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The people of The United States had a rough beginning.

Many of
those who came over from England to this new land desired freedom
from the King and their previous home. In 1776, The Declaration of
Independence was written and signed. This started a point in history
when the people united. This gave motivation and in a way
ammunition for the Revolutionary War. In 1781, the war was over and
The Articles of Confederation were written and gave the basis for the
United States government. In 1787, The Constitution was written in
Philadelphia. It was not until 1788 that required number of nine states
ratified the Constitution. When the Constitution went into affect in
1789 eleven of the thirteen states had ratified. North Carolina and
Rhode Island were the only states that had not yet ratified by that
point. Rhode Island was the last to ratify in 1790. In 1789 James
Madison introduced 12 Amendments for The Constitution and the first
ten became what is now known as The Bill of Rights. To this day there
are 27 Amendments to The Constitution the last being added in 1992.
The constitution could arguably be the most important document
in the history of The United States as it gives a strict outline for our
government and the rights of the people that no one can take away.
The Constitution contains a Preamble, seven Articles and 27
Amendments. The amendments were added at different times and
were not part of the original document. To each Article there are
sections each outlining a particular piece of the Article. The first three
Articles of The Constitution describe the rights and duties of the three
branches of government. The first Article is about the Legislature, the
second being about the Executive, and the third is about the Judicial
branch of government.
The First Article of the Constitution is about the Legislative
Branch of government, which contains The House of Representatives
and The Senate. There are specific guidelines that members of The
House and The Senate have to meet though the guidelines are
different for each. The House of Representatives numbers are based
off of state population so the numbers are proportional between
population and number of representatives. The Senate is composed of
two members per state. Members of The House will remain for a total
of two years where as The Senate members remain for six. The
members choose the leader of the House but the leader of the Senate
is The Vice President.
The first Article includes many rights and limits of the Legislative
Branch. States may choose how they go about elections. Congress
must meet at least once a year and a record of the proceedings must
be kept along with voting information. The Article also discusses
payment information for the members of The Legislative Branch.

Members must attend the meetings and neither house can adjourn
without permission from the other. Laws made must go through both
houses in the same format. Laws will then go to The President that he
may sign or veto. If it is vetoed it will go back to Congress which it
may then be passed by a two-thirds majority vote. If The President has
not signed the law within ten days it will be passed but if Congress
adjourns within the ten days the law will not pass. Congress has a
specific list of rights like the right to maintain an army and to create
courts. They have other rights as well as they have limits like not
being able to touch the Treasury unless a law requires it. There are
also limits on the states as well.
The second Article is about The Executive Branch, which includes
The President of The United States and The Vice President. Their terms
are to only be four years long and at the time The Vice President was
to be the person with the second most amount of votes. The President
and Vice President are to be chosen through an Electoral College.
There are guidelines that the President and Vice President must meet
just like members of the Legislative Branch. The Constitution also
discusses the salary of The President. The President of The United
States has many important powers and rights. The President is The
Commander in Chief of the Army. They will have a Cabinet that can
help them. The President has the right to pardon criminals, make
many treaties, and to choose many judges and members of the
government all of which must be approved by The Senate. The
President must give a State of the Union Address, advise Congress, will
act as the head of state, and will carry out the laws of the country. A
President can be removed from office through a process called
Impeachment. It would remove The President if a crime was
committed and would remove them before their end of term.
The final branch of the government is The Judiciary. The third
Article outlines the Supreme Court and its duties. Judges of the
Supreme Court and lower courts do not have a term limit as long as
they break no laws. As well as the first two Articles it discusses
payments due to members of this branch. The Articles outlines what
cases will go to the federal judiciary and what cases are heard by the
Supreme Court first and that other cases heard are by appeal. The
Article also states that cases are to be tried by a jury. One important
thing that it covers is the definition of treason.
The first three Articles of The Constitution are probably the most
important. They are the ones that dictate our government and they
present the rights and limits and each member of the government
have. This single document has been the law of the land for centuries.
It has been changed and has been read differently but it still stands as

the supreme outline for our government. As a country we have gone

through many hardships and many diverse problems but the document
hasnt been put into question. The three branches of government are
equally important as each has a connection to the others. They are
intercorrelated in such a way that one cannot govern without the other.
There may be three branches to our government but a single body that
was outlined many years ago governs us. Even through everything
that our country has been through and will go through The Constitution
has remained a constant. Politics are very complicated and many
dont like to even talk about it but as people of this country we have
the right to choose our government and shouldnt that be something
that should be discussed in great detail? The layout for our
government is so complicated and it is hard to believe that a single
document written in 1787 could still hold such power.

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