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Grayson Collins

ENGL 4183
March 23, 2016

A Style Sheet Guide

Page Format
Size- 12
orientation (tall or wide)- tall
margins- 1 inch
headers (content, page #, rules, etc.)- title
footers (content, page #, rules, etc.)- page number
numbering (front matter, body)- yes
rules (painted lines that act as dividers)- yes
columns (number, width of each)- 3
colors (screens, text, graphics, none)- black and others
document title (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis)- Arial, 24 pt, bold, left side
heading 1 (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis) - Arial, 24 pt, bold, center
heading 2 (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis) - Arial, 24 pt, bold, center
heading 3 (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis) - Arial, 24 pt, bold, center
captions (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis)- defalt
menu items, as represented in the text (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis)
key strokes, as represented in the text (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis)
spacing (leading, kerning)-defalt
lists (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis)- 12pt, center
footnotes/ endnotes (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis)- Times Roman, 12 pt,
abbreviations to use after first reference- Unviersity of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC Charlotte)
capitalization (any non-standard uses must be specified)- Standard
hyphenation (on or off?)-on
in-text definitions (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis)- time roman, 12pt, left side
quotation marks (straight or smart quotes)-stright
spelling (U.S. English, British English, other?)- US English
steps: (numbers, bullets, or dingbats)-Numbers and bullets

active or passive voice- active

second person direct address of reader?-yes
gender references (acceptable pronouns)-all

Figures & Tables

captions (numbers & titles)- throughout document
size & placement- 12 pt, left side
textual references to figures & tables (font, face, size, case, placement, emphasis)- times roman, 12 pt, left side
decimals aligned (tab setting)- yes
typography & punctuation of elements such as lists, headings, titles (none, periods,
commas, font, case)- none

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