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Background Information
UTA Candidate: Shaun Lovett
7th Grade
Language Arts
Length of Lesson: 2 3 Class Periods
B. Goals and Objectives
110.19. English Language Arts and Reading, Grade 7. (b) Knowledge and skills.
(15) Writing/Literary Texts. Students write literary texts to express their ideas and feelings
about real or imagined people, events, and ideas. Students are expected to: (B) write a poem
using: (i) Poetic techniques (e.g., rhyme scheme, meter);
2. English Language Arts Proficiency Standards (ELPS)
(E) Employ increasingly complex grammatical structures in content area writing
commensurate with grade-level expectations, such as: (i) using correct verbs, tenses, and
Students use spoken, written, and visual language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for
learning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of information).
4. Students will be able to:

Identify different types of poetic rhyme schemes

Create their own poems using different rhyme schemes

Distinguish between slant and perfect rhyme

5. Materials needed:

Worksheet chart with the definition of poetic rhyme schemes with examples
underneath. Taken from http://www.kathimitchell.com/poemtypes.html but edited by
me to only include the poetic rhyme schemes we will be learning in the lesson.
(Attached at the end of Lesson Plan)



Large Sheets of butcher paper

Rhyming Dictionary

6. Technology

Could use the laptops or computers to access the internet to look up different types
of poems so the students could see more examples.

Could also use the laptops or computers to access the internet site
www.rhymezone.com to find words to help them format their own poems.

C. Lesson Overview
This lesson will introduce specific types of poetry schemes and techniques. The students will
learn the differences between Perfect Rhyme, Slant Rhyme and Free Verse and how these
different types of rhyming must be incorporated with the many Poetic Schemes. I will begin the
lesson by passing out the poetry worksheet to all the students. I have highlighted important words
and patterns throughout to facilitate easier comprehension. I will explain that the colors
correspond to each other. My classroom will have teams, meaning that there will be groups of at
least four students at each desk. After I have explained what all of the colors mean on the
worksheet we will go over the Vocabulary Review at the top of the first page. After they are
familiarized with those words again we will go step by step through each new Poetic term. I will
inform the students after we finish reading through the worksheet that we will be working in teams
to create poems. The subject matter of the poems will be up to the teams, allowing the students
some freedom as long as the subjects are appropriate.
D. Vocabulary
The new vocabulary will be on the worksheet I have created.






Perfect Rhyme

Slant Rhyme

Free Verse










E. Procedures The Development of Topic and Practice of Knowledge and Skills

1. Introduction of the Topic
Begin by asking the students what they know about poetry. Any terms they might
remember from doing it in previous classes. They will mostly likely reply that poems
Ask: Do poems always have to rhyme?
Ask: Are their different types of poems and if so do you know what some are called?
Write on the board:
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Sugar is sweet
And so are you

Ask: Do any of you know what kind of poem this is, and what they notice about it
such as

Does every line rhyme?

Is it still a poem if they dont?

Does this poem have a name?

Explain that this poem has two lines of Perfect Rhyme and that by the end of this
lesson they will be able to tell me why.

I will also explain that they will be learning the names and definitions of different
types of poetry.

I will also inform them that after we review the Poetry Worksheet they will be working
in groups to create one of the poems.

While going over the Poetry Worksheet I will use the AVID tutoring concept of only
answering questions allowing the students to discover and think of answers on their
own based on the question I ask.

2. Development of the Topic:

Teaching Input

I will pass out the worksheets and go over the vocabulary and explain how we will be
going about this Worksheet. I will encourage them to take extra notes on anything
that is not already written on the worksheet.

I will talk about each poetic scheme in detail using every section of the worksheet I
have created.

Teaching Modeling

I will have them read each example poem out loud with me so they can hear how the
words sound and flow as well as seeing them on the page.

Although I have the examples on the worksheet I will write them on the board as we
talk about each term and underline the specifics of each poetry scheme so that they
see it on their page but I am reiterating it by writing it on the board as well.

I made a guide so that while we are learning the terms they arent busy taking notes
and will be focused more on what I am doing in front of them, instead of what they
should be writing down.

