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Name: Neerja Yadav-Dulalchan

Date: Friday 18th, September, 2015

Topic: My first field day

ID#: 04729122
Location: Iere High School

Journal Entry #6
Wow what a day! After more than two hours in traffic due to an accident, I arrived late
for my first field day at Iere High School. Luckily, I was the last of three teachers to teach that
day so I didnt miss my allocated form four class. Prior to this day I wondered how I would be
received by the children and if they would be participative in class as I had never taught another
group of students before. I also had to change my original lesson plan at the last minute because
the teacher at the school hadnt reached the lesson that I had planned. Aside from the different
challenges that I had faced, I was able to collect myself and deliver a lesson on Excretion.
I started with a One of these things doesnt belong activity which was effective in
gaining students attention. It also allowed me to ascertain their prior knowledge on Excretion. At
first, most students were apprehensive about answering questions but as the lesson went along,
they warmed up to me as I tried to be open and didnt dismiss their responses although some may
not have been correct. This particular topic contained a lot of straight facts that needed to be
learned, so I used a concept map which summarized the points and made it clear to see how the
vast amounts of information were related and gave a fill in the blank evaluation so note taking
would be minimized. I also was able to incorporate many real life examples to which students
could relate. After the lesson, I felt that I had done my best, but still felt that the class could have
been more engaging and had more fun activities.
My colleagues and tutors had all liked the idea of the concept map, my questioning, use
of real life examples and ability to break- down complex concepts. Although my comments were

mostly positive, I knew that something was missing from my lesson as I honestly find it was
boring at times. I know that I can improve by finding more ways to engage students and by
adopting less direct teaching. I am yet to find such a strategy that would take my lesson from
average to excellent; however I am hopeful that in time I would be able to use all that I have
learnt and incorporate many strategies that can produce the positive outcomes that I want in my

It actually was a very good lesson. Well organised and able to achieve its objectives. Thinking
outside the box is a challenge when you are as organised and structured as you are, but it is
interesting that you began to challenge yourself from so early. The sign of the true professional.

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