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Your First and Last Name:

Kip Whiteley

Date Submitted:


District where you completed

the TWS:

USD 404

Name of School Building

where you completed the

Riverton Middle School

Content Area of your TWS:

Physical Education

TWS Unit Topic:


Grade Level of the

Classroom / Students in
Which the TWS Unit Was

MS 7th

Pittsburg State University

Teacher Work Sample

I. Contextual Information and Learning Environment Factors

A. Narrative General Contextual Information for Community, District, and School (limited to 1 page)
The community of Riverton is a small country side town located in Southeast Kansas roughly twenty minutes South of Pittsburg. There are two small convenient
stores located on the main highway that contribute to a majority factor of the business side of this community. Although they are the smallest of portions as the
major contributor to the community workforce is the Empire Water Electric company located on the Spring River. Another contributor to the towns workforce is
the school itself as it houses a elementary, middle, and high school all located within the same building. Also attached to the outskirts of the school is a small
daycare for the younger children. There is a small volunteer fire department within the city limits and the EMS services come from Cherokee County EMS located
in Columbus Kansas. There are two other school districts located within a five minute drive in either direction one being Galena School District and the second
being Baxter Springs Kansas. The town is a very close-knit community who loves their Rams no matter what sport is in season its where the fans will be. The
sports programs here are a very important part to the community as a whole. The town consists of 51% male and 49% female and a total of 949 total population.
The ethnic diversity is predominately Caucasian at 89% and the other 11% being that of Native American Indian, Black, and Hispanic. The median household
income in Riverton is $39, 467 and is approximately $11,000 below the state median household income. The per capita income is drastically below that $39,000
mark and is topping out at only $19,759 dollars per capita income.
The school district is unique in Riverton as it is an unincorporated town but the school district itself is K-12 and houses 796 total students within those grades. All
grades K-12 are located inside the same campus building and adequate learning space is allocated for all of the grades. Among the 796 students here 44% of them
are considered to be economically disadvantaged in some way. Amidst all the disadvantages all three schools in the district have scored at or above the standard
of excellence on assessment test. The diversity among the school district 90% white and the other 10% being those of African American, Native American or
Hispanic ethnicity.
Riverton High School is the only high school located in USD 404 and the enrollment of the high school is 248 total students. The high school and middle school
run closely together and many of the students integrate with one another so just by looking inside the school the population seems higher than it is. The high school
consist of 55% male and 45% female and among all students 49% of students are economically disadvantaged in some way. Lower than 0.1% of the students in
this school are English Language Learners (ELL). Also students with disabilities is at 15% while 85% are non disability students.

Table 1.1 Class Contextual Information (limited to 1 page)

Grade level __7__ Content area (e.g., mathematics) __Physical Education__
Topic (e.g., geometry)___Basketball ___
Age range of students __12-13__
Number of male students ___16___
Total number of students __16__
Number of female students ___0____
Percentage of students receiving reduced lunch __________
Percentage of students not receiving reduced lunch______________
[if free/reduced lunch information not available for class, provide school percentages]
Area in which students live (check all that apply) Urban _____ Suburban ______ Rural ___X___
Pittsburg State University

Teacher Work Sample

Ethnicity of students (give numbers)

Language proficiency of students (give

Identified special needs categories
represented (give numbers)

______ African American or Black

______ Native American/Alaskan Native
______ Asian or Pacific Islander
_16__ Fluent English Proficient

__1__ Hispanic or Latino

_15__ White
______ Other (specify) __________
______ English Language Learners

___2__ Specific Learning Disability

_______ Speech/Language Impaired
___1___ Hard of Hearing
_______ Visually Impaired
_______ Deaf
_______ Orthopedically Impaired
_______ Deaf-Blind
_______ Emotionally Disturbed
_______ Other Health Impaired
_______ Autism
_______ Multiple Disabilities
_______ Mental Retardation
_______ Brain Injury
_______ Established Medical Disability (0-5 yrs) _______ Developmentally Delayed
_______ At risk for developmental disabilities
_______ Other (Specify)_______________

Provide appropriate charts/graphs to display demographic data for district, school, and classroom in Appendix A.

Pittsburg State University

Teacher Work Sample

Table 1.2 Student Characteristics for Whole Class (limited to 1 page)

Student Characteristics
Intellectual Characteristics
- Including readiness,
cognitive abilities, learning
needs, developmental levels,
Previously demonstrated
academic performance/
% Above standard 24%
% Meets standard 44%
% Below standard 32%
Social Characteristics
- Including emotional,
attitudinal, motivational, etc.

Personal Characteristics
- Including physical, social,
individual experiences,
talents, language, culture,
family and community
values, etc.

Specific Descriptions
This class is for the most part always in attendance. Rarely do we have missing students and all of the students show
up ready to begin each day. With it being the last period of the day and P.E. many of the students are talkative and
energized. When stretching begins all of the students know where to be and how to act in order to get started on the
daily lessons. This class has a few students who suffer from learning disabilities but in a class that isnt too large they
are allowed personal one on one time during activities that are helpful in them understanding the unit plan.
This class has close to 70% of the students at or above standards. Although looking at the class I felt fewer students
would be below the standard. In this class only 2 students are on an IEP both of which are learning disabilities in the

This class has an evenly divided group that one half does play sports through the school while the other half does not
play any school activities. This is good for competition levels among the ones that do play sports and the ones that
dont become excited to play with the athletes and enjoy those competition levels that are produced. The biggest
problem we seem to face is the attention levels fall off with it being at the end of the day and many students are
excited to finish up and go home.

For the class there are minimal ethnic differences with only one student being of Hispanic decent. On the athletic side
as stated prior close to half the class is very talented in the athletic field but in the class all the students participate
well with each other and all gain something from every unit we do. This small of a class is good because all the
students seem to like one another, they all help each other and help incorporate all students into every game they
play, no matter the competition level.

B. Narrative: Implications for Whole Class Instruction Based on Information from Table 1.2 (limited to 1 page)
This class as a whole is a very attentive group of students that come in everyday ready and willing to learn the task at hand. Some of the
students it takes a little more direction for them to be up and ready and understanding of what will be accomplished that day. But at the end of the
period each and every one of the students has found something to hang their hats on and gained some type of knowledge and reasoning for the lesson
Pittsburg State University

Teacher Work Sample

or task that was presented that day. Being seventh graders talkative actions is the biggest factor in the classroom as well as it being the last period of
the day the students are hyper and have a ton of energy bottled up ready to be released. Always being at the head of the class and walking through the
stretch lines helps them realize they are being too loud and that they need to bring it down a level. Small proximics in the gymnasium help control the
learning styles for all the students as well as helps to maintain a solid teaching foundation. There isnt a differential in student diversity in the
classroom as far as ethnic standards go. A handful of the students live with learning disabilities that slow down their ability to learn within the P.E.
classroom as quickly as the others learn. But the majority of the class that are understanding in the subject at hand are always actively helping the
others to succeed no matter the differences they have set aside. Classroom learning becomes very smooth when you have students who are always up
for lending a helping hand to the man standing next to them so that part of the class is very neat to see on a daily basis. Before daily instruction all
students will sit against gym wall and once all students are dressed they will line up in squad lines that each have 3 people in each row. There are 5
total rows with 3 people in each with one having 4 in their squad line. Upon everyone being in line and at attention we will begin instruction that day
by doing a series of stretching workouts in order to help loosen up all muscles of the body. After a stretching series takes place students will run one
lap and return to the back wall to gain further instruction on the daily lesson. Choosing a basketball unit for this class was very helpful as all the
students in the class athlete or not enjoy the game of basketball so all students were very attentive and ready to get started each and every day.

Pittsburg State University

Teacher Work Sample

C. Sub- Groups/Students Information

Describe this
subgroup/student using
information from Table 1.1



The first subgroup that I chose is

that of the group of students who
had never played competitive
basketball at the school, YMCA, or
any youth programs. A few of the
students in this group lack athletic
ability as well as a couple who
have learning disabilities that dont
allow for full comprehension of the
game and rules combined.

I also wanted to choose a focus

student for this portion of the TWS.
The student I chose to focus on was
one who was a starter on the
basketball team as well as a student
who was very highly intellectual

Pittsburg State University

Why was this

I chose this subgroup
based on the fact that it
intrigued me to see
where this group of
students started from to
where they would end up
by the end of the unit
plan. These students,
some who had never
even touched a
basketball were very
attentive and followed
directions well and it
allowed them all to gain
something from the unit.
As expected this
subgroup was
significantly behind on
previous knowledge and
fundamentals of the
game as I found out from
pre-test but all gained
knowledge and skill
throughout the unit that
was reflected on the final
post test.
In choosing a focus
student I wanted to see
how hed react to going
back to the beginning
stages of a sport he was
already very adhered to

What was learned about this subgroup/student?

