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Lesson 26

Loving the Nations

Bryn Gillette is a painter and educator in Connecticut. His response to Haitis earthquake was to paint Beyond the Ruins.

Begin Inward, and Let it Flow Outward

Jesus told his disciples: You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my
witnesses, telling people about me everywhere--in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends
of the earth. (Acts 1:8) There is an inside-out order here: We begin at home, with Christ ruling our hearts and
transforming our lives in a personal way, before we have anything to offer to our own families, much less to a
broken and hopeless world.
Jesus enlarges our hearts so that we can go love Jerusalem (our city), Judea (the next town over), Samaria
(radically different cultures within our nation), and the ends of the earth (other nations).
Dont Be Like Icarus
Stay anchored. Bruce Herman advised Bryn to slow down and invest in his immediate family.
Who has God put into your path to be the main anchor(s) in your personal life (family and community)?

Big Picture, Little Picture: Start with Yourself

To make a difference in the world, dont begin by trying to change the world! Acknowledge the tension
between seeing the overall meta-narrative and living in the small, day-to-day details of life. Stay grounded.
Remember that God alone controls the big picture! Notice it, enjoy it, and keep releasing it to Him.

Lesson 26

Loving the Nations

The Theme of the Artist (a Haiti painting by Bryn)

White light is seen refracting through a prism, exploding into a multiplicity of color. The equalateral triangle
represents the journey of the artist-- from interior, to exterior, to service.
It also represents 3 interdependent things that should be growing in you, as an artist, at all times:

Your intimacy with the Lord; fluidity in Christ.

Your skill; mastering your craft; fluidity of artistic language (40 hrs/wk for 50 wks/yr, for 5 yrs = 10,000 hours).

Your integration into community; emotional intelligence; being a living part of the body of Christ.

Ask the Lord to help you shine for the sake of the world, as a well-balanced artist-- always to Gods glory.
Inside of Time, and Outside of Time
For we know that all creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth, right up to the present time.
Romans 8:22
Four years worth of summers resulted in 12 paintings about Haiti.
He painted his prayers. It was a long, slow process.
Yet this very week, these paintings, the physical manifestation of Bryns prayers, are featured at a global
conference where world leaders are planning Haitis next 10 years. Not a coincidence, but a God-Incidence!
Please pray for this unfolding mission to bless the people and the land of Haiti.
Always stay tethered to Jesus, letting Him carry the yoke of whatever you are to do with your art and life!

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