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MCT observation

Al Atfal Al Emirat
Date: 20 March 2016
Student name: Thuraya
MCT: Kate Quinlan

You have been helping in your classroom during center work in addition to the TP
tasks. You communicated with me to schedule your observation well ahead of

You did not have the lesson plan ready before class. This is required and is
written in the TP booklet. Be sure to write the lesson plan for the second activity
you do also.
You did not plan the activity. In the morning your MST told you what activity you
would do in the center. You told me that you did not have time to plan at home.
You need to take more responsibility for your planning.
The materials are already on the table, did you set them up? It would be good to
have more booklets of letters so each child can use it.
Implementing and Managing
You sit at a table with three students (your MST told which students to go there).
You explain instructions to the students in Arabic and write the letters on the
board. You need to work on increasing your English especially if this is the high
level group.
Students have paper strips with letters that they use to make words and then
copy these words on a white board. Your MST came over and told the students to
write sentences that start with a capital letter and end with a full stop.
You spend the majority of time working with one girl. At one point, you start write
white which is the w sound, but your table should be focusing on at.
Your MST comes to the table and tells the boy who has finished to write a
complete sentence. How can you work with him to help him do this? He is taking
his board to show the other teachers instead of showing you.
Overall you are using too much Arabic and need to work on engaging all students
at the table equally.
Monitoring and Assessing
You take the letters from the boy at the table in make words with one of the girls
for her to copy. The boy reaches over and takes the letters. He is writing the
letter a upside down. I point this out to you and tell you that you need to model

this for him. You say something to him in Arabic and write the word cat on your
board pointing to the a. He continues to make the mistake and you do not help
him again.
Your MST comes over and asks a girl to read the sentence; she points to the
words while she reads. You are writing the same sentence for the girl next to you;
your MST tells the boy again to do it. Then she informs me that he has an IEP and
is on the autism spectrum, high functioning. This explains why he only wanted to
work with his teacher.
You check the girls reading comprehension by making the words with letters.
How can you help the one who is writing sentences already?

Went Well
First time, I feel maybe it will be hard to teach the students, but there is teacher
to help me and they show me how to teach the student and become too easy to
teach them. Some student, I help them to write the words, write their names.
Fatima she know to write the words with the sentence. Abdlaziz know to write the
word, maybe to write the sentence sometime, but S. have some trouble.
I did good because to teach Sausan how to write, because she try and it feel me
good because I teach her how to write it.

Do Differently
The bad thing, because they 3 students at the same time, Im confused to teach
them at the same time.
Now I saw only I do it for Sausan and Fatima but Abdulaziz, when I tell him to
write the a in the right way he dont listen.

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