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Yoga and Ayurveda Give a Natural Glow to Your Skin


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The skin is one of the five sensory organs, which has the quality of touch. A person is able to find out hot and cold
temperature with the help of touch. It also purifies the blood. Skin is the third part to purify blood. Millions of glands of
skin purify the blood and the impurities go out of the body in the form of sweat and dirt through the skin pores.
Working throughout the day, hectic schedule and mental work causes wear and tear of the body. This tiredness mixes with
the blood. The skin glands purify the blood at that place and activate it.
Therefore skin should always be active and disease free. Accumulation of dirt or obstruction in sweat production leads to
skin ailments. It also obstructs blood circulation in that area. It can also lead to joint pain, knee pain, gout, and kidney and
lung diseases. Keeping the skin healthy and clean can prevent various diseases.

Nature Therapy for Glowing Skin

Keep the stomach clean and take bath everyday. Rub the whole body for five to seven minutes before taking bath and then
take bath with fresh water. Rub the body with a towel while taking bath. This removes dirt and dead skin and cleans the
Take bath with lukewarm water during winters. At first pour water on the head, this activates the skin. Wear loose and
comfortable clothes during summers. Sit under the sun for sometime after taking bath during the cold season.
Use soaps as less as possible, use it once or twice a week. Use body packs made with gram flour and myrobalan, ritha and
shikakai powder for hair. Alternately you can also use a paste of gram flour and multani mati for taking bath. Mix it nicely
and apply on the body, let it dry and then take bath. It prevents itching, dryness, boils, eruption, eczema and other skin
Do not apply powder on the skin after taking bath during summers as it blocks the skin pores and prevents purification of
blood. It is not beneficial for maintaining good and healthy skin.
Wear cotton clothes in all seasons. Nylon and other synthetic fiber is harmful for the skin and does not absorb sweat. The
undergarments should be especially made of cotton or hosiery material, avoid nylon and synthetic material for
Some people suffer from itching and irritation with woolen clothes in the winter season. In this case wear woolen clothes
over a cotton shirt or kurta. Use cotton and thin fabric during the summer season. Loose clothes are always comfortable.
Boil neem leaves and take bath with that water at least twice a week.

Ayurvedic Diet for Glowing Skin

Fasting is advisable at least once a week in order to keep the skin disease free, healthy and beautiful. Fruit diet and fruit
juice remove impurities from the blood and alkalinity. This helps in maintaining the skin at its normal condition. Patients of
chronic skin ailments should do fasting on plain water once a week. They should start solid diet once the impurities go out.
They should eat chapattis made with whole-wheat flour with green vegetables. Coarse meal and vegetables are also
beneficial. Vitamin A and C are beneficial for the skin. Take food that is rich in these vitamins.
Carrot juice, myrobalan juice, orange, pineapple, papaya, mango, lemon, cucumber, cabbage, spinach, other green
vegetables and salad are beneficial. Take sprouts, whole-wheat pulses, chapattis, curd (yoghurt), and cottage cheese for
Eat food only when you are hungry and eat slightly less than required. Sour chutneys, pickles, sweet and sour sauce and
fried things are harmful for the skin. In some skin diseases citrus fruits are prohibited.

Yogic Cure for Glowing Skin

Yoga increase the health of the skin and makes it active. First and foremost try to clear the stomach everyday. Try to
improve the condition of lungs, liver, kidneys and heart and this is possible only with yoga practice. Practice sutraneti and
jalaneti everyday. This opens the nose and purifies the blood. Learn these two yogic activities under the guidance of an
expert yoga teacher and then do it on your own.
Practice yogasanas in the morning in open air to keep the skin healthy.
Paschimottasana activates the digestive organs and digestion process.