This is a group of students that struggles in the terms of background knowledge and
fundamental stages of basketball. The students didnt always understand as to why any of the
material presented mattered to them but all did continue to pay attention and stay on task. The
goal of this group was to get them to understand the basic knowledge and fundamental stages
of the game so they would have that to hold on to for future reference any time they might be
involved in any pickup games.

The social background of this group of students was more quiet and passive than that of the
others who played basketball. They werent as willing to ask as many questions for the fear of
it sounding bad. They werent always aware of the correct way to do minor things within the
game but still continued to do them as asked.

This group in my eyes overdid what I thought they might do within the unit. I assumed at the
beginning of this unit that they would get bored with it and simply just not try but I was wrong
and it was satisfying to see them work hard to get better at something they had never tried
before. For this subgroup I was able to see them gain more out of the fundamental knowledge
side of the unit rather than the competitive game-like activities part of the unit. They worked
hard at the little things and you could tell they were enjoying getting better and better every
day. The enthusiasm they showed and confidence they began to show later on into the week
was exciting to see as a teacher and was the whole reason I chose this subgroup.

The focus student was always ready to go and would always be the first one to have a ball in
his hand and would always try and go above and beyond each fundamental lesson at hand. He
would always try and outdo me after Id present a new task hed want to try and go with me
one on one.

Teacher Work Sample

within the athletic side of the sport.

He is always first one in and last
one out every day when it comes to
P.E. class.

playing. By choosing this

individual I was able to
see his learning style and
comprehension levels in
a classroom unit in
which he already was
confident in that he
would succeed in.

Each day when we would come in he would be ready to get the day started. He used this class
as an extra practice rather than a P.E. class. Usually when we would do drills that required to
have a partner he would choose to do it with another one of the basketball players rather than a
student who doesnt play basketball. He is the type to be the best at anything we do and it
definitely showed when the competition of basketball came up. His attitude would vary based
on his daily performances and keeping his attitude in check proved to be a problem every once
in awhile.

This student is a fun and energetic student to have on a daily basis. His athletic
mindset and competitiveness level is a bonus for me to coach. Having students that
enjoy coming to P.E. daily make it more meaningful. This student comes from a rough
home life and the attitude he gets on occasion I believe stems from that home life.
Having a safe and fun environment for him to end his day on a happy note is
important to me and I believe it has helped him tremendously within the

D. Narrative Implications for Sub-Groups/Focus Students Instruction (limited to 1 page)

For this class there were minimal adaptations and modifications that needed to be made. As said before this class is very motivated and attentive
within the daily lesson units. When modifications were needed the majority of the modification was working one on one in individual sessions with
students who needed that extra help and understanding on the unit lesson. Selecting students for teams was a big factor in this class as half the class
had previously played basketball competitively before while the other half of the class had not. So finding that middle area to keep the games as
evenly matched up as possible was the biggest factor in unit implications. Another area that implications were made was with the ball itself. For a
handful of students they stuck with a mens regulation basketball. The ones who either needed more help in ball handling areas or just wanted a
smaller ball were allowed to use a womens 28.5 regulation ball. This allowed for more accurate ball handling technique as well as a better
understanding on instructing shooting form to the students. During our daily ball handling part of the units Id have to normally be helping with the
drills for the students who had never played basketball aside from the ones who were very comfortable with the ball in their hands at all times. With
my individual focus student there were no modifications that needed to be made, I had him using the mens ball to better perfect his dribbling skills
but that was only modification we used. One area that did have him differ in was when we would do daily drills Id pair him up with a student of
lesser ability rather than with a student of higher basketball I.Q. This not only allowed for him to get a skewed learning style among other students
but also allowed him to become a teacher rather than learner in helping with those students. This was a simple change of plan that I implemented
simply to see how he would react in playing with those of lesser talent. At times his frustration would get to him but within the closing days of the
week you could see him working harder and harder with those students who needed more attention in doing so. On Friday we played a live game of
five on five with subs and it allowed him to really step up and be a leader not only for his team but for each and every individual within the class. It
was good to see how his mindset and attitude varied from day one until day five.

Pittsburg State University

Teacher Work Sample

II. Instructional Design

A. Narrative Description of Range of Objectives and Rationale for Selection (limited to 1 page)
Throughout this unit many areas of the game of basketball will be exhibited to the students. Ranging from history of the game, rules of the game, and
fundamentals of the game will be the three biggest areas that we will cover. A pre-test will be given on the first day of the unit simply to assess the
basic range of knowledge among the students prior to learning the material. After thorough teaching among all the test questions have been taught
throughout the week, a post-test will be given to see where the students have come within the week long unit. A major factor that this unit will focus
on isnt simply the basketball I.Q. and fundamentals but the pure cardiovascular exercise that will be promoted with it. This unit allows for a fun and
actively engaged sport that all students I feel will be able to get something out of whether theyve played before or not. The more difficult objectives
that are presented in this class will be taught in a way that allows for individual learning styles to be handled via one on one teaching throughout the
unit. The most difficult area of this basketball unit will be the proper ball handling techniques and fundamental rules of how to dribble in a basketball
game. Defensively teaching man-man defense will allow the defensive part of the unit to be shortened and kept more simple for the basis of students
who have never had basketball experience prior to this unit. Advanced strategies for those students to who they apply will be allowed more one on
one time in the fundamental stages of the unit. Those students who are struggling will be allowed to ask questions, receive student or teacher help,
and spend extra time working on the fundamental assets of basketball. Each daily unit will have small portions of the history and rules of basketball
put into the units and they will be asked in a way that students will be able to respond to the question with the correct answers. All objectives will be
taught in a timely way that allows for students to gain substantial growth in the historical, rules, and fundamental stages of basketball that will allow
for game-like atmospheres in a full out five on five basketball game at the end of the unit. This unit will push the students to work on fundamental
stages of basketball to become better at the small things as well as to help increase physical cardiovascular endurance for all students in the class in a
fun and competitive way.

B. State Objectives Here: Focus should be on student performance not activities. What will students know or be able to do? (limited to 1 page)

Unit Objectives

(e.g. Blooms

The students will be able to demonstrate basic knowledge in the terms of history and rules concerning the game
of basketball by receiving an average class score of 80% or better on a written multiple choice exam.
The students will be able to demonstrate proper shooting form from the free throw line by successfully making
4 out of 10 free throws.

Understand, Apply

Students will be able to successfully use proper fundamental techniques during live game-play daily sessions.
Pittsburg State University
Teacher Work Sample

Apply, Understand

Apply, Understand

Students will be able to successfully demonstrate the correct dribbling and shooting fundamentals taught while
in live game-play and daily technique drills
Students will be able to fully comprehend and exhibit rules and fundamental techniques while playing in a live
game-play setting that will be assessed by coach at hand.


Apply, Understand,
Apply, Comprehend,


C. Identify State Standards Benchmarks Addressed by Unit Objectives How do objectives address these standards? (limited to 1 page)

Standard 2 - The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to
movement and performance.
Benchmark 2 The student will demonstrate movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics that apply to the
performance of physical activities.

Standard 4 - The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
Benchmark 4 The students will be able to comprehend and comply in an orderly manner while using skills taught to participate
in a game-like setting.

Standard 5 - The physically literate individual recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, selfexpression and/or social interaction.
Benchmark 5 Students will be able to increase heart rate to that of an actively engaged level and use teamwork to find
success in the task being offered.

Pittsburg State University

Teacher Work Sample












Instructional Activities/
Pre-Test of basketball knowledge.
-No time-limit.
-Discussed answers after test had
been returned.
Free Throw Shooting pre-test
-Allowed 10 untimed FTs
Defensive Stance Practice
-Teach and show example of proper
defensive stance
-Cues for chapping and switching
feet on whistle
-Extra assistance to those who need
Balll Handling fundamentals
-Proper rules/techniques introduced
-Right & Left hand dribbling drills
-Dribbling while jogging around
cones for points as team. 2 teams
highest total wins round
Proper Shooting Form:
-Teach and show example of proper
shooting form.
-BEEF (Balance. Eyes. Elbow.
Follow Through) technique
-Partner Shot back and forth; players
chose partners
-Hot Shot Challenge (30 seconds/ 5
marked spots on court each worth
separate points). Highest amount


Describe Specific Adaptations/



Students were allowed to choose between an official

mens ball or if they felt it wasnt comfortable for
them they could use an official girls ball.