Guided Practice

I already have everything mapped out on the worksheet so as we go word by word I

will cold call on students and ask them to explain in their own words what each
definition means. (I will use the technique of no opt out, meaning that once I call on a
student they will have to answer the question. They are not allowed to say I dont

Checking For Understanding

After each term I will ask the class if they have any questions or need any
clarifications. If the answer is no I will move on to the next term.

After we finish reviewing the worksheet together I will ask if any students have any
final questions or concerns.

Independent Practice
If the students understand how to create a Quatrain poem their homework
assignment will be to independently create their own Couplet, Triplet, Cinquain, and
an Acrostic Poem using their first names.

3. Assessment/Evaluation

After I have answered any remaining questions I will pass out one large sheet of
butcher paper to every group along with a thesaurus, dictionary and rhyming
dictionary. (If I have a classroom with technology I would let them use laptops to use
the online resources.

After I have distributed these items to every group I will instruct them to create a
Quatrain Poem as a group. I will give the students ten minutes to do so.

As the students are working I will walk around the class giving advice and tips when

I will choose Quatrain because there are two different ways to do it, so it allows the
students to have some control over their assignment.

After the ten minutes are up I will have each group present their Quatrains to the rest
of their classmates.

If the presentations are done correctly I will know that the students understand how to
form Quatrains. However, if there is any doubt that the class does not understand I
will reteach what I can before the bell rings.


Before the students leave class I will give them a quiz to check for understanding.
The quiz will be over Quatrains, Couplets, Triplets, Cinquains, Acrostic poetry and the
different types of rhyme since that was the main focus of the lesson.

4. Closure: Summary for the Students of What Has Been Learned

I will restate what the poetry lesson was over and why it is important to study poetry. I will
explain that there are a lot of disciplines of literature and that as a Language Arts teacher
I want to expose them to as many genres and mediums of literature as I can. I will also

explain the fact that poetry can be fun because it makes you think critically but it doesnt
involve writing pages and pages of material. I will also explain how writing poetry can be
therapeutic, because I will be teaching students going through adolescence I want to
provide as many avenues for self-healing and love that I can. My job as a teacher goes
beyond just making lesson plans and prepping for an exam. I need to provide a safe
place where students feel comfortable expressing themselves whether it be in verbally or
written. I will ask if there are any questions they would like answer before we move on to
the next subject. I will go over every term we learned and cold call ask the students what
the poems I present are examples of and why.
3. Re-Teaching
If a mass majority or just a few select students seem to not understand or know the
definitions of the poetic schemes I will re-teach it. My method of re-teaching will come
from the questions asked more often. Instead of focusing on what makes a poem fit into
specific schemes I will write poems on the board and pass out examples of poems that
dont fit into the right scheme and the students will have to figure out what to add or take
away from the poem to make it fit into a specific scheme. I would also already have a
kahoot which is an online game the children can sign on to and answer multiple choice
questions. There is a time limit and the faster you answer the higher your points are. If I
have them do Kahoot as a team the students that are struggling could seek guidance
from the students who have it down. Playing a game as reinforcement will make the
students feel as if they are just having fun when in reality they are getting more and more
drills and exposure. Afterwards I would invite the students who do not understand to meet
me for tutoring whether its during their plus period, in the morning or after school. I would
offer the extra help.
4. Extensions
For excelling students, I would ask those students to create an example of every poem
within the same theme. So instead of getting to create as many random poems as they
choose they would have to do them all on sharks, plants, family, or music. However, I
would still let the students choose because I have noticed through my observations that
gifted students love being given options. This less broad subject matter would make the
students think harder about expressing one top through all of the different poetic
schemes. I would also test them over harder poetic schemes like Limericks and Epitaphs.
5. Accommodations
For English Language Learners, I would simplify what I was looking for. Instead of
assigning three or four assignments for homework I would focus on the one I feel they
could be most successful with. For example I wouldnt give them homework concerning
the Limerick poetic scheme; instead I would focus on the definitions of Perfect Rhyme,
Slant Rhyme, and Free Verse. I would also only assign the poetic schemes Acrostic,
Alphabet, Couplet and Triplet because they are not as advanced or specific. Acrostic and
Alphabet would be easy for them because the alphabet is usually the same in most
languages and if I asked them to write a poem with the Acrostic poetic scheme I would
have them use their name as the subject which wouldnt be very hard. As for Couplet

