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How to make your own questionnaire?

Making your own questionnaire

Making a questionnaire could be a lot of trouble,
however it could also be a lot of fun!
If you are going to create your own questionnaire you
should think of a couple of things before you are going
to make one.

1. What is your goal? For example if you want to

make a questionnaire to find out who wins a competition than your
questions should about this.
2. Figure out if you want to use open, closed (true/ false) or multiple
choice questions.
Multiple choice questions can be a bit difficult to create, however they are
easy to analyse. Open questions are easy to create however they are very
difficult to analyse. Closed questions can be a bit difficult to create but
they are easy to analyse. If you want to know my advice, I should create
closed and multiple choice questions because they are easier to analyse.
You also get the information you want to know. For example if you
create the following question: What do you think of this article? People
could give you a hundred different answers. But if you create the following
What do you think of this article
A) Very good
B) Good
C) Average
D) Bad
It is much easier to analyse the answers and you have made sure that
there are only four answers instead of a hundred.
3. Use a website to create your questionnaire. I almost always use
survey monkey because it is very user friendly. The website analyses
all the answers so you dont have to do anything. The website also gives
you statics. Filling in a questionnaire on a computer is very easy and you
will get the results immediately.
4. If you want people to fill in your questionnaire explain why it is
important that they do this. So if you make a questionnaire to find out
who wins a competition, explain to people that they decide who wins (by
filling in the questionnaire). People are more likely to fill in a questionnaire
if they believe that they contribute to something.
5. When you are done with your questionnaire check your spelling and
6. Give your questionnaire to two people. Do they understand it? If they dont
understand it than you should fine tune it a little bit more. Ask what they
did not understand and ask if they can give some advice.
7. Make sure enough people fill in your questionnaire. When you only have
two responds you cant do anything with the results.

8. How do you make sure people are going to fill in your questionnaire? For
example are you going to ask people to fill it in? Are you going to sent
9. Thank people for filling in your questionnaire. People like to feel
10.Last but not least try to have fun!

I hope you will think my tips are very useful.

Could you please respond to my question: Your advice on making a
questionnaire is:
A.) Very useful.
B.) Useful.
C.) Not very useful.
D.) Not useful.
Thanks for your time
Author: R. van Buuren

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