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Causes of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder

The Cause of Bipolar disorder is still

unknown to the medical community.
However there are factors that are
suspected to be involved.

When to get emergency help

Biological Differences evidence that
people with bipolar disorder is based
off physical changes in their brain

Neurotransmitters neurochemical
imbalances occur naturally in those
with bipolar disorder.

Inherited Traits the leading cause of

bipolar disorder is typically linked with
a first-degree relative.

Suicidal thoughts and behavior are common

among people with bipolar disorder. If you
think you may hurt yourself or attempt
suicide, call 911 or your local emergency
number immediately.
Also consider these options:

Reach out to a close friend or loved one.

Contact a minister, spiritual leader or
someone in your faith community.
Call a suicide hotline number in the
United States, call the National Suicide
Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK
(800-273-8255) to reach a trained
counselor. Use that same number and
press 1 to reach the Veterans Crisis Line.

By Grayson Grimes and Gabbie Gomez

Bipolar disorder, causes extreme
mood swings that include extreme
emotional highs (mania) as well as
extreme lows
Mood swings
can occur as
infrequently as a
couple times a
year, or as
common as several times a week.

*One has experienced a Manic
episode before.
*The Manic episode is followed
by an extreme depressive
*These episodes cause significant
impairment to ones life


Risk Factors
Factors that induce bipolar disorder or
may trigger an episode

Medications may include:

Mood stabilizers




Anti-anxiety medication

Having a first degree relative with

bipolar disorder.

High stress

Alcohol or drug abuse

Traumatic Experiences

More Information
It is common that Bipolar Disorder is
accompanied by other health conditions.
It is important to treat other health
conditions for they may worsen the
preexisting bipolar disorder or make
treatment less successful.

Treatment should be, depending on your
needs, guided help by a psychiatrist that
is familiar with bipolar disorder and
familiar with similar disorders. Other
treatment may include psychologist ,
social worker, and psychiatric nurse.
Typical treatment also includes frequent
intake of medication until symptoms are
under control. Bipolar disorder requires
life long treatment .

In order to more easier live and cope with
bipolar disorder, it is best to have strategies
though help. Here are just a few that can
make a big difference:

Learn more about bipolar disorder

Stay focused on your goals

Join a support group

Find healthy outlets

Learn ways to manage your stress

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