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All Markets


Denovan Lino






Strategic Communication Plan

The All Markets team is purposing to revamp the communications and training system of the
organization. The following memo is an outline of our plan for improvement
Our goal is to facilitate growth in an organization with limited funding. We intend to improve
the communication system and training program of All Markets.
Learning Objectives
This project will help us better understand the following:
Critical Thinking: Our team will have to find solutions while remaining within a strict
budget. To accomplish our objective, we will need be creative and innovative.
Quantitative Literacy: Suggestions will need to be backed by statistical data to build
credibility. We will learn how to collect and analyze data, while we perform research
for this report.
Effective Communication:
1. Our team will develop better interpersonal communication skills, as we work
together to create the report.
2. We will learn how to communicate through media by creating power points
and short videos.
Audience Evaluation
Donovan Lino and the Scouting executives make up our audience. To reach our audience, we
will focus on the following:
Being concise in presentation
Giving adequate evidence to support our claims
Maintaining a professional appearance
Messaging Goals
The goal of our message, is to introduce a new format for the All Markets program. We
desire the new format will be implemented on a nation level.

Key messages
Our message has the following key points:
Online training tutorials
Communication through video conferencing
Announcements made over a mass text network
PowerPoint and videos are the two main media we used to convey our message. PowerPoints
are used, to present the message to a live audience. The short videos will aide in giving
examples to views on the internet and web communication.
All Markets have agrees to fund our research and other minor expenses. The budget
provided is limited, to compensate for this we will perform first hand research to save on
Technical Plan

The research portion of our plan will be conducted in two phases. The first phase
was a survey to identify the needs within the program. The survey lead to three
items of research:
1. Video tutorials
2. Video conference platform
3. Mass texting service
The second phase of research was to find evidence to support our findings.
Once we have evidence backing our claim, we will create a presentation to provide
to Donevan Lino. He will then present our findings at the national scouting meeting
on May 7th.

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