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Robbie Wagoner

Mrs. Thomas
UWRT 1103-048
17 March 2016
Reflection 2
Using the feedback provided by my peers, I was able to insert certain sentences and change the
wording of my paper to better its final result. My peers specifically recommended that I speak
more in-depth about the subject I will be researching. They suggested that I talk more about how
this subject relates to me, and to include why I felt this topic was appropriate to research.
Therefore, I was sure to include more information about the subject at hand. I spoke briefly
about my current findings from what research I have already conducted, hoping that it would
also explain why this question is researchable. Also, I was sure to include notes as to why this
subject was personal to me and how I could relate to its findings. I feel that I used my current
critical reading and critical reflection skills to successfully complete a near-perfect inquiry
proposal for my research assignment.
WID: I feel that the strong aspects of my inquiry proposal are that I truly share my opinion on
the subject at hand. I collaborate my ideas and discuss some of my current findings to explain
why this topic is actually researchable. I also believe that I have done a decent job explaining
why this topic of love and its effect on the brain is important to me. However, I do believe that I
could increase the length and the content of this assignment with the help of my peers and
instructor. I feel that their feedback will allow me to improve this paper to its maximum
potential. As far as questions for my readers, I only seem to have one, and that is: What is
good/bad about this assignment?

Reflection 1
After taking the appropriate time to read over my initial draft for this inquiry proposal
assignment, I must admit that I am pleased with its outcome. I believe that I have done a
satisfactory job explaining what has led me to choose and research this specific question of how
the brain reacts throughout the different stages of love. I also believe that I did a fine job
including a brief history of the question and the context that the question lied within. I feel that i
explained the significance of the question and how it was important to me. Also, I think that I did
a superior job explaining the evidence that I gathered to establish that this question is indeed
researchable. Basically, I feel as if I answered all of the questions that were required for this
assignment while also providing my feedback about the assignment. However, there is still room
for improvement in regards to this assignment. I feel that with the help of my instructor and
peers I can make this paper even better, and possibly a little bit longer. I would like to see the
length of this paper increase, while also making it easier to follow along.
How the Brain Reacts to Love
As boring as it may seem, topics of the brain have always intrigued my interests due to
the complexity of the organ. The amount of information that we have yet to discover about the
brain truly fathoms me. A specific topic that has sparked my curiosity is how the brain reacts to
love. The term love is very broad and can be explained in an infinite number of ways depending
on the individual defining. There are different types of love as well. There is romantic love,
familial love, love in friendship and much more. I came to a decision of focusing my research
towards romantic love. However, the true question that has come to mind is how the brain reacts
differently throughout the stages of love. In other words, how does the brain behave when
initially falling in love, being in love with a person for a short term and being in love for a long

term? Before conducting research I developed an opinion and articulated prior assumptions to
my question based on my own experiences with love. Having been with my girlfriend for almost
a year, I believe that the brain must react differently towards the different stages of love.
Obviously in relationships, depending on the length, couples act differently around each other. A
couple who has been together for years compared to a couple who has only been together for a
couple of weeks will not act the same around each other. Couples will develop a deeper comfort
level and a stronger love for each other as time progresses within a relationship.
Other than personal experiences with love, I came into this assignment knowing little
about the subject. I knew what it felt like to be in love, as well as how it feels to be loved.
However, I had little to no idea as to why these feelings occur. I decided to take it upon myself to
further research love and its effect on the brain. This is a subject that I had been feeling the need
to investigate since the end of my high school career, however I never received the opportunity
to do so until now. My initial topic consisted of the effect of love on the brain as it begins to fall
in love, however, I felt that my research should contain more depth than just the initial act of
falling in love. I believed that it was important to research the reasons behind the different stages
of love, while also comparing and contrasting each stage to one another. I felt that this would
better my knowledge and understanding of the human brain and its complex functions.
Due to past experience with research in other courses, I have realized the proper way to
fully comprehend and digest an article to get all of the information provided. As I began my
investigation process I found a variety of articles that explained the reactions the brain
experiences during love. However, there was only a small selection of articles that explained the
way the brain reacted to the different stages of love. After considering these articles I began to
develop a further, scientific perspective on the brain when involved with love. Each article

explained how love is such a complex emotion to fully comprehend and cannot be explained to
complete clarification. However, each consisted of a variety of experiments that helped provide
research to the question and in assisting a more profound opinion to develop.
Based on my current findings, I developed a more extensive understanding of the brain
and love. More specifically I discovered the ways the brain reacts to love when falling in love,
being in a short term relationship and being in a long term relationship. While the information
that I did read upon was research and experimentally oriented, the topic of love is still considered
extremely complex, and cannot be fully explained or comprehended even with the impressive
science we have today. It is unfortunately one of the topics that require more than just a scientific
approach and more an emotional and psychological approach, which is mainly determined from

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