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Ryeann Steinhoff

Mr. Popescu
Virus Project
Phoenix, Arizona, The USA, North America

Dear Research and Medical Centers,

The patient said his name is John Davy, and that he
ate a cat. He said he ate the cat because he was so
hungry and that was when he realized he had hit
his low point. A nurse drew his blood but the blood
spilt and got all over several of the other doctors
and nurses. By the time they came back to draw
more blood he was coughing and started to vomit. I
assume from what he told me about his condition
and about the cat he started getting these
conditions two hours after digesting the cat. After
vomiting awhile he said that he had a sore throat,
that can happen when you vomit a lot so it didnt
seem like a big deal. He died less than 24 hours
after showing symptoms. That was last Thursday, I
was off work till Monday. When I came back a lot of
my co-workers died with the same symptoms as
the man, we are looking into it now but we believe
it was because of the homeless man who ate the

Doctor Sasha Kane

Chad, Africa

Dear Those Who Can Survive,

This viruses is my child, my love, my life. I have
spent all of my life creating it and perfecting it with
the help of my fellow colleagues. We all believe
that the world is sick and in order to heal it the
humans all need to die. Before we get too deep in
that subject I would like to explain the virus and
what it does. It has a sphere capsid shape with
DNA inside of it. It has no envelope to surround the
capsid. It has 5 outer proteins and they are short.
Those are all of the phenotypes though, the
genotypes are Cc for the capsid, Pp for how many
proteins, Ll for protein length, ee for the envelope,
and AA for the nucleic acid. The capsid, how many
proteins, and protein lengths are all heterozygous.
Whereas the envelope is homozygous recessive
and the nucleic acid is homozygous dominant. We
are starting the spread of the disease in Africa
because it has to be warm, we have scientist in
almost every continent trying to mutate the virus
so that it can survive in the cold. My greatest fear
is that the virus has to mutate on its own and that
they will find a cure before we wipe out the human
existence. We never tried to create a cure because
when the time comes we will all be the ones to

spread the disease ourselves. If you are reading

this I hope you understand that unless you found a
cure, you are what this planet needs, to live again.
My FInal Words,
Doctor Samuel Gregory
Update Report
My dear friend and brother Sam felt that it was
time and he injected himself with the virus and
infected several people who effected many others.
I have no doubt in my mind that we will rid the
earth of the sickness and big it new life. I cant wait
for the day when I can be a martyr for this world,
but my work here is not done. I am leaving Chad
and heading for North America in the morning
when I see if we are ready to launch the disease
there yet.
-Martin Gregory
Phoenix, Arizona, The USA, North America

Update Report
I am in Arizona where the virus is supposed to be
spread next but some colleagues of mine lost a lab
rat and it is believed to have escaped. If that isnt
bad enough there is a death count piling up of
people dying of symptoms of the virus. They
started doing x-rays on people and finally figured
out their brains are bleeding that's why they
officially started to call the virus Die Blutung

Gehirn, the bleeding brain in German. I have given

the okay for the scientist here to inject themselves
with the virus and for everyone else to go ahead
and spread the disease if it is hot enough for it to
survive. I am now leaving North America to visit
South America and hopefully have better results
-Martin Gregory
Dear Familia,
Life in Arizona has been so amazing! I am really happy to see you
soon but I am also sad to leave my host family behind. I am going
to miss learning about being a doctor by my host madre and I am
going to miss having soooo many siblings. I will be excited to
have my old room and get away from this scary sickness that
seems to be killing people. I think most of all I will miss all of my
new friends. I cant wait to see you guys soon! To think I leave to
come home tomorrow. :(
Love Your Darling Daughter,
Santiago, Chile, South America

Dear Mr. White,

I think I am finally on to something. So this flu
that is killing people is all over the news right now
in Arizona, and I found out a potential person who
may have been Patient Zero. So there was this
homeless guy right and he ate a cat according to
what the doctor told me. His name was John Dary
and he has no living family or any I can find, but of
course trying to be a journalist with my boss and

resources in New York while Im in Arizona is a little

hard. So anyway he was homeless and he started
to experience the symptoms of this thing after fully
digesting the cat. What Im thinking is that the cat
was infected or the cat ate something. But it gets
better, apparently a bunch of these scientist that
went into hiding after they announced their cult, or
something of that sort, and came out with the
disease and vomited on people and cut themselves
and bled on people. But still gets better apparently
there has been a case in Chile, a teenage girl
named Maria Garcia, who was in Arizona with her
host family and the mother is a doctor. The host
mom never got infected but Maria did and the
symptoms showed up on the plane. Then when the
plane landed she ended up infecting her whole
family. Something's going on here boss and I cant
go back to the States until I figure it out.
Wish me luck from Chile,
Stacy Goodwin
Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, Germany

Dear Survivors,
I fear there is no where in this world that is safe
from this virus. It used to just survive in the hot
climates I experimented on the disease myself and
figured out that the cold was its recessive gene
whereas the hot was its dominant, but now it is

something much greater. It has reached codominance. Its interesting how quickly the
ribosomes can transfer the virus. Looking back at
the disease its very interesting looking at the
different alleles, it could be protected but it's not. It
can have either RNA or DNA but it has DNA. Also
trying to decode it and figure it all out going
through DNA to mRNA to tRNA to amino acids, it
just makes me realize how beautiful and thought
out this virus was. Then the way the codons fit to
make perfect RNA and DNA its just stunning.
Maybe I have lost my mind talking about a disease
like this but who knows maybe it was already gone
before this. When you lose everything you love you
just cant help but sit in a room and cry, and when
that's done you just laugh until you think youre
sane. Thats how I got through it. So to you
survivor who wont understand my madness, I wish
the best of luck to you with all of your travels and
that you dont inject yourself with the virus like I
am going to.
My Hope to You,
Doctor Jackson Kane
Chad, Africa

Update Report
I promised my brother I would see his disease
through and I did, I know now that this is when I

should inject myself my the virus. Perhaps I will just

shoot myself instead. I miss my brother and joining
this cult was his idea, I just followed the older
brother. The virus was his not mine. I was the
science nerd though and he wouldnt have gotten
this far without me. They're all dead, every last one
of them. I know that's not true but it's a better
thought that imagining them out there not knowing
what to do. I assume most went crazy and killed
themselves before they could bleed in their head,
before the loneliness took over them and made
them insane. It's a better thought except for the
fact that I realized I am the one that caused it. I
think I would rather go the way my parents did, in
there sleep, long before this mess.
-Martin Gregory

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