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DIOCESAN REVIEW BOARD f ) 65 Elliot Street ~ P.O, Box 1730 — Springfield, MA 01101-1730 a November 26, 2007 Most Rev. Timothy A. McDonnell Bishop of Springfield 76 Elliot Street P.O. Box 1730 Springfield, MA 01102-1730 Dear Bishop McDonnell Re: Fr, Paul Archambault On November 14, 2007, the Review Board met with Fr. Paul Archambault and his attomey, Dan Kelley. Texplained to Atty. Kelley a formal allegation had not been made and, therefore, the Board’s only purpose was to hear Fr, Paul's input on the e-mail reocived from Bemard Marshall, Ph.D. and David Armstrong, LICSW. [also stated that because this was not a formal allogation, I would not release the names of the complainants. Atty. Kelley indicated he already knew the names, and because this was nota formal procedure, Fr, Paul could speak for himself. ¥s, Paul then presented his version of the circumstances surrounding the incident in question. ‘The Board reminded him that, as he is now an ordained priest, he needs to be more mindfal of his behavior whether he is in or out of his clerics. Members also reminded him that he hed come before the Board once before, prior to his ordination, and also for inappropriate behavion Jn our discussion, members of the Board felt very strongly that Fr. Paul appears confused about his status as a priest and should be monitored by.a mature priest who would be a mentor to him regerding boundary violations, The Board also believes he needs to be More cognizant of the Diocese’s Code of Conduct and Policy. Sincerely, biecw L Apchs ‘Lois Lynch Chairperson, Pro‘Tem ce: Rev. Msgr, Richard , Sniezyk PA42

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