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SECTION A: Questions 7-9 Choose me best answer for each blank it % 10.00 pm. fon is geting mady lo sleep. He ohvays (1) fo bed of the same fine wery night He wants 42 wako up feeling fesh the nexl day He —____ @) Nis teeth TING tastes ‘his face. Then, he says goodnight *0 his parents. Fal, he lus off the light @ goss to slase. 1 Ago goes gone, geing brush brushes: brushect brushing 50 ana D because 08> Goer aoe Choose the beet answer for each blank, Teday ie Earth Day, Homiza and her frends —___@) cleaning up the scheo! compound. They collect Used aluminium cans @) plastic battles. hen, they go to the stereroom te fie up a Tew stacks Of O14 newsapers. Thor Ieachers will sanc the cluminiumn cana, plastic bottles Gnd old newspapers (2) 2 recycling centre not far from their schoo! Laie Boe was D were | Bkor | B so but Band a Act Blo ¢ over D towards Choese the best answer fcr each bionk, Justin and Jeeven or in a bookshop, Justin is (1) for books about animals ‘whi Jeevan is inferesied in scionce fction sloryocks. Ther, they walk lo another section of (2) bookshop to buy some statianery. Finally, Fey go to the courrer —_._—_ 3) ay for the hems that thay have chosen. 1 A look B looks © locked D looking 2A Ban Cthe D- 3 Aor Bso Cond D becouse Choose the best answer for each Blonk. Shanty is in the Kiichen, She is going fo fre —____ (1) gq for breakfast, First, she “— (2) ail info. a. pan. Then, she raaks “he egg into Ihe pan, She ats the egg try for 6 hile betore she serves tt _____(@) a picts, 1AG Bon C ibe D- 2 Asome B much many D seve 3.Ain Bot eon D by [ee ee ee ua Chooae sia ext amma fr ech Monk Paik, jesopan teat wee seg Semnat Boxers. ‘Yeerdhy, Sufiay and. hi frics wut to @ wana, They yidked a mee spot 7 — tne water Secdealy ne of is cus te waterfl, They put down al tek things eal payed hor elp. le was drowning und mene them emild give $ —ecaase they did-aot ‘row how to swm, Fortmulely, tee was a mu ishing ncaPhy. The mn Jumped into de sper urd ved hia, Suan aud is fers Yurned thie lcon the asd way, They shoulda’t cccane tp 4 plage is this rithou thee pores en Bove © bade D tehune 8 A yolled 2B Lev © sereamed D wbispered 9 Aaleg Ba hind © ahead Daven | Brety evening, Billy heins his parame Fine, he 7. the busbos Thou be rales sad the fallen Leaves sa One yinden. Ar tnt, he washes bis lather'scaz He 9 water conte decor wing whe, Lacy he aos cal Ons eabbish ud row iin the Gan, 1 Ac B cha € slices D tts 4 A patter B aalles € anthers D gacsing 9 Apa B pou c smnays D sprinkles Choa the bert unmieer for each Blank, Fish jonas teballe cain seigp romrat aso “eva evening. Chewy Rin goce 10 die park 1a joe. Te says che Gat alr and the chirping of the binds rake —7— feel good. Sinec he stirled 8, ho srs hs has been faeting mel, healthier He 9 not ensily tired sind. Geis rae encencts. 7 he © ter 8 Alu © Joeed D Jowsing Bowe

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