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Effects of Caffeine
Signature Assignment
Janine Bonham
Course #18964
PPE 310: Health Literacy for Schools
Dr. Miller


Caffeine is an active ingredient found in thousands of food and beverage products all
over the world. As stated in Effects of Caffeine on Athletic Performance, Caffeine is often
referred to as a nutritional ergogenic aid, but it has no nutritional value(Hernandez, 2014).
Nearly seventy-five percent of American kids consume caffeine on a daily basis. With energy
drink sales on the rise, more and more kids are exposing their bodies with excessive amounts of
sugar and caffeine. Increased health concerns have become evident in kids and adolescents. As
stated by the National Council of Strength and Fitness, Specifically, caffeine in the form of
sugar-sweetened carbonated beverages has been shown in research to be strongly associated with
a greater incidence of obesity or being overweight in children (Caffeine Consumption Among
Children and Adolescents). Aside from obesity, there are other health concerns such as heart
conditions and addiction. Caffeine also can have a negative effect on athletic performance and
physical activity among kids and adolescents. Schools need to take the initiative to cut back on
heavily caffeinated foods and beverages. Soda machines and vending machines need to be
removed and replaced with healthy options. Students all need to be given the opportunity to learn
about caffeine and the effects it has on not only the body, but also on physical performance.
Review of Current Literature
Population surveys indicate that approximately 75% of adolescents consume one or more
caffeine beverages on a typical day (James, 2011). Researchers conducted a study in which 7377
adolescents were tested to see if caffeine consumption affected overall academic performance.
The study also surveyed adolescence use of cigarettes and alcohol. The main focus of the study
was to see if caffeine consumption affects daytime sleepiness and academic achievement. The
study addressed that in todays day and age caffeine is found in millions of products beyond


coffee and tea. As stated by James, At dietary doses, caffeine has the potential to increase
latency to sleep, and it has been reported that many adolescents actively employ caffeine to
forestall sleep during nighttime leisure activities, including use of electronic devices such as
videos and computer games (James, 2011). The Icelandic Centre for Social Research and
Analysis (ICSRA) conducted a survey of 7377 adolescents. Of the surveyed, 82.3% responded
that they were more than likely to fall asleep during the day after consuming caffeine (tea,
coffee, energy drink, etc). Increased sleepiness during the day lead to a decline in academic
achievement. The study also concluded that Consequently, sleepiness during daytime hours,
with consequential negative effects on academic achievement, is exactly what would be expected
from intermittent use of caffeine, especially if consumption tends to occur at evening time
(James, 2011).
In 2011, researchers conducted a survey at a southeastern college that consisted of 300
freshman students. The study was created to determine: (1) the amount of caffeine consumed by
a sample of college students, (2) beliefs regarding caffeine consumption, (3) reported perceived
benefits and adverse effects of caffeine consumption, (4) reasons for consuming caffeine, and (5)
predictors of caffeine consumption (McIlvain, 2011). Students were given a survey that detailed
what products they consumed that had caffeine, how often, and their preferred product (tea,
coffee, energy drinks). The survey provided a list of beverages to choose from. The study found
that the adolescents consumed 3-5 times the recommended amount of caffeine. Researches also
found that these students were consuming extensively high amounts of caffeine without any
education or knowledge on the effects it was having on their bodies and overall health. The study
also concluded that The most common symptoms of caffeine intoxication that were reported
were restlessness (40%), excitement (38%), cant sleep (49%), frequent urination (32%) and


