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Essay Outline:

A. Introduction
1. Does alcohol consumption minimize athletic performance in athletes?
2. Will the consumption before or after an event effect the performance in an
3. Strength before and after alcohol consumption, research conducted, health




affects during consumption, research results

Strength before alcohol consumption
1. Strength before consumption
2. Strength after consumption
3. Results
Research conducted
1. Specific types of research
2. Number of people used
3. Results
Health Affects
1. Affects on Health
2. Pros
3. Cons
Research Results
1. Data collected
1. Does alcohol really affect athletic performance.



February 11

Topic Proposal

February 15

Establish Sources

February 17

Establish next sources

February 19

Establish next sources

February 21


February 24

Complete introduction

February 26

Complete body

February 28

Complete body

March 3

Complete Subheadings

March 9

Complete Conclusion

March 12

Finish Draft

Topic Proposal:
Will the consumption of alcoholic beverages minimize performance in athletes?
Will alcoholic beverages affect muscle performance in athletes since many athletes say
they are sweating out all of the alcohol consumed previously? Many athletes find
themselves in alcoholic consumption in situation whether it is a few drinks after a victory
or loss with teammates or just consumption recreationally with friends and family. In
many instances the athlete may say it does not matter that they are drinking since they
think that they will sweat out all of the alcohol consumed before practice or after practice.
To my knowledge alcohol will minimize an athletes muscle performance no matter what.

Nutrition does state that alcohol has an energy value of 7 grams per fat. So will that help
give you an opportunity to possibly increase your game or recover faster as an athlete?
Consumption of alcohol can minimize the possible chances your muscle may
have for strength retention. Although alcohol does provide an amount of energy, does the
energy obtained by the alcohol provide the sufficient amount of energy to not hit the
phase in your body people know as burning out? May these things vary whether the
consumption of the alcohol may be before or after the performance? Days in between the
consumption of alcohol may have an effect on how the alcohol will be processed through
your body. Also the possible health problems that can be brought up upon the body
whether it can be from superficial injuries occurred from drinking or injuries which occur
deep in the body to vital organs or functioning parts of your body.

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