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Dear Families,

We have a busy week ahead. Thank you for those of you that
are encouraging your child to complete their reading journal
homework. I am loving getting to peek into your childs reading life.
Dont forget about our Green Team Challenge. Some of you have
already turned your slips in, way to go! This week we are focusing
on Habit number 3- Put First Things First. Help your child to
remember to work first, then there will be time for play.
*Be on the lookout for Field Trip information in the next couple of
weeks. The date is May 17 We will be going to Clinton Sease
Farms to learn about plants.
*Boosterthon starts this week
Related Arts:
Monday-P.E. Tuesday-Music, Wednesday-Art, Thursday- P.E., FridayTheater, Next Monday-Art
We will be working on:
Reading: Compare and Contrast two texts, Authors choice of words,
Authors Purpose, Connecting with the Characters in a story
Writing: Writing Fiction Stories
Science: Plants-what plants need to grow, plant parts
Social Studies: Government and their functions
Math: 2D and 3D shapes, word problems, shape names and

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