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Marie Jo Lafontaine:

Held in Lempertz, Brussels

auction house
Victoria 19 large columns
with monitors playing videos in
a spiral formation
Video shows two men in a
dramatic dance advance,
retreat, dance and combat are
The men dance on a thin line
between love and war. If we
keep fighting, it can degenerate, but if we keep loving it could end in
Shown in 1988
The public can walk into it
Makes you question the storyline are the men wooing each other?
The artists draws visitors out of their distanced attitude and involves
them emotionally, despite themselves and the feeling of contradiction
this induces
Not frightened of pathos
Who is watching these installations? German public
How do the audience react? The plot isnt incredibly clear, this gives
the audience the opportunity to really think about the goings on in the
images. This gives every person who views this a different perspective,
their own perspective

Susan Hiller:

Shown in Tate modern

20 minutes long on repeat
Subtitles are in english, spoken in a different language
The last silent movie 2007
neither silent nor a movie in the conventional sense
Showcased on a single screen
Continuous soundtrack of extinct/endangered languages
Creates a composistion of voices
The voices spoken are mostly of people who are dead
Supposedly setting some of the ghosts free
Some voices sing, some tell stories, some recite vocabulary lists
and some, directly or indirectly, accuse us the listeners of
Slightly eerie feeling as the point is to set these ghosts free
Due to the fact it emphasises the fact the languages spoken are
dead yet beautiful and how the audience will never appreciate
these languages. This adds a slightly eerie atmosphere

Like: its a memoire

Dislike: the setup isnt exciting at
all, it is simple coming across as
Who watches these
installations? Members of the
British public as it is shown in a
London museum
How do the audience react?
Makes them feel slightly upset,
we are so unaware of the rest of the world around us. It opens the
audiences eyes

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