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Economics is 100% Art.

People use science and

math to study it, but the root of economics is the
art of trading. Everything boils down to what two
parties agree a fair price should be for something.
It is a bit of both based on mathematics and
psychology for the purpose of distribution of
resources. Like any science it does get deeper the
more you study it.
economics is the study of how people manage
scarce economic resources in their daily routine of
living in a society. In other words, economics
concerns the decisions we make in the face of
So, it should be obvious by now that economics
has its roots in both art and science, and that any
categorical assignment to either art or science
would be incorrect (especially since the factors
laid out above are but a drop in the ocean). This is
probably why we have all taken the easy way out.
Today, we categorise economics as a social

Economics is both a science, in that it has

recognizable rules and we understand some basic
principles, and is also an art, in that we cannot
know all of the factors impacting individuals, so
with change in policy, there is an element of
uncertainty to the outcome. Also, because we are
dealing with human behavior, we cannot
accurately predict how all individuals will respond.
So, while economics is a science, whose principles
can be described through mathematics and whose
results can be predicted with some level of
confidence, it is not deterministic, and the element
of uncertainty makes economics an art.

Art is the creativity in finding ways to

Science because you are dealing with
measurable quantities - prices, quantities,
unemployement. Art because there might
be more than one way to explain
relationships between these quantities, and

you have to choose between them using

intuition rather than logic.

productive efficiency is measured both

quantitatively (amount of items
produced) and qualitatively (usefulness
of items produced).
Yes, economics - the real economics - is science. It
has it's own methods and laws.

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