It improves appetite and removes foul air and fecal matter. It is also helpful in destroying stomach worms, improves the
functioning of the liver, spleen and intestines. It cures kidney diseases. It improves the blood circulation and the body
becomes healthy. It gives natural glow to the face, strengthens the body, and brings in liveliness. This asana is also
beneficial in overcoming gout, backache, spinal problem, knee pain, thigh pain and calf muscle pain. It makes the spine
flexible. It strengthens the nerves of the spine and back. It is also very beneficial for the skin and improves its quality.
Ardhamatysendrasana should be practiced for overcoming diabetes and backache. It improves the health of internal organs
and helps in proper blood circulation around the nerves and veins spreading around the spine. It removes stomach
problems and makes the skin glowing, shining and soft.
Sputa vajrasana helps in overcoming constipation as regular practice contracts and expands the lower abdomen, and
thereby activates the large intestine. It removes constipation, navel imbalance and improves kidney functioning. This has a
positive impact on the health of the skin.
Shalabhasana overcomes all the problems arising in the lower part of the spine, backache, sciatica, etc. Pavanmuktasana
helps in removing the foreign particles from the body. It has a positive affect on the body, it is beneficial in stomach
diseases, windy complaints, gynecological problems, mild, painful and obstructed menstruation, and uterus related
problems. It is also beneficial for the patients of acidity, heart disease, gout and backache. It reduces extra fat from the
stomach, the above mentioned diseases are removed and the skin becomes healthy and gets a natural glow.
Uttanapadasana overcomes the stomach disorders and makes the body active and fresh. It sheds extra kilos from the
stomach, strengthens the intestines and improves the digestive system. It improves appetite and removes gastric trouble.
It is also helpful in curing chronic constipation; stomach disorders and makes the skin healthy. It maintains the navel
balance and functions properly.
Bhujangasana should be practiced to overcome spine and chest problems and attain proper development. It overcomes the
spinal tension and makes it flexible. Regular practice of this asana keeps the waist thin and expands the chest. It also
strengthens the tonsils and throat glands. It overcomes goiter and other throat diseases. It actives the nervous system,
strengthens the endocrine system and is beneficial in curing migraine. This asana improves the kidney functioning,
strengthens the stomach nerves, and overcomes fatigue, constipation, and increases digestive fire, as well as curing
gastric problems. This asana also strengthens the stomach muscles, intestines and lungs. It is beneficial in overcoming
night pollution and early ejaculation. It maintains the beauty in women and prevents aging. When these problems are
cured, the skin glows naturally and shines. Yoga and pranayama should be practiced regularly; they activate the skin
glands and maintains their good health. Practice shitali pranayama during summers and bhastrika and nadi shodhana
during winters. Antarik kumbhaka is also beneficial along with Kapalbhati.

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8 comments on "Yoga and Ayurveda Give a Natural Glow to Your Skin"

Sheila walsh says:


July 31, 2015 at 12:18 pm

So much wonderful information. ..many thanks



July 31, 2015 at 12:47 pm




July 31, 2015 at 1:45 pm

Very very useful and knowledgeable efforts by remedy spot.com. I heartily thank them for their great efforts.
Thank you.



July 31, 2015 at 1:47 pm

I think everyone should take advantage of the health tips.

Thank you.

Prakash Nair says:


July 31, 2015 at 3:39 pm

I am doing some of the aforementioned asanas every day and found very beneficial to me. I advise all should practice
above asanas every day. It is a great gift from ancient seers.

Satyamurthy.N says:


July 31, 2015 at 5:11 pm

The article published will be useful for everybody. Thanks .

V.Sukumar says:


July 31, 2015 at 11:41 pm

Sairam. Thank you Indiadivine.org and remedyspot.com for such a wonderful information on benefits of Yoga and
Ayurveda for keeping ourselves and all the Organs/parts inside the body healthy. Let this article be circulated on you site
every 15 days, as Good habits are learnt and adopted slowly, only by repeated listening/reading. Thank you once again.


A.Gnanaguru says:

August 1, 2015 at 4:22 am

very usefull message

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