Students were allowed to use either mens or

womens basketballs for better ball handling
purposes. For some of the players that couldnt
figure out the level needed for defensive stances a
metal chair was brought out and used to help height
level for defensive stances. This helped show them
representation for dropping their hips and getting in
proper defensive stances.


Students as allowed everyday were once again

allowed to use ball size of their choice. Having ball
they were comfortable with made for teaching
purposes more casual for students. During partner
shooting drill I allowed students to pick partners on
their own.

Review of previous days:

-BEEF meaning?
Pittsburg State University
Teacher Work Sample
-Ball handling drills
Passing unit
- Partner passing


Table 2.1 Instructional Design Unit Plan

T- Lesson integrates technology; R- Lesson uses reading strategies; I- Lesson demonstrates integration of content across and within content fields

Table 2.2: Narrative Description of Pre-assessment, Formative Assessments, and Summative Assessment (limited to 2 pages)
objectives Identify how the assessment will be
Describe the assessment to be Explain rationale for choosing
II. D, H, and K
does this
scored and/or the criteria to be
this assessment
assessment used for evaluation.


1. 10 Question Pre-Test
2. 10 untimed Free-Throws

The rationale for choosing these two

pre-assessments was to find out and
get a basic basketball knowledge
level from students as well as a
benchmark for free-throw shooting
in the class group.

Formative Assessment
- Informal

Daily questions reflecting previous

days lessons and to historical
knowledge of basketball

The rationale for choosing this

assessment idea was to actively keep
students engaged on not only what
they currently knew but what they
had learned in previous days also.

Formative Assessment
- Formal


Reinforced Skills Scoring

1. Final Post-Test
2. Final Free-Throw Test

Pittsburg State University

This rationale was based during a

live 5 vs. 5 game that didnt strictly
offer points as the only scoring
options for the game. Each small
aspect that we had presented in the
lesson was able to be awarded with a
point. As in basketball twos and
threes were worth so. But
differently in this assessment one
point was awarded to teams for
properly exhibiting those skills such
as rebounding, playing proper
defense, passing, dribbling, and
rotating on defense.
The rationale chosen here was the
same as during the pre-assessment
phase. Scoring was graded on a basic
basketball historical and fundamental

Teacher Work Sample




Each question was work 2 points creating

a 20 point quiz graded to a key. The
criterion to meet was a 70% during this
phase. The free-throw portion was
ungraded but rather used in order to see
where their shooting ability is starting
This was not formally graded but rather
positively reinforced. This section was
used in order to help increase knowledge
to those students who had little to no
previous basketball background in order
to increase their knowledge for the game.
This was graded by eye rather than a
rubric which could have been done. In
keeping score at the score table I was
able to add a point for all the rationale
being kept as well as the regular scoring
system. This type of grading was formal
for the assessment being given but may
seem informal to some. But by the
technique given it allowed it to be more
formal than informal.
The grading was the same as the preassessment and questions remained the
same in order to see if they had learned
material being taught. Each question


level. The free-throw portion was

once again untimed and allowed for
most accurate shooting scores.

remained worth 2 points each and

criterion to meet during the post-test was
an 80%. Free-Throw post-test also
remained untimed and had no criterion to
meet but rather to simply see an increase
in the percentage made from day 1 to day

Narrative for Instructional Design

II. E.
Why are the lessons sequenced in this

The lessons sequenced in the order they did due to the importance of the background of basketball but as
well as the overall importance of the fundamental phases of basketball. These basic skills and rules
importance were vital to the game play itself because without knowledge of rules or fundamental stages of
basketball basic game-play could not be achieved. Overall the students were given the proper information
in order to succeed in a game-like situation even for those students who had previously never been put into
basketball situations.

II. F.

What learning strategies were incorporated

into this unit?

How do the instructional strategies/activities

address the learning objectives for this unit?
II. G.
How will critical thinking and problem
solving strategies be implemented? Give
specific examples of use.
Pittsburg State University

Demonstrating was the biggest and most useful teaching strategy covered in this unit. Students who had
never learned how to play basketball before were able to visually see the task being taught then able to
place that visual into their abilities. As stated above this class was half and half on previous basketball
backgrounds. Many of the students who had that background and played at the school competitively were
able to be used in many examples throughout the week to give another type of visual learning strategy that
was taught. Using partners in many of the drills allowed for students to go one on one with other students
who they had never previously worked with. This allowed for open-ended classroom learning and forced
students to help in ways theyd never helped before. Whether shy or open this technique allowed for student
bonding within the classroom.
Many of the students success and confidence came from seeing either the teacher or other students
completing the task and having the background knowledge that they felt confident in doing the task at hand.
These skills presented students with an attainable amount of basketball background that would allow them
to play in pick-up basketball games and not feel inadequate among peers. Increasing basketball background
allowed for students who did have previous background knowledge to increase their own basketball I.Q.
which would be vital to their individual basketball careers.
Critical thinking will be an in-game situation that students will be able to be presented to. The same will go
for problem solving on an in-game basis for students to be able to use the skills taught in previous lessons
and apply them to the game being played. Such as on defense students will quickly change who they are
guarding in defensive rotations in order to prevent offense from scoring. This will also be used on the

Teacher Work Sample


offensive side when offense is using their own strategies to get through the defense in order to score in
attempt to win the game.

II. I.
Explain the reading strategies that will be
used throughout the unit. Give specific
examples. (Remember that using text is not a
reading strategy)
How will technology be integrated within the
unit? Explain both teacher use and student
How does the unit demonstrate integration of
content across and within content fields?

This unit has no reading strategies being taught other than the students reading questions during the pre and
post test.
This units technological strategies are used primarily by the instructor for proper formation of drills,
techniques, and research for the unit itself. YouTube will be the primary benefactor for technological usage
among the instructor as an online classroom for learning teaching techniques. Students have ability to
further their own fundamental and knowledge background using sites such as this during own personal
time. But none during instruction will be offered to the students.
Students will increase ability to play and learn together during a sport unit that could potentially help to
increase learning abilities among students for all classes as a whole rather than just this one unit in

II. J.

What specific adaptations or differentiated

activities were used to accommodate
individual learning needs for the whole class?

What specific adaptations or differentiated

activities were used to accommodate
individual learning needs for the identified
sub-groups / students?

One adaptation that I allowed during the unit was for the individuals to choose the size of the ball they
wanted to use. For some students they chose the mens ball as that is what they were accustomed to. For
others who werent as fluent in the fundamental aspects chose to womens ball as it was smaller and
allowed for a better basic fundamental starting level. Ball size allowed for students to have the most success
in dribbling exercises for all the students. They were able to learn at the level they felt most comfortable in
during the daily drills that involved dribbling and shooting the ball. During live game-play a mens ball was
No specific adaptations were used to accommodate the subgroup of students who had no previous
background knowledge in basketball. As said above the students were allowed to choose the size of
basketball they wanted to use everyday which is an adaptation a handful of them used. For the focus student
I individually had him work with a variation of students when it came to daily drills and practice. Having
him step out from his usual circle of friends allowed him to use a leadership role in order to help the
students with less basketball skills gain some student to student learning skills.

Provide a copy of two complete detailed lesson plans in Appendix B.

Pittsburg State University

Teacher Work Sample


III. Teaching and Learning

A. Narrative: Daily Teaching Reflections (limited to 4 pages)

Day 1:
The first day of this basketball unit I had the group of students take a short ten question pre-test that asked questions ranging from
history of the game to the basic fundamental aspects involved in basketball. This was the first time the students were ever asked to
take a test in a P.E. class so it was funny to me to see their reactions. P.E. doesnt normally have written test that accompany it but it
was a way to get a basic footnote of their knowledge in the game of basketball. After telling the students that this test would not be
worth a grade they lightened up some and got to the test at hand. This test was administered and only took a couple of minutes for the
students to finish filling out. The questions did have some difficult questions involved that I didnt think they would know on the first
day but I wanted these questions on the test so that when we did get to discuss them theyd have gained some knowledgeable details
incorporated with basketball. After all the test had been given and returned back to me I had all the students sit on the edge of the stage
and wait for further instruction. I explained to the students that we were going to do a ten shot free-throw pre-test as the second part of
the daily lesson. Half the class were students whod had previous playing experience including school ball, while the other half of the
class had little to no previous background in basketball. The idea behind shooting free throws as a pre-test was so Id be able to see a
set placement for shooting form among the students. Each player was then brought up to the free throw and allowed ten untimed freethrows to shoot and make as many as possible. After they had shot theyd exchange positions with a rebounder and the shooters would
alternate. Some of the students shot exceptionally well when it came to form shooting and you could tell they played or were currently
playing basketball competitively. Others on the other hand you could tell had never held a ball before. They shot with both hands,
didnt use their legs, and had no follow through. But for me this was good to see as it meant there was a good foundation to work with
when we began working on the fundamental aspects. This activity took the class all the way up until a couple of minutes before the
bell would ring so they were released to go to locker room to change and go check in computers for the day. Although we werent able
to get into the beginning foundations of basketball I felt day one ended on a positive note as the students seemed to not only enjoy the
lesson at hand but were excited in learning skills on a daily basis. This day showed that shooting form would be a big step for these
students and posed an excellent teaching point for me to help instill in the students.

