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Teacher Interview Project

Kaitlyn Barker
Ivy Tech Community College

Teacher Interview Project

Teacher Interview Project

I do have to say what an honor it was to interview such an amazing teacher who has truly
taught me that one teacher can change a childs life by some of the simplest actions. Taking you
through this interview I am going to first summarize some the points we discussed, followed by
using the accept, reject, and refine model, then go on to discuss some personal aspects of the
interview, and end with reflecting on my experience as a whole.

Mrs. Karnes enlightened me that she didnt end up where she started and where she thought
she was going to go. You dont really know where you belong until you are put in that place and
you cant imagine ever leaving that place.(Mrs. Karnes, personal communication, February 25,
2016) That made perfect sense as she went on to explain how she wanted to start out being an art
teacher, then went into special education moved onto 4th grade, then to 2nd grade, into 1st grade
and then ended up back in 2nd grade where she stayed for many years. She has been a teaching
for 25 years now and she loves every minute of it and honestly if you were able to see her with
the children then you would see what I saw. I truly believe she was and is meant to be a teacher.
As we went on with the interview I began to see more into a teachers point of view on some of
these topics especially when it came to the essential qualifications she thought a teacher should
have. One of her first comments was kind of like giving props to the program we are doing.
Which I completely agree that experience is key to being successful, I honestly love the
opportunity to go into her class on Thursdays, so I do think that the service learning program is
something that has been very beneficial to my growing as a person. The other key component she

Teacher Interview Project

mentioned was discipline which I am not as skilled in as I thought I was, which I have found out
during service learning. It is difficult to have that strong mind set discipline but it is something
that you need in order to keep class going. As I have watched Mrs. Karnes with her kids she
doesnt take much, she is a pretty strict teacher but her methods work. They have what is called a
clip down method and there are slots numbered 1 through 5, 1 being the best and 5 being the
worst. These kids take well to this clip down method and it really seems to work, it also gives
these kids goals to set each and every day. The last and most important for Mrs. Karnes would be
technology. Something that is making its entrance into classes more and more now a days. She is
having a hard time struggling with all the computer based work she has to do and on top of that
their class was just granted tablets which is a whole new ball game for her. The next question
surprised her but she understood the meaning. Unfortunately it has become a thing that she
cannot go up and voluntarily give kids hug, yet she doesnt reject hugs if the kids initiate them. I
find it very sad that this is what it has come to now these days. I love kids and kids in my service
learning class give me hugs all the time, granted I have known most of them since they were
born because I attended Morristown. You also have to realize these kids are other peoples kids
but for 8 hours a day they are your responsibility, (Mrs. Karnes, personal communication,
February 25, 2016) that is how Mrs. Karnes responded when going deeper into the liability
question. You have the obligation to keep these children safe while they are on your watch.
Safety is one of the most important things when it comes to running an efficient classroom. The
next question though kind of confused her a bit, though she answered it to the best of her ability
it confused me as well. The way she supports the families isnt just her by herself, its a school
system as a whole. Morristown is a small school, most families are considered low income
families but the school is also in one of the most supporting and loving communities and I have

Teacher Interview Project

personally experienced it. This question helped tie into her next one which talked about the
partnership. She seems to have an amazing system going with most of the parents and they know
that she only wants what is best for their children. The last and final question concerning
diversity doesnt play much of a role in her school system, but she had a lot of incite on her
opinion about education on a national level. The way she sees testing is a way I think a lot of us
look at the standardize testing. There are so many questions and to why is it deemed necessary,
or why at such a young age? A question I have and always will ask is when did test scores
become more important than the children actual education?
Accept, Reject, Refine.
One of the things I would accept would be Mrs. Karnes clip up method. It is a great way to
give the children something to set as a goal and to look forward to each day as well as keeping
some discipline in the clipping down. Something that I would reject would have to be the way
she is handling the whole tablet situation. I can see it being something positive but at the same
time I see it as something really negative. I wouldnt have them out during most of the class but
set a certain time to use them. They shouldnt be something that they rely on because you never
know what technology is going to do. The thing I would refine would be some of the ways she
has things organized in the classroom, at times it almost feels as though it is nothing but chaos
which is not a good thing at all. The accept, reject, and refine method is something that we
have done in class and connected with when we what you call spring cleaning when talking
about our service learning experiences. I understand that each persons experience is going to be
different as well as our opinions but it just seems like more and more no one is on the same page
anymore. In class we talked about the multiple intelligence theory and what all it entitled. I had
not ever heard of it before until now. The 8 MIs identified by Garner are Linguistic: the

Teacher Interview Project

heightened capacity for using words and language. Mathematical/Logical: the enhanced
capacity for numerical or logical patterns. Naturalistic: the capacity of understanding of nature
or biology well. Spatial: heightened abilities and manipulation of the visual-spatial.
Bodily/Kinesthetic: the well-developed skill of physical movement. Musical: the enhanced
capacity to discern rhythm and patterns. + Interpersonal: the heightened ability to understand and
respond to others. Intrapersonal: understanding of one's own emotional strengths.(Phyllis
K.Adcock pg. 50) I got to see and experience some of these while doing my service learning and
I didnt realize that I had seen them until later on that day when I thought about it and connected
back to it.

For myself personally my morals is something that I will always stay true to no matter what
anyone else tells me, if you do what kind of example are you setting for your children? Some of
the things that breaks my heart are the whole interactive aspect of showing affection towards
students, I think that is one of the most eye opening things. Another thing is that these are not
your kids but at the same time they become your kids for a certain time each day and it is
completely your responsibility to make sure you keep them safe. You have to always make sure
you stay true to yourself while you maintain a professional standpoint, kids are watching what
you do. You are like a role model to these children and you can be that one person to change their
life at such an early age.
My Reflection
I honestly never thought that teaching would be like this. I was very overwhelmed my first
week at service learning I didnt remember 2nd grade being so stressful. I guess when you are the

Teacher Interview Project

one who is in the seat learning rather than the one teaching its a complete different view. This
experience has been very eye opening but I am not so sure that it has been in a good way. It has
made me think a lot and question why I decided to go into education. At first I thought because it
seemed right at the time, now I am at a halt to see why I am taking the steps that I am taking. Its
honestly so weird because at the beginning of this semester I was so sure and as we started going
through classes and service learning its like my mind has gone elsewhere. I have been struggling
with it a lot lately and I think I just need to take a step back and reanalyze somethings in my life
before I go jumping into such a big commitment again. I have enjoyed my time with the kids so
it may be a thing that is going to lead me into another field working with children. I love kids
and I think that was one of the main reasons I choose to go into education as well as I want to
make a difference, I want to do something that impacts lives other than mine. I would not have
wanted to experience it with any other class. I am forever grateful for Mrs. Karnes and her group
of second graders who have really taught me a lot and opened my eyes into some new
possibilities for my future. This has been such an amazing opportunity and I could not be happier
with the results.

Teacher Interview Project

Reference Page

K.Adcock, P. (2014). The Longevity of Multiple Intelligence Theory in Education. 50-57.

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