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LESSON 3: Social Media Slacktivism?

Grade 11 English- Social Justice Portfolio: Part I

Focus Standard:

Note: We will be fully focusing on this standard in Part IV (Essay) of the Social
Justice Portfolio. In preparation for assessing the strengths and limitations of
each [authoritative] source in terms of the task, purpose and audience, this
lesson intends to build that rhetorical assessment skill through the medium of
social media.
Additional Standards Addressed:

Powerpoint Link:

Writing Into the Day: Take a few minutes to write about where you are with your
Social Media Portrayal of your social justice issue. (3 min)

Yesterday we talked about hashtags and the different rhetorical purposes they
serve. In our discussion, we talked about how hashtags can sometimes morph
outside of their original intention (like a serious hashtag used as a joke). We
talked about how this affects social justice issues and the concept of social
media slacktivism came up. Do you all remember talking about that? Today we
are going to explore that concept of social media slacktivism. It is really
important to address this debate as you all are moving forward in your Social
Media Portrayal. Its a complicated debate and Im really looking forward to
hearing your thoughts about it.
(2 min)
Introduce debate by showing two videos with opposing views. During videos,
students take notes in their daybooks writing down the points of each argument.
Argument 1: Why Hashtag Activism Isnt Enough (5 min)

Argument 2: Social Media: Online Activism (3 min)


Teacher asks students to say the points they wrote down and writes their
answers on the board.
Add any other argument points students can think of or that we mentioned last
Additional Discussion Questions:
Is social media a necessary tool in todays culture?
What makes social media activism effective? What is the end goal of social
media activism?
For some organizations it is simply awareness, but most hope to achieve real life
action and that is what shows that the social media activism was effective.
(10 min)

Students divide into pairs and tell each other their plans for their Social Media
Portrayal at this point.
Talk about where your topic/project could face social
media slacktivism obstacles
Listening Partner is responsible to say
1. One thing you like about his/her portrayal so far
2. One thing that could be more effective and why
3. One thing that is effective and why
Presenting Partner is responsible to write down the
he/she received
(10 min)
Wrap it Up!
This argument has no clear cut answer. As you all have discovered during this
unit, there are both benefits and drawbacks to using social media as a tool in a
social justice movement. And remember those benefits and drawbacks change
depending on the audience, purpose, context, and writer (Remember what those
are called? Rhetorical elements). So, it is really a complex debate you are taking
place in. As you are working on your projects, these are just some things to keep
in mind.
(2 min)
Exit ticket- the written down feedback each student received from their partner.
This is intended to reveal the students understanding of what makes social
media activism effective as well as to show how well the workshop is functioning
to serve its purpose.
(1 min for collection)

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