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15-16 GenEd Observation Unannounced #1 - Carolyn Poole

4/24/16, 11:04 AM

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Carolyn Poole


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15-16 GenEd Observation Unannounced #1

User Information
Name: Carolyn Poole (33408)

Title: Classroom Teacher Secondary


Department: Science

Grades: Grade 09,Grade 10,Grade 11,Grade 12

Evaluation Type: 15-16 GenEd 3-4

Assigned Administrator: Thompson, Janet

Evaluation Cycle: 09/02/2015 - 09/01/2016

Submitted By: Thompson, Janet

Date Submitted: 01/28/2016 1:59 pm CST

Acknowledged By: Poole, Carolyn

Date Acknowledged: 01/29/2016 12:45 pm CST

Finalized By: Thompson, Janet

Date Finalized : 01/29/2016 5:56 pm CST

Date of Observation:


Observation Lesson Title:

Mass and Weight conversions

Observation Evidence
15-16 Gen Ed (Obs)
TEACH 1: Objective-Driven Lessons
Engage students in objective-driven lessons based on content standards.

For Level 5 Evidence fully supporting Level 3 is present, as well as all of the following:

1. Teacher provides clear explanation and/or modeling of what mastering objective(s) and/or exemplary student work looks like.
2. Teacher actively and effectively engages students in the process of connecting the lesson with their prior knowledge.
3. Most students can explain or demonstrate the lesson objective(s) within the context of the related standard(s) and tell or demonstrate the importance of
their learning.
4. Students model or explain mastery to other students.
5. All students can describe how their learning will be assessed. (footnote 2)

Evidence (Required):
01/27/2016 12:31 pm: T posted do now on board and instructed students to begin. Posted on board: Write down weight when born, divide by 2.2 find
mass in kg. Further explain how weight is different than mass. T repeated and checked for time on task, reminding of silent time for "Do now activities".
01/27/2016 12:34 pm: T announced time remaining and paused. T began review and called on S to raise hands if less than 6 lbs born, more than 9 lbs. T
discussed how to find mass and called on S to give mass weight.
01/27/2016 12:35 pm: T began lesson and posted objective on board. S called on to read objective as class followed along. T explained obj and how it
connects to velocity and speed in football body weight and mass.
01/27/2016 12:40 pm: T reviewed outcome of lesson for the week. Determine the difference between weight, mass, velocity, acceleration and force.
01/27/2016 12:46 pm: T paused and probed "what's principle connected to lst weeks' lesson. S responded, acceleration. T probed, what's point of showing
fast car. S responded, city driving practicality. T pushes discussion to find mass, force and how it affects acceleration. T checked for clarity of video.
01/27/2016 01:20 pm: T began summary of Phase 1 and instructed students to take out paper for review of weight and mass. Teacher moved to board
and called on S to summarize the difference between mass and weight. S responded "mass is constant" moon (gravity).
TEACH 2: Explain Content
Explain content clearly and accurately

For Level 5 Evidence fully supporting Level 3 is present, as well as all of the following:

1. Teacher explains / demonstrates concept(s) in a way that actively involves most students in the learning process and promotes student interest in the
2. Students make independent connections through classroom interactions demonstrating that they understand the content levels ranging from basic to
3. Students, when possible, consider multiple perspectives and approaches to learning.
4. Presentation of content includes modeling by the students to demonstrate performance expectations.

Evidence (Required):
01/27/2016 12:34 pm: T announced time remaining and paused. T began review and called on S to raise hands if less than 6 lbs born, more than 9 lbs. T
discussed how to find mass and called on S to give mass weight.
01/27/2016 12:40 pm: T reviewed outcome of lesson for the week. Determine the difference between weight, mass, velocity, acceleration and force.
01/27/2016 12:42 pm: T set stage for project 1, two cars: check weight, cost and compare to determine acceleration. T reminded S that evidence should
be recorded to determine best car for purchase outcome of lesson.
01/27/2016 12:44 pm: T introduced video and explained that S was to watch for smart car and give thoughts on what occurred. Student look fors' to


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15-16 GenEd Observation Unannounced #1 - Carolyn Poole

4/24/16, 11:04 AM

discuss after video. S were to take notes and be prepared to share.

