Ang Group Final 1-2

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Submitted By:
Cooper Eckman
Aleen Holt
Paia Tuitupou
Angelene Williams

Salt Lake Community College

April 2, 2016

Table of Contents

Executive SummaryPage 1
Project Description..Page 2
Methods..Page 3
Conclusion..Page 4
Appendix #1 Team Contract.Page 6
Appendix #2 Comparison Chart..Page 7
Appendix #3 Participation PointsPage 8

Executive Summary
This report summarizes group 1's Problem solving for our Group Communication Project. During
this project each and everyone one of us were required to use the Dewey Reflective thinking process to

solve our problem. Our problem was about messy housemates who had agreed to keep the house clean
when they first moved in. As the housemates continue to live together the house isn't being properly taken
care of. Our group had to agree on a workable solution.
To come up with a workable plan our group brain stormed all of the best and worst possible ideas.
Then we talked about it and finally came to an agreement on what was the best possible answer for
solving our problem.
The key for solving a simple problem was to make a chart and assign different chores to each of
the housemates. That way everyone is splitting the chores up evenly without one housemate feeling like
they are being picked on. Also talking it out amongst housemates to show that living in a happy
environment is very important.

Project Description

A group of 4 other students are now living with each other. When they first all moved into the
house together they made an agreement to keep the house clean. Now that time has gone on the house is
starting to turn into a disaster. No one is keeping anything clean and one person doesn't feel that it is right
to be the only one trying to pick up after everyone else.
The purpose of this assignment was for our group to find the best possible answer without
causing too much conflict amongst housemates. We used the Dewey Reflective thinking process which
involves the Problem, how you analyze it, criteria, brainstorming, organization, and yes we can. The yes
we can is where you can all agree on the best answer for solving the problem. Our group had a lot of
brainstorming and ideas. Some of the ideas were really great while others were not. There is only so much
someone can do about having messy housemates without causing too much conflict. We all came to an
agreement of making a chore chart for the messy housemates. This is the most effective way where chores
are then switched up each week for each person. This makes it so someone doesn't always get stuck doing
the harder jobs all the time. It also makes it so everyone has to help instead of just one housemate all of
the time. We also came to an agreement talking to the messy housemates about how they feel without
causing too much conflict. Our group believes that communication is very important for problem solving.
Our very final solution for this project was just to move out. It doesn't cause much conflict and it solves
the problems quickly.

To come to the best possible solution for solving the problem of the Messy Housemates our group
used the Dewey Reflective thinking process to get a great answer. Our outcome for our final answer is
effective because it is splitting the chore tasks amongst all of the housemates besides just one person. It
makes it so everyone has responsibility to keep the house clean. Housemates could be getting on one
another's nerves constantly because of the house being so messy. That is why our group thinks that the
chore chart is most effective.
"How can we Housemates prevent the resentment that is building up among us over our messy
Analyze the Problem:
Messy housemates who have moved in with us who have originally agreed to help around the house now
they are starting the neglect responsibilities.
Stake Holders:
The whole group is affected. With the messy environment, it is causing some resentment between them.
When they first moved in, household duties should have been equally assigned and weekly meetings
should have been placed to make sure no one gets off track.
Policies Politics:
The only policy or politics our group can think of that would affect this group is if the house was so
messy, it caused the apartment complex to shut it down for safety reasons.
Resources Available:
Our group would ask family members how they would deal with the situation.
Looking online might help as well.
Honestly, our group doesn't believe there are resources. Being able to clean is common sense and is
After reviewing all of these beginning steps in the Analyze the Problem it really got our group thinking. It
made us realize how many other people this problem can affect. Therefore we wanted to figure out the
easiest and best possible solution for the housemates.

Agree on a schedule and stick to it.
Show respect, gratitude, and appreciation towards one another.
Our group believes that showing respect to each of the housemates is very important. No matter how mad
they are at one another they can still show respect and work the problem out.