Day 2:
The second days lesson was over the proper defensive stance techniques as well as the beginning ball handling techniques used in
everyday basketball. I wanted to begin with defensive stance because at this level defense is very under-utilized and under-appreciated
so I wanted to introduce this early and often and get them to understand the importance of it prior to playing any type of game-like
action. To begin the defensive stance lesson I had students put both arms out wide like an eagle this was a way to get their wingspan
to extend to where when they dropped their hips theyd have maximum coverage of body alignment. After they had their arms wide
and extended we went into the most important part of playing defensive, getting into a proper defensive stance. I demonstrated that I
wanted them to drop their hips and bend knees as if they were sitting down into a chair while keeping backs straight and feet shoulder
width apart. The emphasis was put on students truly getting their bottoms low and keeping a good center of balance while continually
keeping wingspan wide. To some as expected they jumped right into a good defensive stance while others needed more individual
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teaching priorities. One idea I felt was very helpful to the students who were struggling with getting into that defensive stance was I
brought out a chair and had them try to sit in it while keeping foot and back alignments correct. Although sitting in the chair would be
too low it gave the students an idea of where I wanted them to get to. After the students had the initial concept of defensive stance
figured out I had them begin to slightly bounce on their toes while staying in that athletic defensive stance this possessed game-like
defensive stance styles thatd be used in game-like situations. This part all the students grasped very quickly and none had trouble
bouncing on their toes. The final part of defensive stance drills I had the students do was a Chop & Switch Drill this drill had players
begin in defensive stance and bouncing (chopping) on their toes upon the whistle students would switch between right foot being in
front with left foot. This drill is tough for students because it gets tiring with staying low and in proper position. I felt this section was
taught quickly as I didnt want to bore them with the defensive side of the game but they all were actively engaged and completed this
segment in good quality. The second part of my lesson on day 2 was the basics of ball handling. I had 5 lines with 2 people in each line
and 3 in 2 of the lines as their starting lines every day. This was a way of keeping unison in the gymnasium. For ball handling
introduction I had each player go and grab a ball, either boys or girls ball depending on comfort level of student. Ball handling is a
task that could be taught for a lifetime so teaching it in fifteen minutes had to be kept to the simplest form. The basic techniques were
what I was looking to get proposed to them, simple right hand and left hand dribbling. For the first drill I had students do a 3 Dribble
Drill with both hands while using the off-hand as a ball protector. On the whistle students would dribble three times with right hand,
on third dribble theyd cross ball over to the left and repeat with left hand. This drill took some students a few times before they were
able to get it down but others as with every drill were able to comprehend it the first try. This led us into our final game of the day, I
had 5 cones set up going down the court and students had to dribble with their right hand when dribbling to the right, and dribble with
left when going to the left. Each successful cone they dribbled to they were awarded 2 points this made it a competition which seventh
graders seem to love. This drill was successful in giving an atmosphere like dribbling scenario and the students seemed to thoroughly
enjoy this.

Day 3:
At the beginning of day 3 we used the first 6 minutes to review the task accomplished the first day with that being defensive stance
and dribbling patterns. During review any students who had questions or just needed extra guidance were able to ask and receive one
on one teaching. For the most part the students were very efficient with the task review that I had them working on during the
beginning of class. The lesson for today was one theyd been waiting for all week, it was finally time to work on shooting form and
shooting drills. Before giving any of the students the basketballs I had one ball and used it to demonstrate the proper shooting
techniques to be taught. At this age I felt it was important to use to fundamentals in an analogy form that I had found on the internet
called B.E.E.F. This was an idea that I felt would help the students with no background shooting form to remember the effective steps
in shooting. The analogy B.E.E.F. stands for 1. Balance I had students stand with feet shoulder width apart and hands up as if they
had a ball in their hands and gave students feedback that helped them get into proper balance positions. 2. Eyes This part was simple
to teach and demonstrate, all I had to do was have them stay in balance formation and lock their eyes on the basketball goal itself as
that is where theyd be shooting. 3. Elbow The portion of the shooting form is extremely important in the shooting process as it leads
the arms up into a good follow through formation. At this stage of B.E.E.F I had the students jump as if shooting a basketball but keep
emphasis on rising the elbow up to at least eye level while keeping dominant hand cocked back like they had a ball in it. By putting
emphasis on driving elbow above the eyes the students were able to have a key position as to where they needed to get their elbows. I
had to work with a couple individuals on getting their elbows higher up but for the most part many of their elbows were getting plenty,
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if almost not too high. The fourth and final stage of B.E.E.F is the follow through stage of shooting formation. 4. Follow-Through A
players follow through is fourth and final because it is essentially the most important aspect. After walking through the motion a few
times and seeing that all students were comprehending the motion I was looking for I then partnered them up with varying basketball
abilities and had them shoot back and forth to one another. Each player would stand 10 feet apart, which I had marked with floor tape,
and go through all aspects of the shooting motion. Theyd finish by shooting the ball in the air to the partner in front of them while
holding their follow through. I walked around during this and gave feedback to a few of the students on importance of driving elbow
up and pushing hands all the way through the follow through motion. Upon completion of the partner shooting drills I had students sit
down on the stage and quietly transition into the next phase for the day, our game implementation. I always like to find a fun activity
to summarize the lesson towards the end of the class period. Not only do the students enjoy it they also find themselves working on the
fundamentals set in place prior to playing the game. The game for today was a Hot Shot Challenge in which I had marked 5 spots on
the court with an X and each had varying point totals. The point system was set up like this: (Block Shot = 1 pt. Short Corner = 2
pts. Left Elbow = 3 pts. Free Throw Line = 3 pts. Top of key 3 pointer = 5 pts.). Students were given 30 seconds on the scoreboard and
were to begin at the block shot. After shooting a block shot they had to run to a new spot and catch ball from a rebounder and shoot
another shot. The goal of the game was to use proper shooting form and balance while running, catching, and shooting from various
locations. Since all students had varying abilities in basketball a rule was set into place that if all five locations were shot from that
shooter was awarded five points. This worked well because it allowed all students to record a score and that gave them a sense of
accomplishment and something to build upon. After the 30 seconds had concluded the buzzer sounded and a rebounder would rotate to
the shooter and another student would come down from stage and become the next rebounder in line. This game went all the way up
until time for students to be dismissed so after all students had went through one time they were dismissed to go change and check in
computers as they do every day.

