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Students: Kirsten Watts

Professor: Dr. Schiering

Course: EDU 504

Grade: 5

Date: March 10, 2016

Topic: Ancient Egypt

Content Area: English Language Arts

Following the creation of a Story Map graphic organizer on the book The Egyptian
Cinderella by Stephanie Climo, the, students will be introduced to parts of speech, specifically
nouns, adjectives, and verbs. The students, then will create five index cards, one for each part of
speech relating to the topic of Ancient Egypt with 100% accuracy.
Learning Standard
English Language Arts Standard #1 under Language category. Demonstrate command of
the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. Students will
be able to use and identity parts of speech and use the correct tenses of these parts of speech
accurately during the writing portions of this lesson as well as the collaboration portions in
which the students must communicate using proper English grammar and language.
Writing Production and Distribution of Writing 4a. Produce text (print or non-print) that
explores a variety of cultures and perspectives.
Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas 4. Report on a topic or text or present an opinion,
sequencing ideas logically and using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support
main ideas or themes; speak clearly at an understandable pace.
This will be evident when students are able to identify and provide examples of three
parts of speech; nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
The teacher will present a rap in which the parts of speech are addressed.
Index cards, pens, pencils, markers, scissors, tape, computer, Sentence strips

Direct instruction, teacher demonstration, small groups, and indirect instruction
For the visually impaired students, the teacher will provide a handout with larger prints.
Differentiation of Instruction
The teacher realizes not all students learn the same way. The students will be separated
by learners interest. Those who are interested in writing, will create a short using the parts of
speech. Those who are interested in role playing will act out the parts of speech. Those who are
interested in art, will paint a piece depicting different examples of parts of speech.
Developmental Procedures
1. The students, after reviewing the parts of speech through a rap, will have a discussion on
defining each part of speech. (Why do you think the parts of speech are important to
learn? When could you benefit from being able to identify parts of speech? What are the
differences between the three parts of speech? Could you come up with parts of speech
relating to Ancient Egyptian Society?)
2. Relating to Ancient Egypt, the students, working in small group format, will then use
index cards to create five examples of the parts of speech. (Was it easy to come up with
examples? Explain. Which part of speech is the easiest to remember in your opinion and
is there a special way you remember the three parts of speech? If so, what is it? What are
the five nouns, adjectives, and verbs you identified? What do you think we could do with
the index cards?)
3. With these index cards, the students will then put their examples under the correct parts
of speech that will be on the chalkboard. (How well do you think you and your
classmates do? Do you think you are an expert in identifying the parts of speech? If you
were in the ancient Egypt era, how would you teach the children the parts of speech? Did
you like doing this activity? Explain.)

4. The students will create sentences using the index cards and adding conjunctions and
connecting words. The students will create as many sentences as possible while
implementing a floor game style format. (How many sentences did you come up with
using the parts of speech examples relating to Ancient Egypt? What was one sentence
one of your classmates came up with that you think is very clever? Did you have to add
any endings to the words to make them fit in the sentence, such as making a noun plural
or conjugate a verb? Did you enjoy this activity working in a floor game style? Explain.)
The teacher will observe the students examples of the parts of speech and assess which
students are recognizing and stating the different parts of speech accurately.
Independent Practice
The teacher will give out a handout for homework. The students will circle the correct part of
speech in the sentence which they are asked to circle. The students will then write a short story
using fifteen out of thirty parts of speech they had to analyze in the worksheet.
Academic Intervention
For the students that do not meet the objective, they will be given sentences on boards
with slips of examples of parts of speech in which they will fill in the missing words.
Academic Enrichment
For the students who met all of the learning objectives, they will be given MadLibs in
which they will fill in the parts of speech and read the story to the class.
EXPO Resource Center for your back-to-school needs. (n.d.). Retrieved from










Schiering, M. S., Bogner, D., & Buli-Holmberg, J. (2011). Teaching and learning: A model for
academic and social cognition. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education.
Teacher Guide To The Parts Of Speech. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.teachnology.com/themes/lang_arts/partsofspeech/

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