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Assessment Blueprint

This assessment blueprint explains the breakdown of why the students are taking this specific assessment by
addressing the items, the organization, the procedure of administering, and the process that will occur after the
assessment is finished.
Item Check
Each item on the assessment fall under the expectation of HSA.APR.B.3 Identify zeros of polynomials when
suitable factorizations are available, and use the zeros to construct a rough group of the functions defined by
the polynomial. Students will be identifying the zeros of a polynomial through the first process of constructing a
group of functions from factoring the polynomial. Each item is cleared by the 6 non-negotiable quality filters,
so they will be of better quality on the assessment. The following six elements are the nonnegotiable filters that
each questions are cleared by:
Clear Target
Content Match
Performance Match
Clear Language
One correct answer
o Multiple ways to get there
FOILS (N/A because my assessment has 0 multiple choice questions on it)
The assessment that will be given to the students follow the format of having students perform on ten problems.
With that said, there is more than 3 items that will gauge the proficiency of students within this content.
Students will be showing their answer through constructed response, so there is one correct-final answer but
there are multiple ways that students can get there. They are able to write a sentence, show algebraic work, or
draw a picture. The items that are given on this assessment all range within the cognitive demand of application.
Organization Check
The organization of this assessment is built around how important I view students work when they are
answering a problem. Each problem is broken up into a square where students will rewrite the problem, show
work, and give a response with his or her confidence level. The reason there are two questions per page is
because I value the work students will be putting into each question. I want to be able to retrieve data from their
work and provide feedback where it is needed. Students are able to answer the questions in whatever order they
need to. This will allow for them to feel comfortable with the order of the material and help scaffold their
learning, if needed. Students will also be writing out the question before they show their work, so that they are
able to see it in whatever way will help them process the work that needs to be done. The format of the test is
consistent with the same font and the same wording on each question. I have ordered the questions in such a
way that they are present in the timeline that we learned them in class.
*Disclaimer- There are two different formats of the test that affects the organization. The first test does not have
the questions written in and the other test will have the questions already written in the box for the students.
The test with the questions already written in will be for students that may have a problem with transferring the
question from on page to another.
Procedure for Administering the Assessment
There will be two forms of directions for the students to hear and also read. These directions state:
Please place all materials under your desk and out of sight
Have a pencil at your desk
Remember to keep your eyes on your own paper
I will be walking around, so please ask me any questions that may come up
Do your best work
At the top of the assessment are support questions
o Do not be afraid to use these questions to help you answer the 10 questions below
The 10 questions you will earn a grade will allow me to learn how you are learning

In the box you will rewrite the question and show your work
Please box your answer in
You may do the work in any order, you just have to label what question you are working on
Your work is worth one point and the correct answer is one point
There are multiple ways to show work with:
o Writing a sentence
o Showing algebraic work
o Drawing a picture
Tell me how confident you are from the scale
o 3= Highly confident (put me on jeopardy and let me answer it for $1000)
o 2= Slightly confident (I may need to phone a friend)
o 1= No confidence (I could draw you a picture of an animal and it would mean the same)
o This answer is kept confidential and it is only for my eyes
Is there any question before I release you to take the test?
On the test, there is a portion of questions that are given for support and students do not have to do them. The
directions that come forth on these questions, read:
For review and support (not put into the final grade)
These answers can be written on the back of the second answer page
The process for taking an assessment like this one is not a new activity for the students. The directions will be
read allowed before students are allowed to use their pencil, so that everyone is aware of what is expected of
them. The students will be aware of the test that is occurring before they come into the classroom that day.
Students who have permission to work at an individual desk, discussed before hand, will go directly to their
spot. During the test, students will only be allowed to talk if they raise their hand I approach them. They are not
to leave their seat to ask a question. Students know of the routine after assessments are given. Students are
allowed to listen to music on their Ipads with headphones and have to be working on academic work from other
classes or my class. The materials students need should already be in the classroom, as they are not allowed to
leave the room for the whole hour.
The structure of this process allows for the best testing environment for all students. There is differentiation
present with reading the direction, hearing the directions, some students will receive the questions already in the
box, while others will have to write it themselves, and students are able to do their work in whatever order they
need to help their learning.
Clear Process
Consistent/concise steps for grading:
The students assessments will be graded in two sections of work and the answer. Each question will be graded
as one unit but with two different scores because of the data each element provides. With the work that each
student gives, I will give feedback on what went well and what did not go well. If they earned the point for their
work/explanation, it will be to the right of the question with a w-1 or if they did not receive the point it will
show as w-0. Students will earn 1 point if they provide the correct answer to the question from the work they
provided before it. If the student earns the point there will be a A-1 on the right of the problem and if they did
not receive the point, there will be a A-0 to the right of the problem. On the top of the assessment the student
will earn two grades by their points. There is a teacher-only section on the assessment with two denominators of
10. The student, parent, and myself will see where they are on a proficiency level in both areas by the score. The
assessment is not out of 20, but the assessment is graded by 2 sections of 10. This will be communicated to the
students the day before the test. I will explain that in the grade book, both scores will be recorded and I will
write under each score if they are proficient within the work and the answer.
Gathering Data:
As noted before, I will be gathering two scores from each of the students assessments. The score will be an
individual quantitative score to the different elements of work shown and the correct answer. In my gradebook

both of the scores will be recorded as separate data inputs. Since I am working with a grade system that works
with the students compilation of points, both sets of points will be added to the summation. This data may not
be final, if by an individualized case a student needs to redo some of the work. There is one bonus question on
the test that will project the students critical thinking skills within this unit. The bonus question is a projection
for the level of understanding for the next set of material the students will be learning.
Communicating Data:
The students will be given their assessments back when all tests are graded. Before the tests are handed back,
students will be reminded of the two scores on the top of their assessment. The one score is for the style and
application of work they gave to each problem and the other score is a tally score of how many correct answers
they had. Parents will see this assessment score in the specific students progress report and report card. The
score will be implemented into the summation of the students scores throughout the year. If the parent is
interested in looking at single assessment(s) for grades, I will have this assessment in file to show parents the
break up the students understanding. I will use the data from the assessment to help create groups for the next
unit and also use the scores to see if I need to set up meetings with different individuals. A meeting will occur if
a student scores less than 6 on one or more of the sections. From this meeting we will decide if students need to
redo the test or if there is another method to help them learn the material and show their mastery level.

Directions for Assessment

Directions to be read to the students before releasing them to take the assessment:

Please place all materials under your desk and out of sight
Have a pencil at your desk
Remember to keep your eyes on your own paper
I will be walking around, so please ask me any questions that may come up
Do your best work/ you have been practicing and performing with this stuff for a long time now
At the top of the assessment are support questions
o Do not be afraid to use these questions to help you answer the 10 questions below
The 10 questions you will earn a grade will allow me to learn how you are learning
There is a box for you to rewrite the question and to show your work
Your work is worth one point and the correct answer is one point
There are multiple ways to show work with:
o Writing a sentence
o Showing algebraic work
o Drawing a picture
Tell me how confident you are from the scale
o 3= Highly confident (put me on jeopardy and let me answer it for $1000)
o 2= Slightly confident (I may need to phone a friend)
o 1= No confidence (I could draw you a picture of an animal and it would mean the same)
o This answer is kept confidential and it is only for my eyes
Is there any question before I release you to take the test?

Assessment Blueprint

Item #


Possible Work


HSA.APR.B.3 Identify zeros of

polynomials when suitable
factorizations are available, and
use the zeros to construct a rough
group of the functions defined by
the polynomial.




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^ same




^ same




^ same




^ same




^ same




^ same





^ same




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