Day 4:
To begin class as I do normally every day I posed a question which had been previously asked on the pre-test and looked for the
correct answer from the students. Questions ranged from history of the game, historical players in basketball, rules, or the fundamental
aspects involved in basketball. Such as Who is the NBA all-time leading scorer? Then Id have students raise their hands for correct
answer responses. This answer was Kareem Abdul-Jabbar which I had tricked them with by telling them it was actually Lou Alcindor
(his birth name before converting to Muslim). After reviewing questions while also reviewing previous days tasks such dribbling,
defensive stances, and the meaning and reasoning of B.E.E.F. Asking questions while they reviewed these task allowed for more ontask time and I felt they were able to receive more information rather than just having them sit down and ask the review lessons. I had
all students get a ball and work on the 3 dribble drills and a new dribbling drill we called the butterfly dribble. After reviewing the first
10 minutes of class I had students put the balls back on the rack and return to the stage to begin the new lesson for today. Todays
lesson was over the early and basic stages of passing in basketball, which if you ever wish to be good or relevant in basketball you
must learn to pass the ball, basketball is a team sport not an individual sport. I always feel this group of students learns better if I teach
to them in an active manner rather than in a sitting manner. So before introducing the passing types I had students choose partners and
line up on opposite volleyball lines across from one another. One thing I learned quickly with seventh graders is you cant give them a
ball of any type prior to lesson introduction or else theyll be way to distracted during the lesson. So I had one ball out in which I used
to demonstrate all three types of passes that we were to go over: chest pass, bounce pass, overhead pass. These three passes are easy to
demonstrate and easy for the students to grasp when it comes back to that basic fundamental aspect of basketball. After demonstrating
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all three passes with one of the students I had one person from each group go and grab a ball and come back to their position and stand
still holding the ball underneath their right arm. Once all students were back and ready we began by each student pass with all three
styles ten times each. This took a few minutes but there really were no lulls in student ability and all were able to understand the
passing concepts and looked good in doing so. Before class had started I had set up 3 cones with a hula hoop 10 yards away from the
cone in order for a drill to be ran with the class. In order for the hula hoops to stay up I had to tie them with string around the hand
rails located on side of the gymnasium floor, this turned out to work better than I had assumed it would so that made for transitioning
to this element of the day very simple. After all students had finished their partner passes I had them line up in 3 lines single filing
behind one another. At the first cone they were to throw a chest pass through the hula hoop. The second hula hoop was for bounce
passes and the third hula hoop was for the overhead pass technique. After they had all thrown twice at each hula hoop theyd rotate to
the next cone for the next type of passing. Each successful pass that went through the hula hoop their team was awarded two points
and they were to keep track of all scores for the drill. After finishing this drill the winning team had a total of 28 points meaning they
only missed the target on one pass throughout all the types of passing which was very exciting to see considering this group only had
two students with previous basketball background. Once we had finished this drill we still had right around 15 minutes left of class so
I transitioned them into a 3 Man Weave drill to conclude the day. It was simple to teach and the students comprehended it very
smoothly. It starts with three separate lines on the baseline, one on each edge of three point line and one in the center of the paint area.
I had them start by going to their right side as that was the dominant hand for a majority of this class. Theyd pass to the player to their
right and then run behind where that player was and run towards the basketball goal. The player who had just received the pass would
pass to the player on the left side and upon catching the pass the player to the left would throw one of the three pass types to the player
who had originally started the drill and that person would shoot a layup worth one point. We ran this drill for a five minute running
time and had a goal of 15 made shots to be met. The class exceeded that by making 23 points in the five minute span. It was good to
see this class of students really blend together in a high paced drill that turned out to be more of a game to them as they wanted to meet
the goal at hand and have fun in doing so.

Day 5:
On the fifth and final day we began by going over a few review questions that they had before giving them the final post-test. The
post-test was the same test as the pre-test given earlier in the week and all questions had been reviewed multiple times throughout the
week so I gave them a goal of 80% or better on this final. The test itself took only a few minutes of class time as many of the students
were able to answer the questions with no problems and they all felt confident in their answers after the test was over which is always
a good sign to see in a class. After completion of the basketball post-test I had students split in half and use both goals to do their
untimed free throw test for a post review. In using both sides of the gym we were able to get through the post-test very quickly and
efficiently. Just by watching the students shoot I could tell how much they had developed their shooting form and confidence in
shooting just within the short week span. All students increased their made free throw count which was a very enlightening review to
see from these students, especially the subgroup that I had been working with so much in order increase their basketball abilities even
by the slightest. After all students had shot and we still had twenty minutes remaining in class we finished off the lesson by playing a
full game of 5 vs. 5 basketball at game speed. Teams were chosen by myself and separated into teams I felt were evenly distributed.
We had one student who was absent so both teams consisted of seven players each and each team had to be subbed out at least once on
each team. Scoring for this was set up in a way that I felt best would show how much theyve learned rather than strictly by points
scored by individuals. Scoring was awarded as such: 3 points for a 3, 2 points for a 2, 1 for a free throw, and 1 point for the following
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(judged by my eye): dribbling when needed, playing defense in correct stance and arms wide, passing with correct passes, and getting
steals. Although this is very odd way to keep track of score in a basketball game I felt it was the most consistent as each and every
player was able to contribute to their teams points without having to feel the need to shoot and score every possession. The students
who had little background ability were able to play with confidence by just doing the little things right and those were awarded for
their teams. Every four minutes the horn would blow and subs would come into the game for each team. This way all players were
able to play equal amount of time and no one individual was able to run the show the entire time on the court. The students quickly
found that in doing those little task right that they would be awarded points so they were quick to call out to me when they were doing
something but I wouldnt be looking right at them. It was a great way to end a unit by tying all the small aspects together and putting it
into one large scale activity which all students were able to find enjoyment and success in. At the end of class I had the students all
start a slow clap and when it got a good clap together we broke it down to Rams Tough and then students were dismissed for the
B. Classroom Management Plan (rules, procedures, preventative strategies, supportive strategies) (limited to 1 page)
The main objective in my classroom is to come in on any given day and leave with more knowledge than you came to class with. By setting rules and
hierarchy of reinforcement students will understand how and what needs to be done on a daily basis in order to leave with the classroom objective.
The rules for the classroom goes as following:

1. Come to class prepared and ready to be active every day.

2. Sit and wait in orderly fashion prior to class beginning.
3. While Im instructing, youre paying attention
4. Were a TEAM not an ENEMY
5. No horseplay in weight room or gymnasium
6. The Golden Rule, Treat others the way you wish to be treated in return
Although only six rules here I believe that if taught from day one and hammered home to the student these six rules will allow for maximum output
and success whether it be in a P.E. setting or a weight room setting. Behavior in the gym will be handled first by giving verbal warnings followed by
requested change in behavior by the individual. If problems still occur students will be given towel drills as first punishment. Being in athletic setting
as such a tough, tiring workout like this not only works to build muscle but also pushes individuals in the mental state. By having this as an option
students are able to be aware of what is to come before they feel necessary to cause a problem in the weight room. Sprints, Stadiums, Push-Ups, or
Sit-Ups are all good behavioral techniques that not only serve as punishment but equally as a proper workout as well. If students still are becoming a
problem the final reinforcement hierarchy is to go to the principal where they will be able to solve the manner in the office. Upon 2 office referrals
students if in the weight room a transfer request will be made in order to get them out of the weight room. As distraction and horseplay in the weight
room can potentially lead to serious injury among students. Safety is the number one thing to keep in mind while in the weight room and if students
put that into jeopardy they will be escorted out.
Classes will have four minutes after the second bell rings to come out onto gym floor and lineup in their stretching lines that will be assigned on first
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day. Once class begins students will lead stretching and then jog two laps for an initial warm-up before entering into weight room or being instructed
on the daily activity for P.E.

C. Student Interaction and Engagement(Strategies for promoting student to student interaction and sudent motivation) (limited to 1 page)
This lesson I believe posed a multitude of student to student engagement as basketball is a great way to incorporate teamwork among one another.
The daily skills and drills we did allowed for the students to work with partners almost every day and in doing this I had them switch it up to be
partners with someone of varying abilities. This allowed for growth and learning among individuals which also helped students in a bonding manner
rather than just an event specific manner. Other times wed run drills that forced all students to work together either as a whole or as a team in order
to get a high score or try and reach a goal that was set into place. I realized quickly that some kids tend to be more interactive and helpful when it is
involving a skill they truly enjoy, this goes for my focus student throughout the lesson as for most of the year he does his own thing and can get
dramatic at times because of his athletic nature in the class. But when it came to this unit I was able to see him truly flip the switch and become a
team player rather than an individual player, every day Id have them working on little fundamental skills that he was already capable of and Id find
him helping the other students out with perfecting the small things. This class did a great job overall of helping one another and being motivators for
one another in and out of the classroom. Throughout the entire week I used a magnitude of positive feedback to the students especially ones who
needed to hear it the most and I believe in doing so these students felt a sense of confidence that they had not previously felt in the class and this little
bit of confidence began to show in the class. Each day they were more and more actively engaged in the activities at hand and were able to find
success in the skills being taught because of the attitudes they came to class with on a daily basis. Now that the unit is over we still work on these
task on occasions but when we play basketball as a class all the students are involved its not just the handful that it was prior to this unit theyve all
came a long way in gaining positive self confidence and also gained positive knowledge in the game of basketball that now at any point they feel
confident in playing in a pick-up game. That was the overall goal I had for this class was to work together to get better at a game and skill that they
can use for a lifetime.

