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Cristen Simone

ED 206 026
October 21, 2013
Position Paper #1- Bullying

Bullying Paper
New Jersey has recently enacted a bullying law that is also known as the Anti-Bullying
Bill of Rights. This law requires teachers or any school leader to prevent or report to any
intimidation and bulling in school. Bulling can refer to actions such as, harm, intimidation,
harassment or humiliating another person. Bullying can also be categorized as physical, verbal
or relational. It can also be expressed in person or through electronics, also known as cyber
bullying. Bullying can not only be direct by hitting, texting or insulting another person, it is also
indirect by encouraging others to bully someone else. Some key characteristics of bullying
include consequences of frequent bullying. Do you notice the same child getting picked on once
a week or more? These children can eventually become depressed or feel social anxiety that can
lead into their adult years. They also are more likely to be involved in the criminal justice
system. Another characteristic seen are that peers that are usually involved can be described as
bystanders. The bystanders attitude can evoke bullying behaviors. If the peer supports the
targeted child, bullying usually subsides. However, most children who bully are sensitive to peer
responses to their behavior. There are many examples of key actions for school leaders and staff.
One of these key actions is forming an advisory or leadership group. This group should consist
of teachers, parents, students, administration and community members. They should all share
ideas and information from the larger school community. Another action is involving all

stakeholders, especially teachers who all support the plan. This should include all school nurses,
food service staff, maintenance crew, volunteers, coaches, bus driver and others. Since these
people require knowledge of district policies, they should participate in training and receive all
information. Other actions are involving youth and families, focusing on the culture and climate
of the school, increasing supervision and structured activities in each school setting where
bullying occurs, and the list goes on.
New Jersey also promotes in schools an implementation of the law, Bullying Prevention
for Students with Disabilities. Some disabilities are highly noticeable or visible, like children
with cerebral palsy who are in wheelchairs. Other disabilities are unnoticeable or invisible, like
children with learning disabilities or a child with an emotional disturbance. Bullying is greater
for children who are disabled than students who arent. The Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights is made
to protect these students by citing several distinguishing characteristics to consider as underlying
factors for motivating HIB. First of all, students with disabilities are usually targeted because
their appearance is different. Secondly, these students could be more socially isolated than
students without disabilities. Third, a disability can create an imbalance of power because the
students cannot defend for themselves. Other reasons include, students with disabilities are seen
differently because of their behavior, they require support which other students as well as staff
can find challenging, and they are excluded from the mainstream part of the school. The
school climate is important because it is where all members of the school feel accepted. When
disabled students become socially isolated, the students without disabilities gain understanding
about differences and the importance of acceptance. Staff and teachers play a major role in
protecting students with disabilities from bullying. They help manage peer relations and prevent
from bullying. When a student is bullied, it is crucial that the student knows he or she is not at

fault. Key actions for school leaders and staff are important. One of these actions is to ensure
that school policies and procedures specifically address students with disabilities. Also, these
policies help create an understanding of diversity among all students. This helps students
understand policies in which ways people are different and having a disability shows that. Other
actions include, involving families, including staff and parents with special education experience
on the school safety, encouraging all students to participating in anti-bullying programs and the
list goes on for these actions.
The article Joining Hands against Bullying, talks about a few good points. This article
talks about how children should be punished but research shows punishing without trying to
repair or talk about the harm has negative effects. It can also cause more harm than good. The
ones that bully usually have been victimized themselves and forms of punishment bring these
feelings of being isolated back. Bullying rises when they are supported by underlying norms and
being punished does nothing to change these norms. It is shown that bullying is less likely to
occur where the school norm is caring and showing responsibility. When other students show
positivity is encourages other students to do the same. It motivated them and plays a role in how
they can treat others. There are three strategies that stand a chance in changing the social norm.
One of the most important strategies is what the student can do, this strategy is Student
Leadership and Governance. The student can ask questions of their principal, counselor or
school staff. These questions can include: are there adults in charge of the bathrooms, hallways
and other areas of the school? How can students have a say about things that happen in the
school? Does the school have a bullying policy? There are ten good questions a student or staff
member should ask, and those are just a few. Adults also play a major role in student lives and
those who deal with bullying. Adults are normally good listeners and facilitators who promote

the fundamental values, such as honesty, respect for difference and justice. The work of school
adults is to show students how these values can live and breathe in everyday life and make
students join in delivering this vision. Research reports videos where students are being harmed
and victimized while adults were only a few feet away. They also report others students doing
nothing while a student is being bullied. It is an adults job to take responsibility for the
community as a whole. If they are a witness, it is their job to report and prevent bullying. Adults
can help determine how a student is feeling and prevent future situations from occurring. It is
their job to do whatever they can to help a students well-being and keep them safe.
The video pork chop is a good bullying video. It was a sad video to watch but for those
who are victims of bullying they can relate to it. This video shows that anyone can be bullied, a
boy a girl, someone who is disabled, someone who has a birth mark on his face, someone who
has bruises, and anyone can be victimized. I never have been personally bullied but I have seen
what bullying can do to people. I went to high school with a girl. I was not that close to her but
I talked to her once in a while. She was apparently bullied because she was a lesbian and
because of her appearance. Most people did not know about it and it was too late when she
decided to commit suicide during her junior year of high school. I remember the setting of my
school when that happened, the bell for first period was late because the staff was in a meeting.
I remember everyone who stepped out of that meeting was crying and carrying tissues, I knew
something happened. The principal finally announced that she died the previous night. School
was not the same for a few weeks and more counselors came to our school to be available for
students dealing with her loss. I have nothing but good memories of that girl and I still cannot
believe she was a bullied because she was always so happy and in good spirits. I believe people
do not think of consequences bullying can have on people until it is too late. The girl from my

school was not noticed until she died. The people that bullied her will have the live with that
weight on them forever. Bullying to me is pointless, why do others have to judge other people?
Everyone in life should be happy with how their own lives are and should stop worrying about
the appearance of others and their faults or disabilities. Many people often judge before getting
to know a person even if you do know that person well you should keep comments to yourself. I
feel horrible that other peoples words or how they treat others could cause depression and can
lead to things like suicide. No one deserves to feel insecure to go to school or feel bad about
them. I am happy that bullying laws are going to effect and hopefully in a few years it will only
get better.

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