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September 22, 2015

To Whom It May Concern:

It is with great pleasure that I write this letter of recommendation for Sierra Butler. For the past four
years, I have been acquainted with Sierra, as a student in my Fashion Design, Clothing and Textiles I and
II and my ROP Creative Design and Merchandising class at Merced High School. As a student, Sierra has
demonstrated many qualities that will enable her to be successful. She is attentive and follows directions.
She completes all her assignments in a timely manner. She work well on both individual and group
projects, working effectively and cooperatively with fellow students. Her work ethics are of an exceptional
quality including responsible behavior and trustworthiness.
At Merced High School Sierra is maintaining a 3.5 grade point average. She demonstrates a great deal of
natural creative ability. When given a project they are well organized, very creative and always
demonstrate mastery of every task presented to her. It is my observation that Sierra always conducts
herself in a professional manner, performing her duties with the utmost efficiency and ability.
Her goal after graduating from high school is to attend The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising
in Los Angeles, where she plans on majoring in Fashion Design and obtain her Bachelor of Science
degree in Design and Business Marketing. I believe Sierra has the determination and good work habits
that will enable her to succeed as she continues her education and is working towards her future career
goal in the fashion industry.
Sierra has participated in the career technical student organization FHA-HERO: The California Affiliate of
Family Careers and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA). During her freshman year she participated
as an active member. Her sophomore year she enter the Competitive Recognition Event placing 4th at
State Competition in Riverside, California. Last year as a junior she participated in the Recycled Fashion
Show Event at State in Fresno, California. Sierra has also served as Vice President her junior year and is
currently serving as President for the Merced FHA-HERO chapter her senior year where she is acquiring
the skills so necessary to become an outstanding leader.
It is without hesitation that I recommend Sierra Butler to you and I am confident that she will be
successful in a competitive college program. She possesses the qualities necessary for
excellence in the fashion profession and has my wholehearted support. If I can provide further
information, please do not hesitate to contact me at (209) 381-4576, cell (209) 631-3164 or

Donna Acheson
Merced County Office of Education
Foundations in Early Educations, Teacher

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