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Table 4: Reframing Behavioral Characteristics

Discuss the general behavioural characteristics of all the children in your class with the
class teacher and record these in table form. E.g. Table 4 below.
Table 3: Example Reframing Behavioural Characteristics Record Sheet

Name of

General behavioural



She always knocks over other

childrens constructions or tries
to destroy other childrens art

She may want to join in

with other childrens
play but may not know
how to ask


He is a student how like to talk

during the lesson time and
destory other studnets work .


He is that smalest student in the

class and he his always saying
bad words and figting with other
studnets .

She may be frustrated

because she does not
know how to play with
the materials or
complete her own art
He may feel board in
the lesson time
because the lesson
goes without any
rewording or the way or
teaching was not an
enthusiast. Moreover,
he destroys other
students work I think,
because he does not
want to work so he said
nobody will work, or
feel that all students
have a good ability to
work and he does not
have so he feel jealous.

. Maybe he needs
some attention
because no one in the
class like him and also
the teacher become did
not give him that much
attention, so he thinks
to do bad things, so at
least teacher will give

Suggestions to
help improve

First, the teacher has

to change some
students place and take
out all students that
they talk to the front, so
they will feel that
teacher is looking to
them. Also, try to make
the lesson time to a fun
time, so the students
will not feel bored.
Besides make
rewarding system
during the class for
example, how will be
the polite and good
student he will get
points on her class
portal . on other hand
teachers have to create
different types of work
or tablets so Omar will
not feel weak of ability
front of his friends.
In my opinion, the
attention is vital for the
students especially for
students in grade 1 or 2
because they are still
kids and they need
some on how to listen
to them, and look to
them encourage

me some attention.
And maybe he wants
to become the leader
so he will get the
control on his hands,
which is impossible
Or maybe he will feel
that his is not more
important, and his
presence and absence
is one for the all.
Maybe he is the
student how to have a
high level of ability in
answering, so he finish
his work she fast.

them.Moreover giving
attention to the student
make them safe and
get them feel that they
are important that they
are part of the class,
and if the student gets
this all, he will start to
gain rat good things.

Or he sees that the

worksheet is very
simple, and he can do


Moveing a lot durring the work

sheet time and with out
permetion , copying other
studnets bad behaviour .

Maybe hi is copying the

bad behaviour because
hi is seeing that
teacher is not alerting
students how is coming
with bad behaviour and
ignoring them

I think teacher have to

create more than one
worksheet and on a
different level, so if a
student finishes his
work sheet before the
time he will get one
other tasks sheet, so
like this, he will not
move because he will
have work to do.
The teacher has to
notice each movement
from the students and
each word, and if there
is something wrong that
happened from the
students, emdutaly she
have to stop the
student and take an
action on what he did.
She can involve the
whole class in this
behaviour , for example
asking students that
this student did
something wrong with
you think its a good
behaviour or bad and
why ?.

Table 6: Mathematical resources in the Classroom

Discuss possibilities for implementing activities using these resources with your peer
List of resources that target specific mathematical skills and concepts in the school
Mathematical Resources
found in the preschool

Mathematics Skill / Concept that can be

developed with it.

Unfix cubes

They are using this cubes for countering , also they

are comparing with cubes for example more and less
or which is longer or shorter

Exploring on possible activities to develop

mathematical skills and concepts using these

Numbers as Labels and for Counting: Calculating : Teacher Jana ask her students to
exchange the question on the pepper to the
cubes question and also answer it by cubes
Shape, space and measures:
when they take lesson about more and less ,
teacher Jana gives each group amount of
cubes ,and then she ask which group haves more
or less .

Tens and Ones cubes

Numbers as Labels and for Counting:

Please of values for numbers

Teacher gives them a number for each group and

they have to model the number that they get to
the cubes .:

Numbers as Labels and for Counting: ----


Their using this material for comparing in sizes, which

shape is bigger and smaller. also they are using it for
learning ordering concept for example creating
patterns by the shapes or color of the shapes

Calculating: ---Shape, space and measures: Teacher gives them

random shapes each group and ask form them to
sort the shapes based on the size ,

Naming shapes: circle, square, rectangle, hexagon

Naming colors: red, blue, yellow

Also teacher giving them amount of shapes and

give them freedom to create pattern based on
color or shapes , for example circle circle
square circle circle square , or by the color ,
pink red -blue pink red blue


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