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Design for Learning

Instructor: Lindsey Harding

Grade Level/Cooperating Teacher: Stites/ 3rd
Lesson Title: Quirky Quads
Date: 4-20-16
Curriculum Area: Geometry
Estimated Time: 45 min

Standards Connection:
24.) Understand that shapes in different categories (e.g., rhombuses, rectangles, and
others) may share attributes (e.g., having four sides), and that the shared attributes can
define a larger category (e.g., quadrilaterals). Recognize rhombuses, rectangles, and
squares as examples of quadrilaterals, and draw examples of quadrilaterals that do not
belong to any of these subcategories. [3-G1]

Learning Objective(s):
When given a worksheet, students will identify attributes and label quadrilaterals with
80% accuracy.

Learning Objective(s) stated in kid-friendly language:
Today you are going to learn how to identify quadrilaterals!

Evaluation of Learning Objective(s):
The teacher will evaluate the students by giving them a worksheet with different attributes
of a specific quadrilateral. The students will first have to label the shape by naming it. Then
they will check off the box that describes the attributes talked about. In order to be
considered proficient and in the green range the student must score an 80% Students who
score less than 80% will be considered in the red range and will need further remediation.

The teacher will connect to the students and explain to them the learning objective for the
day. She will review the geometry that they already know and show them a video on
quadrilaterals that they will be learning about today. Alright friends. I need all eyes and ears
on me. Please put your feet on the floor and face forward. We are going to be having some fun
in math today, but I am going to need you all to pay close attention. Math calls for focus so
can you all give that to me? Put those focus glasses on. Today we are going to learn about
geometry! Do you all know what geometry is? It is math, thats right. But it has to do with
lines and shapes and angles. Ms. Stites said you all have talked a little about this, is that right?
You learned about parallel lines what are parallel lines? They never touch, thats right. Can
someone come up here and draw two parallel lines for me? The teacher calls on a student to
come up to the board and draw two lines. Good job. Does everyone agree that these lines are
parallel? Thank you, Student A. Today we are going to learn about shapes, but not just any
shapes! We are going to learn about quadrilaterals. Thats a big word! Can everyone say that
with me? Quadrilaterals. Good. Now try to say it ten times really fast. Okay, everyone I need
all eyes and ears on me again. That was really hard to say. Quad means 4. What does quad
mean? 4! Good. A quadrilateral is a shape with four sides. We are going to be looking at the

different shapes and the different attributes that each one of them share. The shapes might all
have 4 sides, but each has a unique shape to it. Think about you and another person. You both
might be a girl or a boy with a nose and a head and feet, but you have different color eyes or
different hair. That what makes you special! So we are going to look at some of the
similarities and differences of each of the quadrilaterals. I have a video that I want to show
you all. Its going to show you the quadrilaterals that you are going to be learning about
today. Please pay close attention because you are going to want to remember this information
for the end of class! The teacher shows the students the video clip from Pinterest.
After the video ends the teacher will move into teaching the shapes discussed in the video.

Learning Design:
I. Teaching:
I dont know about yall, but that video was super cool and really helped me understand more
what quadrilaterals are! We are going to talk about what they talked about in the video, just
in a little more depth. I have some shapes for you all to use as we do this lesson, but before I
pass them out I have a few instructions. I need all eyes on me please. I am going to pass out
some of these pattern blocks to each group. You are going to want the red, orange, blue, and
green blocks. Look up here and see which ones I have. The teacher turns on the document
camera and shows the students the pieces that she has. These are the ones that we are going
to be using today. That is all you need. Do you all understand? This is a privilege and is going
to help us learn more, so please do not take advantage of this. You all should have your own
blocks so that you can move them around and compare them. I want you to use them only
when I ask you, they are not for bending or playing with. Everyone nod your head quietly if
you understand. Great. The teacher passes out the pattern block bags as she continues
talking. Dont stat using these yet please. The quadrilateral shapes that we are going to be
learning about today are rectangles, rhombuses, parallelograms, trapezoids, and squares.
What is a quadrilateral again? A shape with four sides, good! First, we are going to look at
rectangles. Looking at the shapes that I have up here, what do you think are the best blocks to
form a rectangle? The orange ones look good to me too. Should we use one or two? Two! Good.
The teacher builds a rectangle with the blocks on a mini white board under the document
camera for the students to see. She labels it rectangle. You all can make this shape with the
blocks that you have at your desk. I should only see orange blocks at this time. What are some
things that you all notice about this shape? The teacher gives time for students to respond
and writes down their responses if they are correct. A rectangle has 2 pairs of parallel sides.
What did we say parallel means? They never touch! We said that there are 2 pairs. Where are
those pairs? Student K can you come show me? Student K comes up to the board to show the
class where the two sets of parallel lines is. Thank you. Can everyone point to those on your
own blocks? What else do you all notice about these lines? Some of them have the same length,
great observation! Are all of them the same length? No! If they were all the same length, who
knows what that would be? A square. We will get to that one later. Looking at the shapes on
your desk, point to two of the lines that have the same length. The teacher observes the
students. Is there another pair? Good! Point to those too. So a rectangle has 2 sets of parallel
lines and 2 sides that have equal length. Last thing I want you all to know about a rectangle is
that it has 4 right angles. Who remembers what a right angle is? It is 90 degrees, or straight
down. Everyone stick out your arm in front of you. Do not touch anyone around you. You can