D. Student Communication (detailed description of appropriate strategies to encourage student to student communication) (limited to 1 page)
Being in a gymnasium makes communication to students a little different than in a regular classroom. With it being such a large area using a loud
enough voice for students on both ends of court to hear you is sometimes a challenge. During the majority of our conversation parts of teaching
during this unit I was in the middle of both sides so that both could hear me and comprehend what was being conveyed to them. The students all were
allowed to go out of their comfort levels and ask for help, or provide help from a student to student aspect. This not only allowed for communication
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between students but also helped in relaying information that an individual may not have heard while another student had. This group of students all
worked well with one another and all get along very well so communication in the gymnasium is always an upbeat and positive attitude. They are
always joking with myself as well as one another and always seem to leave the class with enjoyment which I find to be very gratifying as a positive
attitude in the classroom will always leave a lasting impression on the students. Throughout the lesson multiple strategies were used in order to keep
students on their toes and be active in communication not only with me but the other students as well. One daily activity I would throw at them
would be during our ball handling lines that we started in everyday and Id ask a question and choose a student at random. The questions were all
previously reviewed so I knew theyd have a good background of the question being asked. It quickly went from a question asking strategy to a game
of who could get the most right throughout the day. Small things like this that provide a positive reinforcement and class reinforcement to students is
always good to have in a classroom as it will increase morale and positivity as a whole. Another strategy I used in the class was when wed divide up
into pairs or groups and Id put some of the more quiet students with students who were less shy in the class and itd allow them to work together and
bring out liveliness among those shyer students in the classroom. This strategy seemed to work well with this class as they were all friends and got
along well so putting them into groups that they had to talk posed to be no problem whatsoever. Overall, I felt like the strategies used with this unit
worked well and allowed all students to stay actively engaged in not only the playing part of basketball but the speaking aspects also.

Narrative: Analysis of Assessment

E. Pre-Assessment

Overall analysis of results.

Discuss the results in reference to

the learning objectives.

In the written pre-test given on day one the students who had no background knowledge struggled poorly
while the ones who were comfortable in basketball I.Q. did well but not exceptional. The class average was
a 61% on this test while the subgroup average was at 45%. As expected the focus student had the highest
grade on the pre-test with a 90%. On the second part of the pre-test was the free-throw shooting skill, the
class average at the beginning was a 35%, subgroups being 15% and focus student shooting a 8/10 for an
80% for the pre-test. During the subgroups free-throw shooting two students received a 0/10 with the
highest subgroup student shooting 4/10.
I knew in the pre-test that most of the students would struggle on a handful of questions. The questions were
ones I wanted to discuss and go over throughout the unit and theyd be able to do more proficient on a post
test. My original goal was for the class to score at least a 60% on the test with that being six questions I felt
all the students would be able to answer. Although this average wasnt met I felt confident in the students
being able to find success on the final post-test. Also my goal for the free throw shooting pre-test was to see
where they were at in shooting form and ability my beginning goal was for the students to make 40% out of
ten free throws.

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Describe how pre-assessment data

was used to proceed with instruction
for all students.

The pre assessment was primarily used in order to see how much background knowledge the students had in
the game of basketball. Having questions ranging from the history of the game to simple fundamental
aspects and rules. I was able to see which students had more of a background in basketball compared to the
ones that did not. For the most part I assumed roughly half the class would do better than the other just
based off their competitive basketball and school ball athletics. Using a pre assessment in this manner
allowed me to see who would need more one on one help throughout the unit compared to the ones I felt I
could trust in doing all the daily activities. The free-throws also allowed me to see which students needed to
be coached up on their shooting form and follow through techniques.

What is the plan to differentiate for

all learners?

One area I feel I could differentiate the test administered would be to open it to more specific questions
rather than the knowledge based questions. Some students only knew who Michael Jordan was not the
others such as Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Questions referring strictly to basketball simplistic may be the best
way to go about a pre-test assessment. I felt in the 10 shot pre assessment it was administered the right way,
I allowed students to choose which ball theyd rather shoot and kept track of amount made.

F. Formative Assessment

Overall analysis of results.

The formative assessment used in this unit was based on in-game situations and review and understanding
within the unit. Although informal I felt this was the best way to go about understanding what they have and
havent grasped yet. With most P.E. classes there is no true grade but more of a learn by playing type of
grading scale. What the student is able to learn from the class holds more than a simple grade within any
classroom. Dribbling, shooting form, defensive stance, and passing were the major aspects taught and every
day they are evaluated on how they were performing in those areas.

Discuss the results in reference to

the learning objectives.

The learning objective to be met was for all students to participate and develop skills throughout the entire
unit on a daily basis. Before we ever moved on from a skill Id look to make sure all students were able to
fully comprehend the skill being taught. By not putting a paper test to this I was able to allow them to work
on the objectives without feeling the stress of having to take a test that may have struggled with.

Are students learning what was

intended they learn?

Yes, absolutely the students are learning what they are intended to learn. They exceeded expectations by
going above and beyond the daily required lesson objectives. Without a doubt in my mind I feel like this
class has gained positive knowledge and skills with the basketball unit at hand.

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Based off the size of my class students were able to receive help on a regular basis without having to feel
like I wasnt paying attention to them. An adaptation that would help this unit would have been to
incorporate another teacher or high school athlete to help team teach the lesson. This would allow for all
Discuss any adaptations based on the
students to get positive feedback not only from a coach but also from an athlete themselves. Students also
results of formative assessments.
look up to players in their schools so I feel like in doing this it would increase the excitement brought into
the daily lessons of the unit. I felt like separating students into separate groups with varying abilities also
helped students increase their skills by learning from others but also helped those who were helping as it
gave them a sense of leadership in the gym.
Identify differentiation needed to
help all students meet the goals and
objectives of this unit.

The differentiation that I used and was most effective to the students was to allow the choice of ball size to
the students. It allowed for those students that were struggling with a mens sized ball to get a smaller ball
and be able to process the skills being taught without feeling inadequate due to them struggling with a
certain ball in particular.

G. Summative Assessment

What did the disaggregated data of

the assessment reveal?

Discuss the results in reference to

the learning objectives.

Did all students learn what was

intended they learn? Explain.

The disaggregated data from the assessments showed just how much the focus student was superior within the unit
compared to the subgroup that struggled in the beginning but progressed throughout the unit. The pre-test highest
score went to the focus student as he scored an 80% on it and progressed to a 100% on the final evaluation. During
this same test the highest grade for subgroup was a 60% but in return for the final evaluation all but one student
increased their scores by 20%. This proved that the students were gaining knowledge.
In reference to the learning objectives all students did meet the objectives that were set in place. Although they
struggled in the beginning there was a very solid increase between point A and point B. After reviewing all the test
and seeing a positive increase in all grades it shows they met the assessment objective. Also in the free throw
objectives all students increased their shot percentage in the class which also showed the objectives for shooting form
was met by the students.
I personally believe the students did learn what was intended to learn within the unit. From where some of the
students began this unit to where they finished up this unit truly shows a positive increase in skill ability. This unit
allowed for all students to gain enough comprehension in the game of basketball in order to feel confident in playing
any pickup or competitive basketball games in their future.

Provide a copy of pre-assessment document and the corresponding scoring key/rubric in Appendix C.
Provide a copy of one formal formative assessment document and the corresponding scoring key/rubric in Appendix C.
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Provide a copy of one informal formative assessment document and the corresponding scoring key/rubric in Appendix C.
Provide a copy of the summative assessment document and the corresponding scoring key/rubric in Appendix C.
H. Visual Representation of Disaggregated Data
Chart/Table/Graphs of disaggregated data for the Pre-assessment should be included in Appendix C.
Due to the varied nature of data collected by the teacher candidates, each candidate is asked to create a chart/table/graph that includes data for the
Whole Class, Subgroup, and Focus Students. Title the table/chart/graph and use labels to accurately portray the data.

Chart/Table/Graph of disaggregated data for the Summative Assessment should be included in Appendix C.
Due to the varied nature of data collected by the teacher candidates, each candidate is asked to create a chart/table/graph that includes data for
the Whole Class, Subgroup, and Focus Students. Title the table/chart/graph and use labels to accurately portray the data.

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IV. Self-Evaluation and Reflection

A. Narrative description of Successful Activities and future implications
Based on the analysis of all the assessment
results, identify TWO learning objectives
from the unit students were most successful.
Objective 1:

Give more than one reason for each of the successes identified.

For most students whove never played basketball dribbling is a skill that is very acquired among
certain individuals. But I quickly realized that this class had a very high ceiling in the dribbling
aspect of basketball. It was all the students, not just the few who were athletes, all the students
showed signs of success in dribbling which was very enlightening to see among students.
During the cone-cone dribbling drill I was able to see just how well they caught on to the dribbling
part of the unit. All students were able to dribble with both right and left hands without picking up
dribble or double dribbling. I felt like out of all the aspects thrown at them in this unit dribbling
was the most successful for them to do at a high level.


