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Hay Day Project

Nick, Phafai, North, Min, Ant,


The Name!

Photo from : http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-LPPivzf37TA/U3CXaTUGAZI/AAAAAAAAAAk/1RJbI-SH7kY/s1600/Hay%2BDay%2BCheats%2BDiamonds


What are the problems?

No Student-life at MUIDS
Global warming
Air Pollution
Unaware of / irresponsible for environment

Target Market
- Students and teachers in our school.
- Parent and school.
- food provider

Photo from : http://n.lnwfile.com/_/n/_raw/bv/fy/1m.jpg

Short-Term Outcomes
gain practical agricultural knowledge
improve nutritional knowledge
Certificate and Awards

receives money from selling vegetables
new club to curricular

Long-Term Outcomes
research and analysis skills
lifelong pragmatic agricultural knowledge
Problem Solving and Logical thinking skills

Gain reputation as environmental friendly
improve positioning against competitor
Gain management ability of school.
sustainable student-run organic food source.

Program Activities
1.Find a Garden Leader who already have gardening skills
2.Buy equipments
3.Garden Leader teach theoretical agricultural skills to the students
4.Decide what to grow
5.Finding place to set up the garden
6.NOW, lets do it!
7.Set the day for each group to take care of the plant

Resources Available

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