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The lesson 6: What can the sun's energy do?

SST: MS, Antonia Scolt

Date: April 12, 2016

As a full as last week in my teaching practice. I was ready and excited to start
teaching last lesson to my teacher. The lesson was an experiment that needs
challenging, because it should apply in different environment which mean outside
class. I started lesson to introduce day, date, the name of the lesson and the unit on
PowerPoint. As usual in each class I remind students about classroom rules to keep
classroom management in the best way. I also remind them the importance of
following rules, because if they do that mean Skinner will be happy to reward them
the certificate. This way is like motivate students to keep going on. As Behaviorism
mentioned that using positive reinforcement helps to motivate students to keep going
on and less misbehave by using positive ways (n.d). I told students about the learning
objective that should achieve it at the end. It seemed to me that students were
excited to start doing experiment. So, in engagement stage, I showed a solar system
picture for students to think what this is? I drew a sun in the board and let students
think the connect between sun and solar collector. As Brunner stated that presenting
picture and model help students to acquire knowledge and be enjoyable in learning at
the same time (2014). As I observed that students involved to build knowledge by
using this way. Then, I showed collection picture for students to think about it first,
then explain the meaning. So, the students realized how solar collector collected light
from the sun. That means the light and heat are energy and energy is heat and light.
After, I informed students like introduction what they should do in the experiment. For
instance, show materials. After that, I went with the students to lab classroom to
apply experiment. I think that going to lab is helped to waste part of time. Although, I
can start teaching whole lesson in lab, but there is another was studying there. So,
the teacher told me to take students after 10 minutes. I faced difficulties in the lab
while trying to apply the experiment. There is no sun in the lab expect the window
has little bit of the sun. I decided to put experiment near the windows, but the place
was narrow that not all students can stand to observe. So, I selected three students
from each group to observe and the rest group do activity. But, it seemed to me this
way not working, because it suppose all students observe. I let all students to
observe the experiment that made lab so noisy. Next, I informed students back their
seats to do activity while waiting the result of the experiment. The activity was looking
at key word to describe what does mean. The words were relating to lesson. For
example, melting, hot, falling, standing and collect. After 10 minutes left the students
noticed what happened for two pencils, so I gave them a poster to solve answers as
a group. Indeed, this activity promoted linguistic skill of learning style by using
language to describe what they observe in the experiment ( Silver , Strong & Perini,
2016). As I noticed that key words assist students to write words correctly.

Unfortunately, I cannot complete discussing part of activity that promote elaborate,

because the teacher suggested to me back to class. The main reason students were
sitting as four groups and they changed the environment. Thus, some students were
plating in the seats instead of doing works. It looked at first time students go to the
lab. It is sure that students wasted time while back to class. But, I completed with
them the discussing. At the last, I did plenary to ask different question that related to
experiment. Indeed, asking question is helping students to promote development of
critical thinking of both as group as individual working ( McClung & Hoglund, n.d ) I
observed that students missed pay attention so I used positive reinforcement to wake
up them. Suddenly, I observed all students compete to share answers and say
excellent answer. It was sorrowful that teacher doesn't observe me in the last two
stages of 5E's, because she left class. Anyway, the teacher gave me feedback to
discussed with her later. It seemed to me that teacher only reflect for three stages of
5E's in the lesson. I think that should improve classroom management next time as
my teacher mentioned that. As a general, I did a good lesson and I applied visual
style to watch picture, bodily kinesthetic to do hand activity and linguistic style to
describe experiment on poster (Learning styles, 2010).

References list:
Behaviorism Theory of Learning HCT PowerPoint. (n.d.). Retrieved on

Bruner. (2014). Jerome Bruner Theory HCT PowerPoint. Retrieved on

Learning styles. (2010). The Pennsylvania State University: Learning design. Retrieved
October 9, 2008. From http://ets.tlt.psu.edu/learningdesign/audience/learningstyles

McClung, C & Hoglund, B. (n.d). Using Questions to Promote

Critical Thinking. Retrieved on April 18, 2016. From
Silver, H. Strong, R. & Perini, M. (2016). Integrating Learning
Styles and Multiple Intelligences. Leaning Styles. North Beauregard:
Educational Leadership.

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