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Case Study-Type I Diabetes

Learning Activity

This case study will be used at the end of the class. A handout will be
presented to students along with some general questions regarding
the case including treatment plan. Signs and symptoms to recognize
etc. Class time will be spent reviewing content. Students will have
15 min to answer questions on their own and then handouts will be
collected and reviewed by instructor outside of class. After handouts
are collected an open discussion will open regarding the case studies
and questions on handout. This is open forum style and students are
expected to carry the conversation and are encouraged to participate
Cognitive (identify level): Remembering, Understanding, Applying,

Domain of Learning
(Blooms Taxonomy

Affective: Responds to Phenomena

Psychomotor: Guided Response

Student-Centered Learning At the completion of this learning activity, the learner will:
Student will describe the clinical
manifestations of diabetes mellitus- Type I
Student will discuss the role of nutrition and
exercise in management of diabetes mellitus
Student will identify the clinical
manifestations of acute and chronic
complications of diabetes mellitus
Student will be able to formulate a plan of
care for managing patients with diabetes
mellitus- Type I

Preparation Required by
Teacher/Facilitator and

Case Study needs to be written out in advance. For an in class

meeting with students, case study will be included at the end of the

Materials Needed

power point presentation. Handouts will also be included with case

study printed on and area for students to take notes

Time Allotted

30 min

Learning Styles Addressed

by Activity

Visual and Auditory

How is content connected to The majority of the class will be spent going over content regarding
prior learning?
Type I diabetes. Nearing the end of the class, A case study will be
presented which includes background information about a patient,
what type of medical history they have and the types of symptoms
they are having linking the diagnosis to Type I diabetes. We will then
discuss treatment management options as well as acute and chronic
symptoms that one should be aware of. This promotes an open
discussion with educator and peers.
Reflective Debriefing with An open discussion should be included with students regarding what
Learners (post-learning
they understood and areas that may need review. A pre class case
activity) How will it be
study on same content can be included within next class to offer a
review on content learned in previous class
Evaluation of Learning
(How will it be

Teacher Reflection

This can be evaluated by class participation. Students that are not as

engaged in activity may not have paid attention in class or
understand the content. Handouts can include some questions
regarding the case study and can be collected prior to an open to
discussion to review students thoughts. Students that miss major key
points may need additional review on topic to ensure that they are
understanding concept of disease process. Another case study can
used prior to start of next class to review and use as remediation tool

The use of this case study promotes student centered learning. The
discussion is led by students with the teacher being a resource.
(justify choice of learning Students are able to feed off of peers and work through case study
activity and good fit for together. Educators should be available to guide discussion as well
the identified learning as review answers and determine need for review regarding certain
concepts students may not be grasping.

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