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Running head: RESEARCH LOG

Research Log
Jackson Hitchcock
University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Running head: RESEARCH LOG


Ashforth, Blake E., and Fred Mael, Social Identity Theory and The
Organization. Academy of Management Review, 06 Nov. 1989. Web.
28 Mar. 2015.

Date Accessed:


Type of Source:

Secondary Source, Scholarly Report

Inquiry Questions

How does a certain group affect an individuals identity?


Identity, group

Summary +

In the article, Blake Ashforth analyzes the effects of social and group
identification has on an individuals identity. He argues that the
changes in identity are in relation to the four principles of group
identification that are suggested in literature. The first, is that
identification is viewed as a conceptual construct that isnt associated
with any specific behaviors or affective states. The second principle is
based upon how social/group identification is seen as personally
experiencing successes and failures of the group. The third talks about
how social identification is distinguishable from internalization. The
fourth principle expands upon the fact that identification with a group
is similar to identification with a person.
Although what I have described above is only a fraction of Ashforths
and Maels article, I do find that this small portion of information will
help me to improve my overall understanding of the effects of social
and group identification. By connecting what I have learned from this
article to my inquiry question about clubs, fraternities, and an
individuals group of friends, I will be able to properly analyze the
reasoning behind why the shift in identity occurs.

Further Questions:

Ashforth and Mael thoroughly explained the psychology behind the

effects of social groups on and individuals identity, but my inquiry
question asking about the effects that joining a fraternity have gone


Pope, Raechele L. The Relationship Between Psychological

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Development and Racial Identity of College Students of
Color. Gse.buffalo. The University at Buffalo, State University of
New York, 08 Mar. 2008. Web. 29 Mar. 2016.

Date Accessed:


Type of Source:

Secondary source, Scholarly Article

Inquiry Questions

How does race affect a college students identity?


Identity, College, Student, Race

Summary +

In this research study, Pope examined the question of whether or no

race has an actual role in the shaping of ones personal identity during
their time in college. What she found, was that race had a significant
effect on the individuals social, academic and psychological
development. One example, would be that the distasteful stereotype
associated with African American students was far from the truth, as
they scored among the highest on many tests administered to students.
She also goes into more depth about the overall success and
development of the students planning out their future careers and life
I found this article to be an excellent source for my inquiry project as
my question about how race affects a college students identity was
directly answered in a well-written research paper. After reading this
essay, I will be able to directly connect this study with my inquiry
question as I finish my final draft of my project.

Further Questions:

One thing this research paper did not address, is what the actual
psychological reasoning behind these identity shifts would be. I
wonder, what are the socioeconomic backgrounds of these individuals,
and does that have an effect on their success in a college environment?


Gerdes, Hilary, and Brent Mallinckrodt. Emotional, Social, and

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Academic Adjustment of College Students: A Longitudinal Study
of Retention.Researchgate. Journal of Counseling and
Development, 03 Aug. 1994. Web. 02 Apr. 2016.

Date Accessed:


Type of Source:

Secondary Source, Scholarly Article

Inquiry Questions

How does an individuals academic success have an impact on their



Academics, College, Student, Identity, Personality

Summary +

In this article, Gerdes and Mallinckrodt write about the retention rates
of higher education students, and how it correlates to the students
social activities such as academic clubs, sports, and other social groups.
The authors go into further detail about the complex challenges in
emotional, social and academic adjustment that every college student
faces in their own personal experiences, and the ways in which they
adjust to such changes.
With the use of this article, I will be able to explore the psychological
and identity changes that students experience throughout their
academic career. After reading this aticle, I feel as if I have a much
better understanding of not only the affects a college students
academic success has on their identity, but also the psychological
impact that social groups can have on a students success in a college
environment as well.

Further Questions:

I really have no further questions, as I feel that my concerns have been

fully answered in this article.


Hitchcock, Steve. "The Effects of Fraternities on an Individual's

College Experience." E-mail interview. 01 Apr. 2016.

Date Accessed:


Type of Source:

Primary Source, Interview

Inquiry Questions

What impact did joining a fraternity have on your college experience and
your identity and personality?
Did it affect your academic success? For better or for worse?

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Looking back at your college experience, would you still have participated in
Greek life?


Fraternity, College, Identity

Summary +

In this interview, I asked various questions about my fathers college

experience involving his fraternity, and whether or not he would decide
to do it again, if he had the chance. He explained that the fraternity he
participated in, Kappa Alpha Order, did not affect his personality, as
they did not advocate for others to shape themselves into another form
that was not their own. Instead, it was simply a likeminded group of
friends that came together to form a close-knit bond, and participated
in social activities and other such things. Although he does believe it
adversely affected his grades at first, he explains that it eventually
taught him discipline, and how to properly manage his time.
As I have also participated in Greek life for a short period of time, I
would also like to say that I personally feel the same way. The way my
Dad explains the bond he formed with other members of his fraternity
closely correlates to my own experience. Brothers in the fraternity have
proven that they will go out of their way to check on other brothers, if
they feel that something is wrong. One thing that I didnt share though,
was the adverse affect of the fraternity on my grades. Last semester
when I was going through the pledging process, I made the highest
grade-point average I had ever made in my life.