headache (31%) (McIlvain, 2011). As a result and conclusion of this study, the researchers
stated that More information about caffeine should be incorporated into health education at all
levels, so students can identify and avoid negative effects along with caffeine withdrawal and
addiction (McIlvain, 2011).
In December of 2015 researchers conducted a study to see how caffeine affects anaerobic
performance in individuals. Two groups were monitored; one group consumed regular coffee
(caffeinated) for ten days, while the second group consumed decaf coffee (not caffeinated) for
ten days. A bicycle test was conducted before and after the ten days of coffee consumption to see
what happened to the individuals anaerobic performances. The study found that caffeinated
coffee had a positive effect on anaerobic performance. Researchers found that The results of
this study indicate that long term coffee with caffeine consumption significantly increase
anaerobic performance when compared with decaffeinated coffee. Peak power is more increased
than mean power of coffee with caffeine consumers (Gunger, 2015).
Caffeine has the same affects that amphetamines and cocaine have, just to a lesser degree
(McDaniel, 2010). This particular study details the effects that caffeine has on athletic
performance. Researchers found that caffeine does in fact increase athletic performance and
stimulates the brain. The researchers concluded that caffeine provides excess energy and
endurance to athletes. The study concluded, caffeine enhances endurance-type exercises, such
as running, swimming, cycling, and tennis (McDaniel, 2010).
In 2008 a study was conducted to see the effects of caffeine on physical performance,
cognitive performance, and psychomotor functioning. The study consisted of 24 well-trained
cyclists whose performances were measured before and after eating two types of bars; one


containing 100mg of caffeine and one that was non-caffeinated. Physical performance tests were
taken 55 minutes and 115 minutes after consumption, and cognitive performance tests were
given 70 minutes and 140 minutes after consumption. The study concluded Caffeine in a
performance bar can significantly improve endurance performance and complex cognitive ability
during and after exercise (Hogervorst, 2008).
Sonoran Trails Middle School is located in Cave Creek, Arizona and is part of the Cave
Creek Unified School District. According to School Digger, in 2014 out of the 813 students at
Sonoran Trails Middle School, 711 were White, 12 were African-American, 21 were Asian, 64
were Hispanic, and 1 was American Indian. Sonoran Trails Middle School is a public school that
is not a Title 1 school, and only consists of 7th and 8th grade. The surrounding community is a
suburban community on the northeastern outskirts of Phoenix, and is predominantly uppermiddle class to upper class residents. Majority of the housing communities begin at the
$400,000s and range to $1 million. A great percentage of the students live on horse properties.
With that being said, in 2014 only about 11.8% of the students were eligible for free/reduced
Over the years Sonoran Trails Middle School has been increasing in student enrollment.
In 2014, the student-to-teacher ratio was only 21. The classes now average about 33 students per
class. According to School Digger, Sonoran Trails is an A+ Excelling School and ranked 64th out
of the 519 public middle schools in Arizona. In 2015, Sonoran Trails almost scored double on the
AzMerit Math portion of the test than the state average. The state average was 35% and Sonoran
Trails scored 58%.


Synthesis of Information
Overall, the majority of the articles agreed that caffeine consumption is at an all
time high, especially at the adolescent age. Each of the articles presented studies that showcased
an increase in caffeine consumption among 12-17 year olds. The articles shared a common theme
that excessive caffeine consumption can harm a persons body and increase their risk of health
problems in the future. Many of the articles expressed the same health concerns associated with
excessive caffeine consumption such as heart problems, addiction, and obesity. Some of the
articles focused on the health risks of caffeine consumption, while the other articles focused on
the effects caffeine can have on physical activity performance. These articles detailed that while
caffeine can act as a stimulate and increase physical performance, its decreases a persons overall
physical performance and health.
Overall, these articles concluded that excessive caffeine consumption hinders a persons
health and can cause serious health problems now and in the future. However, there are healthy
ways to consume caffeine such as limiting how much and how often. Although each article
presented it in a different way, the overall underlying message is that caffeine consumption in the
adolescent stage of life is becoming excessive and addictive. This research shows the importance
of educating students about caffeine and the types of beverages/foods that they are putting into
their bodies on a daily basis. Kids need to be educated on the effects that caffeine can have on
their health now and their future.
Practical Implications
To promote the idea of cutting back on caffeine, Sonoran Trails Middle School should
hold a school wide assembly to inform students and staff of the harm and effects of consuming


