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Straight leg raise - 8ea side hold for 3 seconds

Core activated with neutral spine
Goblet Squat - 10 reps
With neutral spine and good knee abduction while squatting
Reverse lunge w/ twist - 8 ea leg
Shoulders depressed and retracted with hands behind head trailing leg directly
underneath shoulder/hip
Half kneeling rotation - 10 ea side
Set up in 90/90 trailing leg on ground rotate over lead leg with shoulders retracted
and depressed
Glute Bridge - 10 reps
With core engaged extend the hips till the shoulders, hips, and knees are in straight
line or as high as you can without engaging the lower back
Broomstick Pec MOB - 8ea side
Split stance position. Whatever leg is in front same side hand goes on top of
broomstick and opposite hand grabs in the center of the stick. Actively push with
the center hand and drive the top shoulder down and back.
Forearm Wall slides - 10 reps
Start in a split stance with the elbows at 90 degrees directly in front of shoulders.
Slide the forearms up the wall at an angle and finish at 10 and 2. As the slide occurs
lean the torso into the wall as well so when you finish in the top position your chest
is against the wall. After you reach the end position lift the arms off the wall slightly
focusing on retracting and depressing the shoulder blades.
Groiner with Overhead Reach - 8ea side alternating each rep
Pushup position the flex the hip so the ankle is right outside the hand. Then rotate
slowly reaching the arm to the sky. Keep the back knee straight while squeezing the
glute as well.
Thoracic rotation on foam roller - 8ea side
Bottom leg straight top leg at 90 degrees on foam roller. Reach the top arm back to
2 o'clock. After the bottom position is achieved take a deep breath in and exhale.
When exhaling think about driving the shoulder blade down to stretch the anterior
Pull back butt kicks - 10 ea leg alternating each rep
Stand up tall flex the knee towards the butt cheek. With the hand that is on the
same side as the leg grasp the top of the foot and gently pull back to stretch the
quad. Keep the stance leg straight throughout the exercise.
Wall ankle MOB - 10 ea leg

Split stance with the front foot in the tripod position. Gently drive the knee over the
toes while keeping the foot flat at all times. Place hands on wall to help balance.

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