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28th Edition

April 8, 2016

Our Lady of Unity Catholic

2015-2016 School Year

Dear Parents & Friends,

In just a few short weeks our

8th graders will be making their
Confirmation and our 2nd grade,
along with some other students
will be making their First
Communion. This is such an
exciting time of year for these
students. Having the occasion
to grow in their faith and build
on their relationship with Jesus
is an awesome gift that is being
given to them by their parents,
teachers, and Fr. Kent. I know
that they have all been working
on preparations for some time
and are ready to receive Jesus
and the Holy Spirit into their
For our part, it is important
that we support them in this
time and continue to encourage
them to develop strong values
and virtues. If you are able to
attend either or both of these
ceremonies, please do. Your
presence will help to show the
students that they have an
entire church & school
community standing with them.
God Bless!
Nancy Butters


The 7th grade parents will
have a meeting on Tuesday,
April 12 at 5:30 to discuss their
role in the upcoming 8th grade
graduation. All 7th graders are
expected to help so please put
this meeting on your calendar.


Most of you have turned in

your $85 registration fee for
next year. However, there are
still many who have not sent in
the enrollment paperwork or
completed the online FACTS
analysis for determining
scholarship amounts. Each
year we are only given a
certain amount of scholarship
money and once that has been
distributed there will be no
more available. Please get the
online application complete so
that we are able to schedule
your enrollment meeting as
soon as possible. Remember
that you will also need to bring
your subsidy documentation
with you to the meeting.

Servers are needed for
2:00pm First Communions on
Sunday, April 17, 24, and May
1. Please let Mrs. Butters
know if your child can help.

Raffle ticket sales have
been going very well. Thank
you to all who are working so
hard to help out our school.
We are hoping to begin phase
1 of our projects with replacing
the front doors very soon. We
are looking for people to sell
raffle tickets at the back of the
churches after weekend
Masses. If you are able to
help, please call the office and
we will get you some tickets.


All students purchased at
least one school polo with a
logo from Dennis Uniform and
many girls have jumpers or
skirts. These items wear very
well and frequently have much
more life in them once theyre
outgrown. If you are interested
in selling a polo with logo or a
jumper or skirt, please call the
office or send it to school with
your name. We will offer these
to other parents at a reduced
cost and get you the proceeds
so you can put it towards the
purchase of new items. We
will sell all used polos for $10
and used jumpers or skirts for
$25 unless there is some clear
reason for pricing differently.


April 10-Confirmation
Practice @ 6:00pm
April 127th Grade Parent
Meeting @ 5:30pm
April 12-PTO Meeting @
April 13-Confirmation @
April 15-Progress Reports
go Home
April 16-OLU Car Show
April 17First
Communion @ 9:30am
April 22NO SCHOOL/
Faculty Faith Formation
April 30PTO Social

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