Switch up chores periodically, weekly, monthly
Make a Chore chart.
Talk together to receive everyone's input.
Make it a competition.
Assign someone to cook each day, cleanup may be someone else's job, but I personally don't think that
would work. You cook, you cleanup.
Apply principles of effective communication that we are learning in class
show respect, gratitude and appreciation towards one another
everyone gets to voice their opinion
set a time to discuss solutions that is convenient for everyone to meet
be acceptable to cleaning and accepting all tasks assigned
agree to a schedule and stick to it. Be willing to readdress issues monthly
I feel the most important thing is to find a time that everyone can meet and talk about their concerns.
Nothing can be repaired or worked out if the other roommates don't even realize there is a problem. I feel
that it is important to not accuse or point fingers. One thing to discuss is who is going to buy supplies. A
posted schedule seems to be a good solution because everyone could see it, but it is also important to
remember that things can be flexible especially during finals.
Our group wanted to come up with as many ideas as possible for brainstorming. We were all trying to
think outside of the box of any ideas that aren't already the obvious ones.

Move out
Chore Chart
Taking different tasks and completing it on time
Coming up with solutions
Discussing ideas

Our group narrowed down our very best solutions. There are now only 5 solutions and we now decide on

Yes we can!
Chore Chart and talk about it.
Our group believes that the chore chart and talking about the messy house is the most effective way to
solve our problem. It divides the tasks to each of the housemates which will make them responsible to get
the chore done. If someone doesnt do their chore then it shows who isn't taking responsibilities around
the house to keep it clean. Then the housemates could discuss and talk to the person why they dont want

to help around the house. We think that the chore chart is the most realistic plan for solving such a simple


To come to conclusion our group thinks that we came up with the best solution for our problem. It
is the most realistic and easiest fix. If our plan happens to fail there are many other options but ours is the
most simple. We think that it is very effective because splitting the tasks amongst the whole household
makes everyone responsible instead of just one person in the group. Living in a dirty environment can
cause the housemates to back stab each other. Having a chore chart will cause a lot of less chaos around
the house and less people ineffectively communicating with one another. Having a chore chart would help
the students stay organized, happy, and healthy.



Fill in this chart during during your first meeting. At the completion of your meeting,
one member of your team will submit a copy of your completed chart to receive
feedback and points from your instructor.

Meeting #1 Date, Time, Location:

Members Present (include last & first name,
telephone number, and an email address that
you read frequently)

Members Not Present (include last and

first name, telephone number, and
email address)

Angelene Williams (801-448-1968)

Paia Tuitupou (801-560-7485)

Aleen Holt (801-598-3594)

Cooper Eckman (801-574-9793)

Email: N/A

In your first meeting, you will write your Team Contract and pick a problem to solve.

Task 1: Team Contract


1. Our group will be willing to put their best effort forward.

Relational Norms

2. We will not ignore others ideas or opinions.

(3 or more)
(see Table 7-4)

3. We will be able to handle situations in an appropriate



1. We will provide all of our information during meetings.

Task Norms

2. Let others know who is in charge of what tasks.

(3 or more)
(see Table 7-4)

3. If we cannot meet during a meeting, someone is to email

their information to the group.

Assign Relational Roles

1. Harmonizer- Angelene Williams

(see Table 7-2)

You may assign multiple
roles to members.

2. tension-reliever -Paia Tuitupou

3. Evaluator and Empathic Listener - Aleen Holt

4. Praise Giver- Cooper Eckman

5. N/A
Team Contract Analysis:1. Direction giver-Reality Tester- Paia Tuitupou

Are your norms and 2.
realistic? -Opinion Giver-Summarizer- Aleen Holt
Is EVERY member really willing & able to abide by them?
3. Information
Have you set up a way
to enforce these
and roles? Energizer- Angelene
If not, revise them NOW.

4. Summarizer- GateKeeper -Cooper Eckaman

In one or two sentences, describe the team problem:
5. N/A We are going to Rotate Leadership
We picked Topic #9 Messy Housemates. We moved in with messy housemates who agreed
to keep everything clean. They are now not keeping things in the house clean. Do we
accept or how do we address the problem?

Planning for Meeting 2:

When and where will your next meeting be?

All members need to read instructions for Meeting
2 before the next meeting.
Agree to come prepared with the material you
signed up to bring. If you cant attend Meeting 2
for some reason, email your materials well ahead
of time to all group members.

Assign Task Roles

(see Table 7-2)
You may assign a leader
[recommended] or rotate

Cooper Eckman - Points 0

He never participated once in the group project.
Aleen Holt 60 Points

She had amazing answers and was very flexible with her schedule.
She helped on all assignments.
Paia Tuitupou 60 Points
Always was able to answer back when I had a question.
She helped on all assignments.
Angelene Williams 60 Points
I helped on everything I was willing to do any assignments and turn them in.

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