurative language terms and create a poem using the
crossword as a guide.
Materials and Tools:
Materials: Students will need a writing utensil, a piece of paper, and a crossword.
Anticipatory Set:

The teacher will write I'm not crazy. My reality is just different from yours on the
whiteboard and get ready for the class.

Activity 1: D.O.L. Activity (15 minutes)

Students will do the required pages and exercises for the D.O.L. packet.

Activity 2: Crossword (15 minutes)

The teacher will quickly review figurative language terms via small discussion and then
the teacher will hand out crosswords to the students. The rules for the crossword are
simple, the students need to find three figurative language terms and two topics or
random words. Then the students will write and include those terms in their poem. The
poems need to be at least sixteen lines.

Closing: Exit Ticket

Students will turn in their completed poems with their crossword attached, if some
students are not done, then it will be homework.

Reflective Assessment and Evaluation:

Evaluation and Assessment: The assessment will be their completed poems and how well they do
with the figurative language review.

Unit Name: Poetry

Lesson- Thursday 2/18
Name of Lesson: Partners Rhyme
Goals and Objectives:
Goals: Students will work on rhyming with other students.
Objectives: Students will watch a clip on two characters rhyming with each other and students
will have to do the same with their partner.
Materials and Tools:
Materials: Students will need an iPads, writing utensils, paper, and a computer.
Anticipatory Set:

The teacher will write Life is a winking light in the darkness on the whiteboard and
prepare for class.

Activity 1: D.O.L. Activity

Students will work on the required pages and exercises from the D.O.L. packet.

Activity 2: Partner Rhyming

Students will watch a short clip from The Princess Bride on YouTube with the two
characters rhyming with each other. The link is this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?

The students will be split into pairs, whoever they are closest too, and will pick a topic.
One students will say a sentence and write it down, then the other will have to rhyme the
last word. Whoever gets the farthest with the poem will win a prize. No one can use the
word orange in their sentence.

Activity 3: Kahoot Review

Students will play a new kahoot figurative language review game with the iPads and we

will continue this until either the class ends or after three or four rounds.
If there is still time left, they can complete the crossword.


Students will turn in their Partner Rhymes at the end of class.

Reflective Assessment and Evaluation:

Evaluation and Assessment: The assessment will be the D.O.L. packet and the rhyming exercise
as well as the kahoot review.

Unit Name: Poetry

Lesson- Wednesday 2/17
Name of Lesson: Elephant Activity
Goals and Objectives:
Goals: Students will read a poem and analyze the poem.
Objectives: Students will read and respond to the reading questions while analyzing the poem.
Materials and Tools:
Materials: Students will need their literature books and their D.O.L. packets.
Anticipatory Set:

The teacher will write The training is nothing! The will is everything! The will to act
by Ra's Al Ghul on the whiteboard.

Activity 1: D.O.L. Activity

Students will complete the required D.O.L. pages and exercises in class.

Activity 2: The Elephant Reading

Students will read the reading in the literature book and answer the following questions.
Students will also have a small discussion about the reading as a class.

Activity 3: Poetry Videos

Students will watch a few poetry videos and write a few sentences about each video

(what did they like, what did not make sense, etc.)
Also, the class will look over song lyrics and analyze the song by using figurative
language terms.


If students still have some time, they can finish their magnetic poetry and share with the
rest of the class.
Reflective Assessment and Evaluation:

Evaluation and Assessment: The assessment will be the reading questions, the D.O.L. packet,
and the analyzing of videos and songs.

Unit Name: Poetry

Lesson- Friday 2/19
Name of Lesson: Kahoot Review and Song Lyrics
Goals and Objectives:
Goals: Students will review and discuss figurative language terms.
Objectives: Students will analyze song lyrics for poetry devices and review figurative language
Materials and Tools:
Materials: Students will need an iPad, paper, writing utensils, and copies of song lyrics.
Anticipatory Set:

The teacher will write Your focus needs more focus on the whiteboard and prepare for
the day.

Activity 1: D.O.L. Activity

Students will complete the required pages and exercises in our D.O.L. packets.

Activity 2: Kahoot Review

Students will need iPads to do this activity and will be reviewing figurative language
terms and examples. Students will review at least three or four times before the class has
to move on. The first five top ranking will receive a prize.

Activity Three: Song Lyrics Continued

For the rest of the period, students will be listening and analyzing song lyrics while
looking for poetry devices in the songs.

Reflective Assessment and Evaluation:

Evaluation and Assessment: The assessment will be the D.O.L. and the kahoot review.

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