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Stage 1 Desired Results

Content Standard(s):Content Standard(s):

- Students use listening and speaking strategies for a variety of purposes

- Students develop and apply legible handwriting
- Students will demonstrate the following writing applications
- Students write compositions with adequate vocabulary
- Students will write creative compositions in which they show an understanding of selfexpression personal, individual, imaginative
- Students will demonstrate the ability to write compositions which show a logical and
chronological structure
- Students will recognize complete sentences
- Students will gain a broader understanding of nouns, verbs, and adjectives
- Students will use correct punctuation periods, question marks, exclamation marks,
commas, and apostrophes
- Students will write titles correctly
- Students will prepare an oral presentation
- Students will work with texts and media


Essential Questions:

1) What is an acrostic poem?

Students will understand that

2) How can I use acrostic poetry to express myself?

Acrostic poetry is a great way to

express yourself.
Poetry is a way to connect with
other people.
Acrostic poetry can be about
anything you choose.

Student Objectives (Outcomes):

Students will build relationships by

Students will know and be able to

Identify an acrostic poem

Identify a range of nouns,
adjectives and verbs for use in
their poems.
Write an acrostic poem.
Know the difference between
acrostic poetry and other types
of poetry

Working together during class activities.

Work with me on an individual basis
during their independent writing time.
Cooperative learning while presenting their
final projects.

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence Directly Aligned to Content Standard

Performance Task(s):
The goal of this lesson is to teach students about acrostic poetry, how they can use it to express
themselves, and how acrostics differ from other types of poems.

Students will participate in the lesson by helping me create a few examples, providing me
with topics as well as adjectives and verbs to make at least two acrostic poems all together.
Students will be asked to create their own acrostic poems at the end of the lesson wherein
they will be expected to apply what they learned in a way that shows understanding of the
A rubric will be used to assess their final poem.


Students are given the rubric prior

to creating their poems.
Feedback will be given as we
work together during the lesson.
Students will go have an
independent writing time to
create their poems. In this time
they will receive feedback and
have to opportunity to share what
they know.
Students will give a presentation
or their final project and have an
opportunity to make
comments/ask questions about
one anothers work.

Other Evidence (Assessments)

Formative assessment Oral quiz before

the lesson (Warm-Up)
Activity (Lesson/Work Time)
Practice (participation in classroom
lesson/large group poetry writing)

Stage 3 Learning Plan Directly Aligned to Content Standard AND Assessments

Learning Activities:
Essential Question Briefing (5 minutes): This reminds students that we are focused on a
central idea/theme throughout the text. It is a simple and short reminder to focus the class.
(Curiosity, Connection, Coherence)
Pre-assessment: (15 minutes) In addition to a written test that was administered I will give an
oral quiz before the lesson to refresh student thinking and discuss what they have learned
about the other types of poems in the last two weeks. (Connection, Coherence)
Large group creation of at least two poems (15 minutes) (Coherence, Connection, Curiosity,
Unit Plan Learning Targets (3-5 minutes each time): Formative assessments before, during,
and after. (Coherence, Connection, Context)
Students will help me make a word bank that can be used when creating their own poems
(during the large group activity, 5 minutes at the most) (Coherence, Concentration,
Interactions with students one-on-one during independent writing time (20 minutes).
Student expectations as well as the rubric are clearly stated and placed in a visible location for
students to reference before, during and after. (Coaching)
Students will be reengaged every ten minutes by utilizing both guided and independent
practice, modeling acrostic poetry, setting the stage with other poems hung in the room, and
by frequently checking for understanding. (Connection, Coherence, Concentration,
Coaching, Context)

Stage 4 Feedback Strategies (Entire Unit Plan)

Students will know what they need to improve and work towards mastery by through

Acrostic poetry rubric

Learning Targets (SWBAT)
Comments from peers on group drafts
Teachers comments during large group activities
One-on-one meetings with students while the work independently

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