Further Questions:

As of right now, there are no further questions that I would like to be

addressed, as all have been answered in the interview.


Hitchcock, John-Stephen J. "The Effects of Fraternities on an

Individual's College Experience." Telephone interview. 01 Apr.

Date Accessed:


Type of Source:

Primary Source, Interview

Inquiry Questions

What impact did joining a fraternity have on your college experience and
your identity and personality?

Running head: RESEARCH LOG

Did it affect your academic success? For better or for worse?
Looking back at your college experience, would you still have participated in
Greek life?


Fraternity, College, Greek life, Interview, Brother

Summary +

In this interview, my brother shared his own personal experience with

his time in a fraternity. He said that joining vastly benefitted his social
life, as he didnt know anyone when he first came to the school, and by
the end of the first two weeks, he had a friend base of around 60
brothers. He also goes on to explain that he also believes the fraternity
also adversely affected his grades, but he thinks that it really depends
upon the individual, considering there are many brothers who are doing
extremely well in school but still spend a lot of time at the fraternitys
social events.
I would like to add that, excluding the adverse effect on grades, I also
had a quite similar experience. Considering I was in the same chapter
of the fraternity as my blood-related brother, we both remember
multiple times in which a brother has gotten hurt, and we all chipped in
together to pay for their medical expenses. So, I personally believe that
a fraternity or sorority is one of the best ways to develop incredibly
strong and caring relationships between other people in your college

Further Questions:

I would like to know what traits or characteristics an individual is most

likely to have in order to succeed in their academic career, while
simultaneously participating in Greek life. I understand that managing
time and adapting their schedules must be difficult, but what
psychological traits must one have in order to not fall victim to
suffering from a decrease in their GPA?


Barry, Carolyn McNamara, Stephanie D. Madsen, Larry J. Nelson,

Jason S. Carroll, and Sarah Badger. Friendship and Romantic
Relationship Qualities in Emerging Adulthood: Differential
Associations with Identity Development and Achieved Adulthood
Criteria. Researchgate. Springer Science+Business Media, 17
Apr. 2009. Web. 03 Apr. 2016.

Date Accessed:


Running head: RESEARCH LOG

Type of Source:

Secondary Source, Scholarly Article

Inquiry Questions

Do Romantic Relationships Impact an Individuals Identity?


Relationship Quality, Romantic relationship, Friendship, Identity,

Adulthood criteria

Summary +

The basis of this article was based upon the examination of the degree
to which emerging adults(From childhood to the later years of college)
progress on identity development and achieved adulthood criteria were
related to the qualities of friendships and romantic relationships. The
authors believed that emerging adults who had made greater progress
on identity development would most likely report more positive results
in their romantic relationships.
I am glad I found this article, because this directly answered my
question about whether or not romantic relationships affects the
individuals identity in a rather direct manner. I completely understand
how this study reached its conclusions, and it honestly makes perfect
sense to me that a person who has taken the time and effort to develop
their own personal identity, would have more success with romantic or
even friendship relationships with other people.

Further Questions:

One question I would like to add, is how does participating in a

romantic relationship affect a college students identity, specifically?
The authors seemed to analyze the effects of friendships and romantic
relationships in a specific age group in which college students would
most definitely fit the criteria, but considering my project is based upon
its affects on someones identity while they are in college, I may have
to do a bit of extra analysis in order to find the answer to my extra


The three sources that I feel are the strongest would be the Social Identity Theory by
Ashford and Mael, The Relationship Between Psychological Development and Racial
Identity of College Students of Color by Raechele Pope, and the two interviews I
conducted. The first two I listed went into great depth with their analyzations of the
human psyche, and what psychological characteristics actually resulted in the effect on

Running head: RESEARCH LOG

the individuals identity. But with these two credible and well- renowned sources, I also
felt like I needed something a little bit more personal, and the interviews satisfied that
need. All three sources I have listed above helped me form what I had to say about my
topic by not only giving me academic research articles to study and source, but also to
give my project a more personal feel to it.
Personally, I feel as if both of my research methods were successful. The combination of
academic articles allows the project to maintain an intellectual, fact-based analysis,
whereas the interviews are more likely to adhere to the readers in the classroom, which
would help them connect with the overall message of my final project. My secondary
sources required a lot more reading and comprehension skills for me to complete, as they
were all sources created by college professors and graduate students. My primary source,
on the other hand, was rather difficult to complete, due to the fact that I had to manage
my schedule, and personally organize the interview.
When I formed my primary source questions that I used to conduct my interviews, I tried
to make them in a way in which they were much more smooth and polished, as opposed
to an abrasive approach, that wouldve provided me with a less personal answer. Overall,
I feel as if I did a fairly good job conducting the interview and forming my questions, as I
got a personal response from not only my brother, but also my father.
I conducted my research by searching key words in the google scholarly articles search
engine, as well as E-mailing certain members of my family for my interview questions. I
was fairly please with the results, considering both my primary and secondary sources
provided me with accurate information, and will help me develop my final draft of my
project. If I were to go back in time and restart this project, one of the only things I would
change is that I would most definitely conduct the interview in a face-to-face manner. I
feel as if that would have provided me with a much more detailed answer, as opposed to
the E-mail method.

Due Date: April 4th by 11:55pm

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