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The Virtue of Good Temper and the Vices of Irascibility and Inirascibility

Excess: Irascability

Mean: Good Temper, Mildness, Patience

Deficiency: Inirascability


Get angry with the right objects the right people or

Do not get angry when a person ought to get

get angry quickly, with the wrong persons or

at the wrong things, more than is right

quit being angry quickly

the right things when one ought to get angry

Get angry in the ways one ought to get angry

Choleric or Wrathful

Stay angry as long as one ought to

and on every occasion

Are not prone to seek retribution, but to make

quick-tempered, ready to be angry with everything

Sulky or Bitter

allowances, and to be forgiving

angry, or at people or things that ought to

make a person angry

Put up with being insulted, treated badly,

Make allowances or forgive too easily, at the
wrong times, the wrong people, etc.

hard to appease, hold on to their anger

repress their feelings, so others dont realize

they are still angry

dont quit being angry until they get some sort

of retribution

Bad-Tempered or Troublesome:

angry at the wrong things, more than is right,

and longer

cannot be appeased until they inflict

vengeance or punishment

Deals with feelings of anger and actions in response to anger

Angers definition for Aristotle: a desire, accompanied by pain, for apparent retribution, aroused by an apparent slighting against oneself or those connected to

oneself, the slighting being undeserved

Copyright: Dr. Gregory B. Sadler 2012

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