Objective 2:
Basketball positions

In basketball you have the point guard, shooting guard, small forward, power forward, and center
as the five main positions. This was a part of the unit that I did not have to put a lot of effort into
teaching as this class understood positions very well. Although a handful of them missed a
question on the pre-test referring to the point guard they were able to describe and relay back to me
which positions each of them were.
Everyday Id ask questions to students and wed go over basic skills and knowledge in basketball,
one subject Id ask was always positional questions which they all would get correct which showed
just how well they did know this area of the game. When questions turned into a game one of the
ideas I had for the students was to say a NBA players name and theyd have to respond with that
individuals position, this was not only informational to me as a teacher but was a fun way to
incorporate basketball knowledge to them without hounding it down their throats. Ex. Kevin
Durant? answer would be Small Forward.

Discuss at least TWO things to do differently in the future to extend these successes to continue students academic growth.
I felt like with more time allowed for each day then more drills and activities related to these areas could be done to help increase skills to all the
students. The more drills youre able to incorporate into a practice or a lesson the more skilled that individual will become in the task presented.
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Another strategy I felt like I could have used in order to extend their successes would be to bring a technology based program into the unit. Such as a
YouTube video or basketball skills instructional video to be played while they are also working along with the video. This would give them another
visual learning device other than myself that they could use in order to practice and perfect their technique.

B. Narrative description of Least Successful Activities and future implications

Based on the analysis of all the assessment
Give more than one reason for each of the least successful objectives identified.
results, identify TWO learning objectives
from the unit students were least successful.
Objective 1:
After giving the students the pre-test on day one I quickly realized how lacking the students were
Rules/History of basketball
in the rules and history of basketball. Many of the students scored below 60% on the test while the
highest grade was only an 80% for the class.
During game play many of the students would commit infractions to the rules of basketball simply
because they could not comprehend them. I was continuously answering questions about what they
could and could not do while in game action.
Objective 2:
During the first day I had students do a ten shot free throw contest. All students shot below average
Shooting Form
scores, and for that matter all shot below 50% with many being in the 10%-20% range. I knew
coming in many of the students would struggle in shooting but I didnt think itd be as bad as it
was in the beginning.
When wed do shooting drills many would revert back to the unacceptable shooting form many of
them knew rather than techniques I had presented to them. Many of the students didnt shoot with
correct form but rather would just push the ball towards the basket which resulted in many missed
shots for the class.
Discuss at least TWO things to do differently in the future to improve students performance.
One strategy to use would be to bring in a PVC Pipe form shooting stand with the students. This is a hand-made device that it made in order to where
when you shoot it forces you to drive your elbows up through the shot. This would be useful for a class such as this because those students whod
never had background playing knowledge would be able to understand what was being asked without allowing them to go back to the push motion
they reverted back to.
Something else that would have been positive in helping students improve performance in the rules and history of the great game of basketball would
be to have the students watch instructional, historical, and documentary videos that help them understand and comprehend these standards being

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Teacher Work Sample


TABLE 4.1 Communication Log


Person Contacted


C.J. Auguste
(Riverton Girls
Head Basketball


Zach Martin (Boys

Basketball Coach)

Method of

Reason for Contact

Follow Up

Result or Impact on
Drills were put into place
based off what we had


Face to Face

Ideas and drills for a basketball unit

Face to Face

Basketballs were received for

If I could have access to high school
the unit and had to be
storage room where basketballs
returned and locked in closet
were located to use for the unit.
at the end of each unit.


Add rows as needed

C. Narrative Reflection on Impact of Communications (limited to 1 page)

Although I was confident in coming up with plenty of drills and activities for the class I felt getting feedback from one of the high school coaches
would be very helpful in developing a unit plan. I was able to gain small drills and topics that Coach Auguste uses on a daily and weekly basis that
allows for maximum skill retention from his athletes. Anytime you can get feedback from another professional in your field it will only broaden your
horizon but help build a support system for all future lesson plans and ideas. The second contact I had was with the Vice Principal in the high school
as well as the high school boys basketball coach. Communication with Coach Martin was important because in the P.E. closet I only had access to
four basketballs which all were in questionable conditions. I knew the basketballs that I had wouldnt be sufficient for the unit plan so getting access
to the high school basketballs was very vital to teaching this lesson. He gave me his keys and allowed me to use the balls, both boys and girls, but I
was to return them to the storage closet at the end of every unit and lock the door behind me. Communication as a whole in the teaching field is one
of the most underappreciated aspect as it allows for maximum exposure to ideas, topics, planning systems, management ideas, and any strategies to
be gained through fellow employees and colleagues.
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Teacher Work Sample


D. Narrative Reflection on Future Professional Development (limited to 1page)

Identify at least TWO aspects of instruction that could be improved.
Explain reasoning.

What specific professional development opportunities/activities will

help to acquire that knowledge or skill?

Aspect 1:

Searching online for DVDs and informational videos that help to instruct
lessons for basketball skills such as dribbling, shooting, defense, and
passing. In this type of strategy allows for students to not only learn by
teacher teaching but also by visual learning as well and in some cases
students tend to learn better in this fashion rather than the traditional
This is an idea I find to be very successful and useful for any type of
lesson being taught in the PE field. By team teaching a lesson you are
able to have more one on one teaching without losing focus of the rest of
the class. Team teaching which could be done by another teacher, ex
student, or current student allows for feedback to students from other
people who have a role model aspect to the students. Such as in
basketball having a unit being taught by myself and one of the senior
players who the students look up to would be a great way to help
motivate the students in the learning process.

Technology in the classroom would be a very positive teaching strategy

thatd Id feel would be not only helpful to myself as the teacher but to
the students as well.
Aspect 2:
Team teaching during the unit.

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Teacher Work Sample




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Teacher Work Sample



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Teacher Work Sample


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Teacher Work Sample


Pittsburg State University

Teacher Work Sample



Basketball Defensive Stance & Dribbling

Coach Whiteley
Physical Education
Grade: 7th Boys
Number of Students: 16
Duration: 35 Minutes
Materials: Basketballs (16), Whistle, Basketball Goals (in gym). Scoreboard
Standard 1 - The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of
motor skills and movement patterns.
-Benchmark 1 The students will demonstrate proper technique and motor skills
incorporated with taught concepts in order to perform in physical activity.
Standard 2 - The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts,
principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
The students will demonstrate proper defensive stance alignments
The students will demonstrate proper dribbling techniques
The students will use taught skills to succeed in game play situations

Defensive Stance
To begin instruction students will come into the gymnasium no later than four minutes after the second bell has rung and
be seated on the court baseline. The teacher will begin by having students line up in predetermined rows and proceed to
begin instruction on proper defensive stance and alignment. First the teacher will demonstrate proper defensive stance by
jumping into a stance with feet shoulder width apart, bottom dropped to parallel in comfortable upright positions with
arms stretched out wide. Upon demonstration teacher will then blow whistle and students will take a step forward then
jump into their defensive stances. After all students have gotten into proper position they will hold that stance and the
teacher will scan the class for those students who need further instruction or assistance. The second part of the defensive
stance is students will be able to switch between right foot up and left foot up while in correct position. During this the
teacher will again blow the whistle for students to get into position, once all students have done so the teacher will then
again blow whistle numerous times with each blow signifying students to switch their lead foot. The teacher will at all
times during this be paying close attention to correct posture and correct fundamentals among all players. The third and
final aspect to put into defensive stance is students will be able to chop their feet while in a defensive stance to signify the
importance of not playing defense on their heels. Upon whistle students will get into position, second whistle will lead

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Teacher Work Sample


students to chop their feet, and then next series of whistles will indicate students to switch between right foot and left foot
lead legs all while chopping their feet and staying in proper posture.

