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Saint Josephs University

Pennsylvania Standards Aligned System
Lesson Plan Format
Candidates Name: Molly Aiello
Course: SPE 739 Student Teaching
Date: 1/22/16
Subject: Math / Life Skills
Duration: 30 minutes- Push-In TOD Session Grade Level: 1st Grade Classroom (21 children)
Lesson Topic: Analog Clocks
1. Big Idea(s) and Related Essential Question(s)
a. Big Idea: When looking at an analog clock, students will be able to identify the
time (hours and minutes) accurately.
b. Question: Why does a clock have two hands?
c. Question: What is the purpose of the short hand?
d. Question: What is the purpose of the long hand?
2. Instructional Objectives:
a. Students will identify the visual difference between the minute and hour hand.
b. Students will identify that the numbers on the clock can represent both hours and
c. Students will be able to tell time in a five minute intervals.
d. Students will understand that as time moves past the hour, the hour hand moves
further away from the current hour. (For example, at 12:45, the hour hand will be
closer to the 1 than the 12.)
e. Students will be able to count by 5s from zero up to sixty.
3. Related Academic Standards: Common Core and/or PA Standards:
a. NYS P12: Common Core Learning Standards for Math: 1st Grade:
Measurement & Data: Tell and Write Time: 3. Tell and write time in hours and
half-hours using analog and digital clocks
b. NYS P12: Common Core Learning Standards for Math: 1st Grade: Number
& Operations in Base Ten: Extend the counting sequence: 1. Count to 120,
starting at any number less than 120. In this range, read and write numerals and
represent a number of objects with a written numeral
4. Vocabulary:
a. Time
b. OClock
c. Minute Hand
d. Hour Hand
e. Half past
f. Quarter After
g. Quarter to
h. Analogue
i. Clock


j. Digital
5. Materials/Resources:
a. Analog Clock I Have/You Have Card Game (Appendix A)
b. Big Analogue Clock Model
c. Telling Time For Children Learning Clock Youtube Video by Math &
Learning Videos 4 Kids, published December 8, 2012
d. Smart Board
e. Dry Erase Markers
6. Instructional Procedures:
a. Introduction: As an introduction to reading time on analog clocks, the TOD will
show the video, Telling Time For Children- Learning Clock on the smart board.
b. Developmental Activities: After the video, the students will participate in a
classroom discussion about analog clocks. The teacher will discuss the purpose of
a clock having two hands, the difference between minutes and hours, and practice
counting by fives. The TOD will ask many questions and allow students to
participate in the discussion while learning from their peers and teachers. Before
the teacher introduces the Analogue Clock card game, the teacher will review the
concept of counting by 5s. As a class, the students and teacher will count by
5s, from zero to sixty. Next the teacher will pull out the Analog clock model.
The TOD will explicitly teach how to read an analog clock, specifically modeling
how a clocks hands move and how counting by fives can help children read time.
c. Closure Activity: Once the classroom of children understand how to tell time,
the TOD will introduce the game. Each student will receive an I have/ You
Have card. Each card includes two clocks. Before the game starts, students will
be asked to look over their card and make sure they can read the times on both
clocks. Once all children are ready, the game will begin. The TOD will read off
the first card I have 1:30, You have 7:15. The student who has a clock card that
reads I have 7:15 will raise his/her hand and read their card. The game
continues until all cards have been read and the Teacher raises her hand and reads
the last card, I have 10:30, the end. At this point, the teacher should ask, Did
everyone get a chance to read their card? If the answer is yes, then the children
won the game. If someone was skipped, then there was a mistake somewhere
within the game. Count up the number of cards skipped, and then try again as a
class team to decrease that mistake number. The goal is to make it through the
game without any mistakes.
7. Addressing Learners Diverse Needs:
a. To access auditory information from her classroom peers, student O will ask her
peers to pass around a wireless handheld FM transmitter microphone while they
are participating in the classroom discussion about analog clocks and while they
are all playing the clock card game.


b. Student O will use her hearing aids to better access the lesson.
c. Student O will use an FM system transmitter and reviver to have a more clear
access to the teachers voice. The teacher will wear/use the FM transmitter
microphone and speak clearly. The student will wear FM receiver attachments on
her hearing aids to receive the FM sound of the teachers voice.
d. If needed, student O will be reminded to attach her FM receivers.
e. Student O will wear glasses to see clearly.
f. Student O will receive her TOD sessions in a quiet place to assure access to
g. When possible, student O will receive instruction in a small group or individual
h. Student O will use repetition and practice to master a new skill due to her learning
i. Staff will allow extra processing time for student O to understand material being
j. During the Telling Time Video, the teachers FM transmitter will be placed near
the speaker of the smart board to permit access to the videos sound.
8. Formative/Summative Assessment:
a. Formative Assessment: Staff will use planned observation and surveying of the
students ability, in addition to planned and spontaneous questions in the
vocabulary discussion. Staff will observe the student Os responses and
participation in the analog clock discussion. Staff will make a mental note of the
students prior knowledge of the vocabulary words and post knowledge of the
vocabulary word meanings. At the end of the lesson, the teacher will document in
their daily progress notes, the observed behavior, knowledge, and success of the
lesson for the student. The teacher will specifically identify specific areas in need
of improvement or more assistance.
b. Summative Assessment: Student O will participate in the Analog Clock card
game. Student O will be given graded based on her use of self-advocacy skills,
peer interactions, and the correct identification of the Analog Clock cards.
9. Reflection on Planning/Instruction:
a. Data analysis will be conducted based on students past performance
b. If needed, re-teaching will be used to make sure the student is mastering the
content material (as applicable)

Appendix A


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