high quantities of caffeine. An informative newsletter will be distributed to all parents, and a
fundraiser will be put together to create funding to replace the vending machines with a snack
bar that sells healthy and delicious snacks.
The school wide Health Busters assembly will be for all students (7th and 8th grade) as
well as all staff members. The assembly will be held on campus in the school gymnasium during
school hours. The assembly will be put together by the Student Council and will focus primarily
on educating students on the risks and negative effects that caffeine can have on the body. The
presentation will include important statistics and nutritional facts such as how much caffeine is
okay and how much caffeine is too much. The presentation will also include a wide variety of
different examples of foods and beverages that contain caffeine that students at Sonoran Trails
consume on a daily basis. Another part of the presentation will be first hand stories and
experiences from staff and students on the effects that caffeine had on them and their lives. At the
end of the assembly, the Student Council will announce the fundraiser for a new snack bar with
healthier and more delicious snacks and beverages.
The Health Busters newsletter will be distributed to all students to take home to their
parents. The Health Busters newsletter will discuss many key points from the assembly and
inform parents and families about the Health Busters fundraiser to create a snack bar for lunch
and after school. The newsletter will discuss the details of the fundraiser and why Sonoran Trails
should switch from vending machines with soda and junk food to a snack bar with healthy
snacks and beverages. The newsletter will be distributed 1 month before the fundraiser takes
place and will include contact information for Mrs. Bonham, who will be running and organizing
the fundraiser.


The Health Busters fundraiser will be held on Friday May 7 from 5-7 pm at Sonoran
Trails Middle School. The fundraiser will be a Bingo night. Each person will be required to
purchase at least one Bingo sheet for $5 in order to participate. Individuals may purchase more
than one sheet if they would like to. There will be prizes for the winners of the Bingo games. The
prizes will be gift cards to health restaurants that will be donated by the companies themselves.
Healthy snacks and beverages will be sold at the fundraiser to advertise what types of snacks and
drinks will be sold at the snack bar. All of the proceeds from the Bingo night will go towards the
purchase of the new healthy snack bar.
Caffeine consumption among adolescents is at an all time high. A recent survey
concluded that 75% of adolescents consume at least one caffeinated beverage on a daily basis.
Excessive caffeine consumption has proven to lead to serious health problems such as heart
conditions, obesity, and even addiction. During the adolescent stage of life, children are spending
most of their time in a school setting. Schools need to take the initiative to educate students on
how to live a healthy lifestyle. It is also extremely important that students are aware of the issues
and risks that are associated with excessive caffeine consumption.
The Health Busters program is devoted to educating teachers, students, families, and the
community on the risks of excessive caffeine consumption as well as how to cut back and
consume only in moderation. So far the Health Busters program is only available at Sonoran
Trails Middle School. Hopefully in the coming months other schools in the district will see the
benefits and positive effects that Health Busters is having on students and the community and
will opt to have the Health Busters program implemented at their school as well. This program


has the ability to grow and change the lives of not only the students and families at Sonoran
Trails, but all over Arizona and even our wonderful nation.



Caffeine Consumption Among Children and Adolescents. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Gungor, E., Cerrah, A., Yilmaz, I., & H., T. (2015). EFFECT OF COFFEE
ANAEROBIC PERFORMANCE. The Swedish Journal of Scientific
Research, 2(12), 14-17.
Hernandez, N. (2014). The Effects of Caffeine on Athletic Performance. Retrieved from
James, J., Kristjansson, A., & Sigfusdottir, I. (2011). Adolescent Substance Use, Sleep, and
Academic Achievement: Evidence of Harm Due to Caffeine. Journal of Adolescence,,
34(4), 665-673.
McDaniel, L., McIntire, K., Streitz, C., Jackson, A., & Gaudet, L. (2010). The Effects of
Caffeine on Athletic Performance. College Teaching Methods & Styles Journal, 6(1), 3338.
McIlvain, G., Noland, M., & Bickel, R. (2011). Caffeine Consumption Patterns and Beliefs of
College Freshmen. American Journal of Health Education,, 42(4), 235-244.



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