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Amanda Joosten

Edu 504
2nd grade- Compare and contrast

Professor Salvato
Instructional Objective

After reading The True Story of the Three Little Pigs as a class and participating in a group
Venn diagram, students will be able to fill out a Venn diagram on their own and understand the
differences and similarities between the two stories.
Standards and indicators
Acknowledge differences in the points of view of characters, including by speaking in a different
voice for each character when reading dialogue aloud.
Use information gained from the illustrations and words in a print or digital text to demonstrate
understanding of its characters, setting, or plot.
Compare and contrast two or more versions of the same story (e.g., Cinderella stories) by
different authors or from different cultures.
A do now will be given asking the children if they believe that there is always two sides to
every story, and if they have ever experienced this in their own life.

Book The True story about the three Little Pigs

2 Hula hoops

Do now activity
Convergent and Divergent questions
Venn diagram activity
Independent practice

The student who is an English Language Learner will be give the vocabulary for the
The student who struggles taking notes will be given a copy of the notes.

Differentiation of instruction

The child who struggles with writing will be paired with students who thrive in writing.
The child who excels will be given the opportunity to write their own compare and
contrast statement.
Developmental Procedures

Students will listen to a reading of The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. The students will be
split up into three groups and be given post-its and a marker. Each team will be assigned to
describe the story of the original Three Little Pigs, The True Story of the Three Little Pigs or
will be asked to describe the similarities between both of the stories. Once each group is done
they will go up to the board and place their post-it in the correct circle of the Venn diagram. The
Venn diagram is taped on the board made out of the hula-hoops.
After the interactive Venn diagram, children will go back to their seats and fill out a Venn
diagram of their own comparing the original Three Little Pigs and The Truth about the Three
Little Pigs.
Independent Practice
After practicing Venn diagrams, children will make a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting
their two favorite characters.
Follow up
Academic Intervention
Students will work in a small group with the teacher reinforcing Venn diagrams by
comparing and contrasting two animals.
Academic Enrichment
Students will work independently creating their own Venn diagram trying to think of two
things that have nothing in common.
Teacher Reference

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