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Complex Variables 6.

7 Integrals Involving Indented Contours

If integrands have singularities are on the real axis?

cos x
x 1 dx

More general on the contour ?

Use (for a simple pole)
and modify the contour appropriately.
THEOREM 6 Let f(z) have a simple pole at z0. An arc C0 of radius r is constructed using
z0 as its center. The arc subtends an angle at z0.

where the integration is done in the counterclockwise direction. (For a clockwise

integration, a factor of -1 is placed on the right).

Complex Variables
Laurent series about z0
g(z) is analytic at z0 and

Applying ML inequality for the second integral

(the function is bounded, so: g z M , and L = r) :
For the rest: z z0 re i ; dz iei d and

Now we can take care about the following integrals:

Complex Variables
DEFINITION Cauchy principal value of an integral containing a singularity

where f(x) is continuous for a x < p and p < x b and shrinks to zero through
positive values.

EXAMPLE 1 Find the Cauchy principal value of

1 x dx

Solution. By the definition


If BOTH DEFINITIONS of the Cauchy principal value are required:

If MORE POINTS of discontinuity:

Complex Variables
Indentation of contours

EXAMPLE 2 Find the Cauchy principal value of

Solution: Consider

cos3x x 1dx

ei 3 z z 1dz but with some modifications (indentations) in the

z 1

f ( z) ei 3 z z 1 has a simple pole at z =1. Now around the contour:

By Jordans lemma

Complex Variables
In the indentation of the contour
Now: r ;

z0 1

f ( z) ei 3 z z 1; z0 1;

i e3i
We can write

The Cauchy principal value:


For the EXAMPLE:

and more:

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