01/27/2016 12:48 pm: T instructed S to follow along with questions for project scavenger hunt activity. T instructed, "do not write questions, answer
within group to avoid sharing because first group to finish would win".
01/27/2016 12:54 pm: T clarified phases and explained outcome to find after comparing. T collected papers and began review of each question. S
responded, analyze prices, difference in phase two, three, no extra points, velocity affects mass of car. T praised, Good job, Italy.
01/27/2016 01:18 pm: S compared weights "6ft one inch". T announced one minute remaining and instructed groups to bring project to a close, put away
phones and direct attention to board.
01/27/2016 01:20 pm: T began summary of Phase 1 and instructed students to take out paper for review of weight and mass. Teacher moved to board
and called on S to summarize the difference between mass and weight. S responded "mass is constant" moon (gravity).
TEACH 3: Appropriately Challenging Work
Engage students at all learning levels in appropriately challenging work

For Level 4 Evidence fully supporting Level 3 is present, as well as one of the following:

1. Teacher engages all students in appropriately challenging work by ensuring the lesson includes appropriately complex text, tasks and activities that
move students beyond their current mastery level.
2. Teacher ensures most students (at low, middle and high achieving levels) move beyond current mastery levels.
3. Students are engaged in accountable talk with their peers as appropriate.
4. Teacher designs the lesson to incorporate resources that extend beyond the district's curriculum.

Evidence (Required):
01/27/2016 12:32 pm: Students encouraged to use calculators and share with partner. T monitored.
01/27/2016 12:37 pm: T passed out project papers and reviewed group rules and roles. S put names on paper, listed all group names and listed job roles.
S given opportunity to switch groups before listing names.
01/27/2016 12:42 pm: T set stage for project 1, two cars: check weight, cost and compare to determine acceleration. T reminded S that evidence should
be recorded to determine best car for purchase outcome of lesson.
01/27/2016 12:46 pm: T paused and probed "what's principle connected to lst weeks' lesson. S responded, acceleration. T probed, what's point of showing
fast car. S responded, city driving practicality. T pushes discussion to find mass, force and how it affects acceleration. T checked for clarity of video.
01/27/2016 12:59 pm: T moved to each group and identified researcher and checked phones. Groups began working following group rules, roles and
guidelines on board.
01/27/2016 01:02 pm: Groups discussed cars, Chevrolet, Impala, Mercedes, Ford. T guided, "look that up and compare".
01/27/2016 01:23 pm: S took notes on conversion factor mass to kg 2.2 lbs equals 1kg. T explained and continued summary. T connected to chemistry
and measurements in grams which is a very big measurement. Students copied examples of measurements in grams. Boat conversions worked by class.
Teacher praised.
01/27/2016 01:25 pm: T checked for clarity on Phase 1 (detailed review with students responding and introduced what would occur in Phase 2. T collected
exit tickets. Lesson ended.
TEACH 4: Content Engagement
Provide students with multiple ways to engage with content

For Level 5 Evidence fully supporting Level 3 is present, as well as all of the following:

1. Teacher's engagement strategies provide all students with choices as appripriate.

2. Students know how to self-select strategies that will help them master lesson objective(s).
3. Teacher allows students to explain or demonstrate the strategies they use and how the strategies relate to what they are learning in terms of content
4. Teacher consistently engages all students in inquiry, curiosity and exploration.
5. Teacher and/or students model and implement strategies that teach, reinforce or demonstrate two or more of the following problem-solving types:
drawing conclusions / justifying solutions
predicting outcomes
observing and experimenting
improving solutions
identifying relevant / irrelevant information
generating ideas
creating and designing

