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BY SARAVANAN.C (919688798896)

To Display Exam Question

Crack root password

Set hostname

Set IP Address

yum repo

SELinux Enforcing

Cracking root password

use ctl+alt+del in send keys tab in virtual server m/c
when grub displays press tab key to freeze .Press e to edit grub

new password:
confirm password:
sh] touch /autorelabel

search for Linux16 string and press end key and add this line

rd.break console=tty
press ctl+x to save and restart
#root: mount -o remount,rw /sysroot
#chroot /sysroot/
sh] passwd


Setting hostname
Setting hostname
#hostname (or) #cat /etc/hostname
displays the current hostname
Change host temporarily
#host newhostname
change host permanently
#hostctl set-hostname newhostname

Setting hostname using nmtui


Setting IP Address
Using nmcli

Activate connection

Setting IP

#nmcli device status

#nmcli connection up con-name

Can be in 3 ways

adding connection

Restart network

#nmcli connection.add con-name as ifname etho

type ethernet ip4 gw4

#systemctl restart network

Network Manager (GUI)


To check
set dns

Using Network Manager

#nmcli connection modify as ip4.dns

Go to right top where network manager icon and set

ip,dns and gateway address from the question

manual assign

Using nmtui

#nmcli connection modify as ip4.method manual


Set auto connect

Set the values for ip,dns,gateway

#nmcli connection modify as connection.

autoconnect yes

#cat /etc/resolv.conf

Setting yum repo and SElinux

Setting yum repo
#cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
#vim myown.repo
baseurl=paste the url from the question
#yum clean all
#yum repolist all
#yum install any package to check if its installing from our own repo

Set SELinux Permission

#vim /etc/sysconfig/selinux
change the line selinux=premissive

1 . swap partition
#fdisk -l


#fdisk /dev/vda

default(first sector)

P - print the list of pratitions

default(last sector) +100M

n - create new partition

e or p (extended or primary)

l: 82 ( linux swap type)


:p (to print the partitions)

default(first sector)

:w (to save the changes)

default(last sector)

#partprobe (intimate to kernel)

#mkswap /dev/vda2
#mkdir /test
#vim /etc/fstab
/dev/vda2 /test swap swap defaults 0 0
#swapon -a
#mount -a
#df -h
/dev/vda2 /test


2 . user, group creation with permissions

User creation with UID

# date -d +1month

Setting permission for file or folder

#useradd -u 2323 ashwin

# usermod -e YYYY-MM-DD ashwin

#chmod u-x,g-x,o-x /file or /folder

#passwd ashwin

or # chage -E YYYY-MM-DD ashwin

removes execute permission to all

#cat /etc/passwd

# chage -l ashwin

#setfacl -m u:ashwin: 0 /file or /folder/

User creation with no login shell

Group creation and adding user

removes read/write for user ashwin

#useradd -s /bin/nologin kaviya

#groudadd sysmanager

#chmod g+rwx,o= /file or folder

#passwd kaviya

#chgrp sysmanager ashwin

others dont have permission to read,write

#su - kayiva

Adding to user when creating user

#chmod g+s /file or folder

Not allowed

#useradd -G sysmanager ashwin

files will be created in group ownership


3 . Crontab
Set cronjon for user to /bin/echo string at h:m

Deny Cron for specific user

#crontab -e -u username

#vim /etc/cron.deny

m h * * * /bin/echo "string"


#systemctl restart crond.service

#su - username

#crontab -e -u ashwin


This program is not allowed

4 . find grep copy command combined & collaborative directory

Creating Collaborative directory

Locate files of user and copy to to some path
#mkdir -p /a/b
#find / -user ashwin -exec cp -a {}/file path \;
#chgrp sysmanager /a/b
Note: If path doesnt exists create using mkdir
#chmod g+rw,o= /a/b
Find string in all file and copy to some path
#grep "string" /source > /destination path

#chmod 770 /a/b
sets read,write to group sysmanger and other no
permission to access /a/b
#chmod g+s /a/b
sets group permission automatically when files created
in that directory

5 . LDAP

Setting LDAP
#yum install authconfig-gtk* ssd* krb5* -y

#yum install autofs* -y

#systemctl restart autofs
#systemctl enable autofs
#vim /etc/auto.master

Set all the values from question

/rhome /etc/auto.misc

#getent passwd ldauserx( x denotes station

You can see details about ldapuserx

#vim /etc/auto.misc
ldapuserx -rw,sync,nfvers=3 servername:/rhome/ldapuserx
#systemctl restart autofs
#systemctl enable autofs
#su - ldapuserx #ls

#cd ldapuserx

6 . LVM
LVM reduce

LVM Increase



#vim /etc/fstab

#vim /etc/fstab

#umount /dev/vgname/vo

#umount /dev/vgname

#e2fsck -f /dev/vgname/vo

#e2fsck -f /dev/vgname

#resize2fs -p* /dev/vgname/vo 120M

#lvextend -L 120M /dev/vgname

#lvreduce -L 120M /dev/vgname/vo

#resize2fs -p /dev/

#mount /dev/vgname

#mount /dev/vgname



#df -h

#df -h

7 . LVM creation
Convert volume to filesystem
Creating physical volume

#fdisk -l


#pvcreate /dev/vdb4

#fdisk /dev/vda

default(first sector)

Creating volume group

P - print the list of pratitions

default(last sector) +100M

n - create new partition

e or p (extended or primary)

l: 83 ( linux LVM type)

#lvcreate -l 35 -n volname


:p (to print the partitions)

Display volume

default(first sector)

:w (to save the changes)


default(last sector)

#partprobe (intimate to kernel)


#vgcreate -s 8M vgname /dev/vdb4
Creating volume

Create directory to mount

#mkdir /lvm

Add entry to fstab

#/dev/mapper/vgname /lvm
ext3 defaults 0 0
Refresh using mount
#mount -a
List the mounted directory
#df -h

8 . Kernel update ,compression & NTP service

Kernel Update
download the file from the given url using ezlink
#rpm -vh package name
NTP Service
#vim /etc/chrony.conf
add the source url given the question for NTP

Compression methods:
#tar -cvf /destionationpath/filename.tar /source path
#tar -cvjf /destionationpath/filename.bz2 /source path
#tar -cvzf /destionationpath/filename.gz /source path
#tar -cvJf /destionationpath/filename.xz /source path

Problem in booting due to wrong entry in /etc/fstab

Booting in emergency target:

use ctl+alt+del in send keys tab in virtual server m/c

when grub displays press tab key to freeze .Press e to edit grub
search for Linux16 string and press end key and add this line
systemd.unit =emergency.target
use ctl+x to save and reboot
#root: mount -o remount,rw /
#vim /etct/fstab
remove the wrong entry and save using :wq


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