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It is important for health and wellness professionals to be healthy psychologically,

physically,spiritually and emotionally,tobewhole and wellto care forothers.IfOneis
to trulybe a leaderof otherstheymust first follow their ownadvice.Man,mankind,isa
threepart being: spirit, souland body therefore,eachand every area is importantand
mustbe respected. AsI have referenced before, it's like theoldsaying"physician,heal
thyself." That alsoremindsmeof another pieceof wisdomfrommycurrentindustry.As
a flight attendant, every flight begins with a demonstration of our aircrafts safely
order to help others. The admonitionis soundanddefinitelyworthheeding. If I, asthe
care giver/advocate,amnotwholeandwell,Iamincapableofhelpingothers.WhetherI

With living life, comes opportunities fordailyimprovement.Whileitis my goalto beas

healthyas I canbe, there is alwaysroom for increased improvementinallareasoflife.
Right now, all areas could useanupgrade.WhileIamnotspirituallybankrupt, Iamina
deficit. Emotionally, Iam at sea level.Physically, Iamoperatingwith anearlybankrupt
body. Physically,I am taking stepstolosetheweight IknowIneed&desiretolose.My
eating is much improved,yetI knowI should be eatingmore (often).Iti challenging to
always find the appropriate time and right foods at the exacttimesI needthem.For
example, I might be working (flying) without access to prepare the quality meals
neededand/or it requires aninvestmentto afford the bestavailablefoodoptionsand
to keep themsafe while working.Theweightisnotgoinganywhereanditisextremely
frustrating. I recently discovered a physical abnormality, which I will soon be seeking
medical assistance for perhaps it can be a culprit in why I am unable to shake the
weight, despite doing all the right things to do so. Spiritually, I am in a deficit. I know
exactlywhatI should be doingandwhatIshouldnotbedoingand,Iamallowingsome
of those should nots to be current yeses in my life. Iknow fullywell how big, and full,
and expansive God's love and mercy is, and right now I am fully leaning on that
(knowledge). It is a bit too embarrassing to be as transparent and raw as I could be



Dictionary.com defines the word "assess," as

an estimate to determine the value of
(2014).So inapplyingthisdefinition,Iassessmyspiritual,psychological,emotionaland
physical health in light of determining the current values, against standard for optimal
living. In so doing, as I mentioned earlier, I have a lot of work to do. I know exactly
where mydeficiencies areand howto correctthem. Itis simplythat Iam choosing not

In no area (currently) could Itruthfully givemyselfanA, regrettably.Buttheimportant

thing is I know what to do to begin the adjustments that will ultimately produce the
change and stateI desire.Recently,IreceivedwhatIperceivedtobeahelpfulwarning,
because Godtruly loves meand does not want to be or causehurt.AlthoughIknowin
my head and heart thatmaking this necessary correction is right,itstillhurts todo so.
However, the alternative could have proven devastating and not merely for me, but



Spiritual goal: to pray effectively and with power. "The earnest (heartfelt, continued)
prayer ofarighteous manmakestremendous poweravailable[dynamicinitsworking]"
(James 05:16 Holy Bible). I know the blood of Jesus has made me righteous, butmy
choices are not 100%in linewith God'sword and I "feel"unrighteous and unworthyto
pray effectively & with dynamic power. Somygoal istoremovethecurrentdistractions
and remove the sin & weights that seek to easily beset me, so thatI can pray as the

Psychological/emotional goal: to continue keeping a goodrein on myemotions.I have

recently embraced lettingpeopleknow when I amdispleased,especiallythosewhoare
accurately share the "truth of my current feelings" with them. People are not mind
readers &itis unfair toexpect another toknowifcorrectionisneeded,ifIfailtosayso.
It is emotionally healthy for me not to keep things bottled inside, but to share, and

Physical goal: there are three major physical things that I NEED to accomplish. 1.
Determine whatis going on withmybody, the reason whymy menstrual cyclesareso
negatively erratic 2. Conquer the sugar obsession Enjoy desserts for the treats they
are, NOT because I feel I NEED something sweet to satisfy me 3. Whittle my waist,


Physical: daily walking, even if only15minutesof concentrated effort, theconsistency

will prove effectiveinlosingandkeepingofftheunwantedextraweight. Thishasbeena
practice in the past and, therefore a great one to begin & continue again. Also, as I
have begun learning about the dangers of visceral fat and the urgency to remove as
much excess weight from my abdomen area as possible, I have come up with a
strategy called "whittling the waist." It is a series of exercises: binds, twists, standing
crunches, and other moves that specifically target the waist & midsection with laser

Emotional/Psychological:making timefor selfcare&selflove,soIhaveanoverflowing

abundant supply to give and, ALWAYS remembering the brevityoflife,areminderto
smile, be kind & forgiving w/everyone, so I build up an abundant investment of

Spiritual: hear and heed the direction of The Holy Spirit, Who lives in me. God's word
clearly tells me that He is ready to supply with theanswers I needfor myappropriate
situation. I have the ability to avoid needless heartache & suffering if & when I am
obedient. I find myself thinking, if only I had followed my gut/my "first mind," I would
havebeen correct that "heeding" is the voiceof ThepreciousHolySpirit.Additionally,
simply Living in Gratitude! It costs me nothing to say please & thank you to God &

V. Commitment.

Continuing tousethe"values" model (referencedin section II) astheultimatestandard

of whole & healthy living, is the most effective way to evaluate my continued and
consistent commitment, to myself (first) and ultimately to all those whose lives I will

Thebeststrategies tofacilitatemycontinualcommitmenttowellness,arewell,justthat:
. Ultimately I am the ONLY person incompletecontrolof my health. So, I
mustfirst commitmenttomyself to keep myself whole andwell,because it isworththe
investment. Additionally, Aspen (my daughter) is such asourceof inspiration forme. I
desire to be healthy, wealthy & wise as I teach and enjoy this life with her, and any
additional children I am blessed to love and buildup. Caring for Ones self is NOT
selfish,in fact it isthemost selflessact Onecangive,especiallyparents,toinvestment
quality toolsintotheirhealth,sotheyarepresentandstrongtodrivethenextgeneration

Lifeis for the Living. Godhasblesseduswithsuchanamazinggiftitisonlyfittingthat

we showour gratitude andlove forHis gift.I intendto GoForthand

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