Evidence (Required):
01/27/2016 12:32 pm: Students encouraged to use calculators and share with partner. T monitored.
01/27/2016 12:34 pm: T announced time remaining and paused. T began review and called on S to raise hands if less than 6 lbs born, more than 9 lbs. T
discussed how to find mass and called on S to give mass weight.
01/27/2016 12:37 pm: T passed out project papers and reviewed group rules and roles. S put names on paper, listed all group names and listed job roles.
S given opportunity to switch groups before listing names.
01/27/2016 12:39 pm: S were to track teacher and reminded that each job should be covered as: recorder, artist, researcher and materials manager. S
selected roles and discussed materials needed for project.
01/27/2016 12:44 pm: T introduced video and explained that S was to watch for smart car and give thoughts on what occurred. Student look fors' to
discuss after video. S were to take notes and be prepared to share.
01/27/2016 12:46 pm: T paused and probed "what's principle connected to lst weeks' lesson. S responded, acceleration. T probed, what's point of showing
fast car. S responded, city driving practicality. T pushes discussion to find mass, force and how it affects acceleration. T checked for clarity of video.
01/27/2016 12:48 pm: T instructed S to follow along with questions for project scavenger hunt activity. T instructed, "do not write questions, answer
within group to avoid sharing because first group to finish would win".
01/27/2016 12:50 pm: Groups began working on questions: how many phases, when is project due, how many cars needed to research final task in own
words. T monitored as groups worked completing scavenger hunt questions.
01/27/2016 12:58 pm: T moved back to group rules and stated that one cell phone per group could be used to search edmunds.com S were to search
model, make, year. Teacher announced that phase 1 would take 20 minutes and that each group must fill in all specifications for each car.
01/27/2016 12:59 pm: T moved to each group and identified researcher and checked phones. Groups began working following group rules, roles and
guidelines on board.
01/27/2016 01:02 pm: Groups discussed cars, Chevrolet, Impala, Mercedes, Ford. T guided, "look that up and compare".
01/27/2016 01:09 pm: T announced time remaining and reminded students to list weight which was needed to determine mass. T reemphasized lesson
objective. S remained actively engaged.
01/27/2016 01:14 pm: Groups discussed car prices, weight and measurements based on year of car. T clarified roles and redirected student who
complained of slow cell phone. S back on task. T praised.
01/27/2016 01:18 pm: S compared weights "6ft one inch". T announced one minute remaining and instructed groups to bring project to a close, put away
phones and direct attention to board.


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4/24/16, 11:04 AM

01/27/2016 01:23 pm: S took notes on conversion factor mass to kg 2.2 lbs equals 1kg. T explained and continued summary. T connected to chemistry
and measurements in grams which is a very big measurement. Students copied examples of measurements in grams. Boat conversions worked by class.
Teacher praised.
01/27/2016 01:25 pm: T checked for clarity on Phase 1 (detailed review with students responding and introduced what would occur in Phase 2. T collected
exit tickets. Lesson ended.
TEACH 5: Higher-Level Thinking Skills
For Level 4 Evidence fully supporting Level 3 is present, as well as one of the following:
1. Teacher ensures the lesson develops higher-level thinking skills by challenging all students to engage with complex materials (text/ content/ processes)
that help them arrive at new understanding. (Footnote 8)
2. Teacher allows students to generate their own questions independently.
3. Teacher thoroughly teaches and engages all students in tasks, activities or strategies that include two or more types of thinking relevant to learning
objectives and content; these include:
analytical thinking - where students analyze, compare and contrast, and evaluate and explain information.
practical thinking - where students use, apply and implement what they learn in real-life scenarios.
creative thinking - where students create, design, imagine, suppose and generate a variety of ideas and alternatives.
research-based thinking - where students explore and review a variety of ideas, models and solutions to problems.
4. Teacher provides opportunities where students monitor their thinking to ensure that they understand what they are learning and attend to critical

Evidence (Required):
01/27/2016 12:42 pm: T set stage for project 1, two cars: check weight, cost and compare to determine acceleration. T reminded S that evidence should
be recorded to determine best car for purchase outcome of lesson.
01/27/2016 12:46 pm: T paused and probed "what's principle connected to lst weeks' lesson. S responded, acceleration. T probed, what's point of showing
fast car. S responded, city driving practicality. T pushes discussion to find mass, force and how it affects acceleration. T checked for clarity of video.
01/27/2016 12:50 pm: Groups began working on questions: how many phases, when is project due, how many cars needed to research final task in own
words. T monitored as groups worked completing scavenger hunt questions.
01/27/2016 12:58 pm: T moved back to group rules and stated that one cell phone per group could be used to search edmunds.com S were to search
model, make, year. Teacher announced that phase 1 would take 20 minutes and that each group must fill in all specifications for each car.
01/27/2016 01:14 pm: Groups discussed car prices, weight and measurements based on year of car. T clarified roles and redirected student who
complained of slow cell phone. S back on task. T praised.
TEACH 6: Check for Understanding
Check for understanding and respond appropriately during the lesson
For Level 5 Evidence fully supporting Level 3 is present, as well as all of the following:
1. Teacher checks for understanding of content by allowing students to offer specific and relevant feedback to each other.
2. Teacher or students provide oral/written feedback that is frequent, academically focused, and of high quality.
3. Teacher anticipates student misunderstandings and addresses them by redirecting questions, as appropriate.