and Triplet the hardest part is rhyming the last words and remembering how many lines
and I believe they could do that, I could also have them choose between Couplet and
Triplet instead of having them do both. I would also not count the harder ones wrong on
their homework and focus on the easier terms. I have an example of my regular warm-up
quiz and I will make the accommodation version so you can see what that would look
like. I would also make sure I met individually with the ELL learners especially while
circling the class room giving advice and tips.
6. Modifications
The modifications I would make would be similar to the accommodations I would make
for the ELL students. However, I would only ask for them to attempt Couplet and Alphabet
poetic scheme. I would reformat their quiz as well. (I will make an example of that and put
that at the end of this lesson plan) If I had students with hearing loss or less than normal
vision I would have them sit towards the board and I would make sure to print the notes
in a much bigger font. I would give these students a study guide that had all of the terms,
but had the important ones in separated from the more difficult ones. I would also try to
give them fill in the blank poetic schemes so that they would just have to fill in the black
from a word bank to make words that rhyme or dont rhyme. I would also make sure I met
individually with the Special Education Students while I was circling the class and giving
advice to see if they were on the right track.

Quiz For Students

1. ___ Which Poetic Scheme has the first
letters of each line aligned vertically to form
a word?
2. ___ Which Poetic Scheme has five lines
with each line differing in content?

A. Free Verse

3. ___ Which Poetic Scheme has three lines

where the first line and the third line have
the same number of syllables?
4. ___ Which Poetic Scheme has three lines
where the first line and the third line have
Perfect Rhyme?
5. ___

C. Cinquain

B. Couplet

D. Quatrain

E. Alphabet

The dog played

I cried when the sun set
I wish it was still summer
What am I to do?
6. ___
F. Acrostic

I found my favorite shoe,

Covered in my dogs disgusting poo.
7. ___

G. Triplet

I drove to the store

White I stood at the door
I knew what I wanted to buy
But they were all out of apple pie
8. ___
H. Haiku
An apple fell from the tree
Bugs flew all over me
Could they hear the apple fall
Do I think too much about it all
Even the sky seems annoyed
Figure I should find some joy
Giving myself another chance
Here I go its time to dance



Free Verse

Quiz for ELL Learners

9. ___ Which Poetic Scheme has the first
letters of each line aligned vertically to
form a word?
10. K Which Poetic Scheme has five lines
with each line differing in content?


Free Verse



11. ___ Which Poetic Scheme has three lines

where the first line and the third line have
the same number of syllables?
12. ___ Which Poetic Scheme has three lines
where the first line and the third line have
Perfect Rhyme?
13. ___

K. Cinquain

L. Quatrain

M. Acrostic

An apple fell from the tree

Bugs flew all over me
Could they hear the apple fall
Do I think too much about it all
Even the sky seems annoyed
Figure I should find some joy
Giving myself another chance
Here I go its time to dance
14. ___

N. Alphabet

The dog played

I cried when the sun set
I wish it was still summer
What am I to do?
15. ___
O. Haiku
I found my favorite shoe,
Covered in my dogs disgusting poo.
16. ___
I drove to the store
White I stood at the door
I knew what I wanted to buy
But they were all out of apple pie

(I couldnt change the numbers back to 1-10)

P. Triplet

Quiz For Special Education

i. An apple fell from the tree

Bugs flew all over me
Could they hear the apple fall
Do I think too much about it all
Even the sky seems annoyed
Figure I should find some joy
Giving myself another chance
Here I go its time to dance

A. Free Verse

ii. The dog played

I cried when the sun set
I wish it was still summer
What am I to do?

B. Alphabet

iii. I found my favorite shoe,

Covered in my dogs disgusting poo.

C. Couplet

iv. I drove to the store

White I stood at the door
I knew what I wanted to buy
But they were all out of apple pie

D. Triplet

v. Which Poetic Scheme has three

lines where the first line and the
third line have Perfect Rhyme?

E. Quatrain

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