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Learning centers are appropriate in an early childhood classroom because it is a good way
for students to learn from experimenting. Through learning centers, students can either work
independently, with a partner, or with a small group. Within a science learning center, children
are encouraged to observe and ask questions about the natural world and to think about what
might happen during various scientific processes (Copple & Bredekamp, 2009, p. 315). It is
important for teachers to be included in the learning center as a guide while the students explore
with the materials.
I came up with a hands on activity as my learning center which I allowed the students to
work individually in order to learn from their own experiences. I gave the students instructions
on how to behave and what to do with the materials that I provided for them. I asked the students
open ended questions about what they think will happen to their celery. I acknowledged their
answers by creating a bar graph on what think will happen. I encouraged them to observe their
celery in order to come up with an answer.
I believe that my learning center was very effective and developmentally appropriate for
the students in my second grade class. According to Lemlech (2010), Good teaching of science
features student observation, discussion hypothesizing, and explanation (p. 283). The students
were able to work on a hands on activity and collaborate their ideas with their classmates. The
students were able to write down their hypothesis and explain why they think so. They also got
the chance to see if their prediction came true or not, and if not, they wrote down what really
I was actually nervous to do this learning center in my class because some of the students
have behavior problems. However, I think that it went pretty well. The students were very
excited that they had an in-class experiment. They also came up with interesting ideas on what
will happen to their celery sticks. However, there were a couple of things that did not go well.

Some students made a mess with the food coloring and the water. If I were to do this again, I
would probably put in the food coloring for the students rather than having them to it. The
standard I used was Predict and anticipate possible outcomes (SI-E-A2). By completing this
activity, the students were able to meet the standard by being able to predict the possible
outcomes of what may happen to the celery sticks.

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