Evidence (Required):
01/27/2016 12:35 pm: T began lesson and posted objective on board. S called on to read objective as class followed along. T explained obj and how it
connects to velocity and speed in football body weight and mass.
01/27/2016 12:50 pm: Groups began working on questions: how many phases, when is project due, how many cars needed to research final task in own
words. T monitored as groups worked completing scavenger hunt questions.
01/27/2016 12:54 pm: T clarified phases and explained outcome to find after comparing. T collected papers and began review of each question. S
responded, analyze prices, difference in phase two, three, no extra points, velocity affects mass of car. T praised, Good job, Italy.
01/27/2016 01:05 pm: Groups discussed, used cars, luxury cars, trucks and compared specifics. S raised hands for assistance. T rotated and addressed
01/27/2016 01:23 pm: S took notes on conversion factor mass to kg 2.2 lbs equals 1kg. T explained and continued summary. T connected to chemistry
and measurements in grams which is a very big measurement. Students copied examples of measurements in grams. Boat conversions worked by class.
Teacher praised.
01/27/2016 01:25 pm: T checked for clarity on Phase 1 (detailed review with students responding and introduced what would occur in Phase 2. T collected
exit tickets. Lesson ended.
TEACH 7: Instructional Time
Maximize instructional time

For Level 5 Evidence fully supporting Level 3 is present, as well as all of the following:

1. Teacher executes a coherently structured lesson at an appropriate pace.

2. Teacher provides opportunities for students who finish their work early to engage in meaningful activities that extend and refine learning.
3. Teacher structures the lesson so that student transitions do not interrupt the flow of the lesson.

Evidence (Required):
01/27/2016 12:31 pm: T posted do now on board and instructed students to begin. Posted on board: Write down weight when born, divide by 2.2 find
mass in kg. Further explain how weight is different than mass. T repeated and checked for time on task, reminding of silent time for "Do now activities".
01/27/2016 12:39 pm: S were to track teacher and reminded that each job should be covered as: recorder, artist, researcher and materials manager. S
selected roles and discussed materials needed for project.
01/27/2016 12:44 pm: T introduced video and explained that S was to watch for smart car and give thoughts on what occurred. Student look fors' to
discuss after video. S were to take notes and be prepared to share.
01/27/2016 12:59 pm: T moved to each group and identified researcher and checked phones. Groups began working following group rules, roles and
guidelines on board.
01/27/2016 01:09 pm: T announced time remaining and reminded students to list weight which was needed to determine mass. T reemphasized lesson
objective. S remained actively engaged.
01/27/2016 01:18 pm: S compared weights "6ft one inch". T announced one minute remaining and instructed groups to bring project to a close, put away
phones and direct attention to board.

GenEd Footnotes


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15-16 GenEd Observation Unannounced #1 - Carolyn Poole

4/24/16, 11:04 AM

Observer: Indicate which GenEd Addenda (below) were referenced in aligning and scoring this observation: Check all that
apply - or "None" if no addenda were referenced.
None of the addenda were referenced
Early Childhood Addendum
ESL Addendum
Fine Arts Addendum
HPELW Addendum
Modern Languages Addendum
SpEd Addendum
Average Observation Scores


15-16 Gen Ed (Obs)

3 of 3






Last Completed










*The field above provides individual and cumulative observation averages. No action is required.

Observation Post-Conference
Area of Strength
Area of Strength:
TEACH 4: Content Engagement

Area for Improvement

Area for Improvement Indicator:
TEACH 5: Higher-Level Thinking Skills
Level in which the Descriptor for Improvement is found:
Level 4/5
Descriptor for Improvement:
Descriptor 3

Next Steps
Next Steps (Required):
The educator will continue to ensure that the lesson develops higher-level thinking skills by challenging all students to engage with lesson (text/ content/
processes) and help them arrive at a new understanding. Continue to probe students to generate their own questions and engage students in tasks and
activities where students can connect to scenarios and examples. (cars, football, birth weight, elephants)
The educator will check for understanding of content by addressing questions during each step of the lesson (mass and weight conversions). The educator will
continue to circulate during instructional activities to ensure that students use analytical, practical and research based thinking (compare and contrast,
evaluate, explain, analyze). Ensure that time on task is appropriate and students receive relevant feedback. Ensure that all students can construct their own
understanding through communication, exit slips, group activities and monitoring. Consider adjusting instruction, if mastery of each step is not evident. The
educator did an excellent job of monitoring and addressing questions with time allowed. Continue to provide opportunities for one on one assistance without
taking away from the flow of the lesson or losing the engagement of students who do understand. The educator enhanced the lesson with use of technology
and resources (cell phones, smart board, video). Good use of attempting to utilize a variety of methods to check for understanding and plan lessons that
encourage student engagement and exploration.


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