Ball Handling
After students have been allowed to go get a drink in between defensive stance and ball handling technique they
will all return to their beginning rows to begin second part of the unit. All students will be allowed a ball of their
choice between a regulation boys ball or regulation girls ball. The teacher will then demonstrate a series of
dribbling drills prior to asking students to do so. The teacher will demonstrate the 3 Dribble Drill to students
with that being dribbling three times on right side of the body then pushing the ball to the left side where they
will proceed to dribble three times on left side of their body using left hand only. Opposite hands of the students
will be used as a ball protection technique in order to prevent defenders from reaching in and poking the
basketball away at ease. After demonstrating this task the teacher will blow their whistle and students may begin
to practice working on this skill. The teacher will administer the fundamentals of the students by walking
around and helping any and all students who seem to be having difficulty in understanding the skill at hand. For
the final minutes of class students will be administered into a dribbling contest set up by the teacher. Two teams
will be formed with eight students on each team, these eight will by chosen by the teacher. Five cones will be
placed in a diagonal position going up the court on both sides of court. Students then will be instructed to
dribble to cone on their right with their right hand, then crossover and dribble with left hand to the left cone and
repeat down through all cones. Two points will be awarded for each correct dribbling technique used in between
cones. Highest total wins.

Students will be separated into two separate teams of 8 and compete in a dribbling completion set up by
the teacher.

Students will be allowed to choose the ball of their choice based on comfort level with either ball. With the girls
ball being smaller students with less background in basketball may use it in order to help in mastering the skill
at hand. The teacher will walk around the gym and help any student who is in need of assistance.

To end the daily lesson students will return all balls to the ball rack then return into their beginning groups and
the teacher will ask for any further questions referring to lesson taught. If none then students will all begin to
Clap it up which is a slow clap then they will break it down and be dismissed as a group for the day.

The teacher will stand in the middle of the court to administer help to any students in need and help where
needed. The teacher will keep score of the cone-cone dribbling drill and place the running score upon the

Pittsburg State University

Teacher Work Sample


Basketball -- Shooting Form and Technique

Coach Whiteley
Physical Education
Grade: 7th Boys
Number of Students: 16
Duration: 35 Minutes

Materials: Basketballs (16), Whistle, Basketball Goals, Scoreboard

Standard 1 - The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of
motor skills and movement patterns.
o Benchmark 1: Students will be able to demonstrate proper shooting form to a
competency level, use teamwork, and understand concepts taught
Standard 2 - The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts,
principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
The students will demonstrate proper shooting form.
The students will demonstrate the combination of dribbling and shooting in a game-like
To begin instruction students will come into the gymnasium no later than four minutes after the second bell has
rung and be seated on the court baseline. The teacher will begin by having students line up in predetermined
rows and proceed to begin instruction for the day.
Shooting Form
The first part of the shooting unit is to teach the students an analogy that represents the proper shooting form
that we are trying to teach them. That analogy is B.E.E.F. which stands for balance, eyes, elbows, follow
through. No balls will be given to the students at this time and only the teacher should have a ball as the teacher
will demonstrate each step and have students practice in place without a ball in hand. The teacher will begin by
instructing students to find balance on their feet and stand in a comfortable stance with feet facing direction the
shot would be taken. The next step is to see where you will be shooting so the teacher will have all students
keep their eyes on the basketball goal as that is where they will be shooting. The third part of this shooting
strategy is the students elbows, the teacher will demonstrate to students on proper technique of driving your
elbow up to or past their eyes in order to put adequate lift on the ball to carry it to the basket. The final part of
the shooting process is their follow through at the end of a shot. The teacher will then demonstrate the follow
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Teacher Work Sample


through by giving them the visual image of putting their hands into the cookie jar. All of this is incorporated
with the lower body jumping into their shot.
After demonstrating all aspects of B.E.E.F. teacher will then pair students up into groups and give each group
one ball. Students will stand 10 15 feet apart from one another and practice taking one step into a jump shot
while properly using the technique taught. The teacher will walk around students to give feedback and analysis
to students while performing the shooting task. After five to seven minutes of partner shooting the teacher will
have all students place balls back onto rack and return to the stage to be seated and wait for further instruction.
The teacher will then explain and demonstrate the activity for the day a Hot Shot Challenge in this activity
five locations have been marked prior to class all worth varying amounts. Right Block = 1 point, Short Corner
on right = 2 points, Left Elbow and Free-Throw line = 3 points each, and 3 pointer top of the key = 5 points.
Students will one at a time be given 30 seconds to shoot from as many locations as possible and to accumulate
as many points as possible. Students will be awarded an automatic five points just for shooting at all five
locations to help better their overall scores. Each shooter may have one rebounder of his choice but no same
individual may rebound twice, after 30 seconds is up the shooter returns to stage and the rebounder becomes
shooter and chooses a new rebounder. Scores and remaining time will be kept by the teacher up on the


Partner shooting Form shooting back and forth to one another

Hot Shot Challenge 30 second time limit (May choose boys or girls ball)

Students will be allowed to choose the ball of their choice based on comfort level with either ball to shoot with
during the shooting drills as well as the Hot Shot Challenge. Adding a 5 point tier for shooting at all locations
during Hot Shot Challenge allows for all students to accumulate points simply just for shooting. This will take
away from inadequacy some students who struggle from shooting may feel.

To end the daily lesson students will return all balls to the ball rack then return into their beginning groups and
the teacher will ask for any further questions referring to lesson taught. If none then students will all begin to
Clap it up which is a slow clap then they will break it down and be dismissed as a group for the day.

The teacher will walk around during group exercises and help any and all students who may need help or need
feedback of current on task skill. The teacher will keep track of time and scores of all students during the Hot
Shot Challenge by using the scoreboard at scorers table.

Pittsburg State University

Teacher Work Sample




1. Who was the inventor of basketball?
a) Michael Jordan
c) John Wooden
b) James Naismith
d) Kurt Warner
2. How many players must be on the court at all times?
a) 3
c) 10
b) 8
d) 9
3. The player who brings the ball up on offense is called the?
a) Point Guard
c) Forward
b) Center
d) Quarterback
4. How Long is the collegiate (NCAA) shot clock?
a) 24 seconds
c) 15 seconds
b) 30 seconds
d) Unlimited
5. What was the first basketball hoops made from?
a) Tires
c) Peach Baskets
b) Plum Baskets
d) Hula Hoops
6. What is the violation called when a player picks up the ball from dribbling, and then proceeds to dribble
a) Pick-Me-Up
c) Illegal Formation
b) Travelling
d) Double Dribble
7. Who is the NBA all-time leading scorer?
a) Steph Curry
c) Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
b) O.J. Simpson
d) Michael Jordan
8. How long is a player allowed to be in the painted area while on offense?
a) 3 seconds
c) 5 seconds
b) 9 seconds
d) Unlimited
9. How many fouls is a team allowed before the opposing team is awarded free throws?
a) 3
c) 8
b) 7
d) 30
10. Free Throws are worth 2 points each? TRUE// FALSE

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Teacher Work Sample


Pre-Assessment Answer Key

1. B James Naismith
2. C 10
3. A Point Guard
4. A 24 Seconds
5. C Peach Baskets
6. D Double Dribble
7. C Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
8. A 3 Seconds
9. B 7
10. False

Pittsburg State University

Teacher Work Sample




1. Who was the inventor of basketball?

Michael Jordan
c) John Wooden
James Naismith d) Kurt Warner
2. How many players must be on the court at all times?
c) 10
d) 9
3. The player who brings the ball up on offense is called the?
Point Guard
c) Forward
d) Quarterback
4. How Long is the collegiate (NCAA) shot clock?
24 seconds
c) 15 seconds
30 seconds
d) Unlimited
5. What was the first basketball hoops made from?
c) Peach Baskets
Plum Baskets
d) Hula Hoops
6. What is the violation called when a player picks up the ball from dribbling, and then proceeds
to dribble again?
c) Illegal Formation
d) Double Dribble
7. Who is the NBA all-time leading scorer?
Steph Curry
c) Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
O.J. Simpson
d) Michael Jordan
8. How long is a player allowed to be in the painted area while on offense?
3 seconds
c) 5 seconds
9 seconds
d) Unlimited
9. How many fouls is a team allowed before the opposing team is awarded free throws?
c) 8
d) 30
10. Free Throws are worth 2 points each? TRUE// FALSE
Pittsburg State University

Teacher Work Sample


Post-Assessment Answer Key

1. B James Naismith
2. C 10
3. A Point Guard
4. A 24 Seconds
5. C Peach Baskets
6. D Double Dribble
7. C Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
8. A 3 Seconds
9. B 7
10. False

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Teacher Work Sample







Free Throw










































Free Throw Pre- Hot Shot



Focus Student = ^
Sub Group Students = ^^
DNP = Did Not Participate due to injury

Average Prelim Scores vs Average Final Scores

Administered Testing
Pittsburg State University

Average Differences
Teacher Work Sample



61.875% (D)

Post Test

84.375% (B)

Free-Throw Pre


Free-Throw Final


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Teacher Work Sample


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