do this without messing with other people. Now I want you to bend your arm like this. The
teacher demonstrates. The students follow the teachers lead. This is a 90-degree angle. Do
you see how it goes straight down? How many right angles do rectangles have? Lets count
them. 1234! They have four 90-degree angles. Good job. Okay so we have mastered one
quadrilateral shape. Lets put our orange cubes back for now and get out the red block. You
only need one. The teacher gives students a moment to get situated. She puts the same
shape under the document camera for students to see. This shape is called a trapezoid. Can
you all say that with me? Trapezoid. The teacher labels the shape on the mini white board.
Looking at this trapezoid, do you all notice any of the same characteristics that the rectangle
had? Think of what we just talked about parallel lines, angles, and equal sides. The teacher
gives the students a moment to think and share their answers. Good observations, friends! It
has four sides, thats right. When a shape has four sides, what do we call it? A quadrilateral.
Does this trapezoid have any parallel sides? Student D will you come show me where they are?
While she comes up here, everyone point to your own block and show me. The teacher
observes and then makes a note on the mini white board of the parallel lines. Good job. Is
that the only pair of parallel lines? Youre right, it is. Why arent the other two sides parallel?
Teacher calls on student to respond. Great job. What about angles? Does this trapezoid have
any right/ 90-degree angles? Why not? Teacher gives time for students to respond. Are there
any sides that are equal in length? The two on either side? Good. So this trapezoid has 1 pair
of parallel sides and 1 pair of equal sides, but no right angles! Lets keep track of this. The
teacher writes down on chart paper the qualities of the quadrilaterals they have done so
far. We have a rectangle with 2 pairs of parallel sides, 4 right angles, and 2 pairs of equal
sides. Then we have a trapezoid with 1 pair of parallel sides, 0 right angles, and 1 pair of
equal sides. Whew! Do you all think we can keep going? Lets do it! Please put the trapezoid
back in the bag and get out a blue diamond. Teacher gives students a moment to get
situated. The teacher puts the shape under the document camera on the mini whiteboard
for the students to see. This is what we call a rhombus. Can everyone say that with me?
Rhombus. The teacher labels the shape on the board. Can anyone roll their rs when you say
it? Haha okay everyone please be quiet and bring your attention back to the screen. This
rhombus falls under the same category as the other trapezoid and rectangle because it is a
what? It starts with a q quadrilateral! This one looks a little different though. Everyone look
at your shape. Look and see if you can find any parallel lines here. Teacher gives students a
minute to observe. What do you all think? 2 pairs?! Oh my! Who wants to come up here and
show me? The teacher picks two students to come up and identify the parallel lines. Point to
the parallel lines on your own shape on your desk. Do you all see them? It looks a little
different that the rectangles parallel lines, but they are there! Why are they parallel again
boys and girls? Because they go on and on and dont connect. Good. Do you all see any right
angles? I dont either. So that is important to note. What other shape doesnt have any right
angles? A trapezoid! What about its sides are any of the rhombus sides equal? Dont blurt
out your answer please. Look at your shape and raise your hand if you think you know the
answer. The teacher calls on a student to respond. Youre right! ALL four sides are equal in
length. Wow! Have we seen one like that before? I dont think that we have either. The
rectangle had what? 2 pairs of equal sides, but all of them werent the same, were they? No.
Lets write this down on our chart and keep building on our brains with these quadrilaterals.
The teacher writes down on the chart paper that a rhombus has 2 pairs of parallel lines, 0
right angles, and 4 equal sides and then moves on to the last quadrilateral. Okay we are on

our last quadrilateral for today. You all can keep out the blue block; I just need you to get out
one more. Teacher waits until the students have the block out. She demonstrates the shape
underneath the document camera. I want you all to put your blocks to look like this. Can you
all see? Let me see your shapes? The teacher looks around and observes students shapes.
Looking good. This is called a parallelogram. Everyone say that with me! Parallelogram.
The teacher labels the shape on the white board under the document camera. Is there a
word in there that looks familiar? Parallel! Good. If parallel is in the name, do you think it will
have parallel sides? Lets look at it and see. Everyone look at your parallelograms on your
desk. Point to any pairs of parallel lines if you see them. The teacher gives students a moment
to do so. Okay Student B and E will you come up and show me where the parallel lines are?
The students come up and show the teacher and she labels them on the board. Great job.
Does everyone see these. So there are 2 pairs of parallel lines just like what other
quadrilaterals, boys and girls? The teacher points to the chart for support. A rectangle and
Rhombus! Good job. Are there any right angles in this parallelogram? No there is not! Good
job. What about equal sides? Are there any sides that are equal? There are 2 sides, good! Can I
see everyone point to the equal sides? The teacher observes students to see if they are
pointing correctly. Great. There are 2 pairs of equal sides just like a rectangle! The teacher
labels and classifies the attributes of a parallelogram on the chart paper with the other
quadrilaterals. A parallelogram and rectangle have the same attributes, do you notice that,
class? That is very interesting. Since they have the same qualities, does that mean that they
are exactly the same? Its kind of a trick question No they are not the same. They are still 2
different kinds of quadrilaterals. It is important to know that. Lets review this chart together
about the attributes of the quadrilaterals that we have talked about today before we move on
and you show me what youve learned. The teacher refers to the chart paper and goes over
with the students the attributes of each shape and how they are similar and different. She
will then transition into practice and assessment.

II. Opportunity for Practice:
The class will be given pretzel sticks, marshmallows, and a piece of paper with the names of
the quadrilaterals on it. They will each have their own set of materials but will be able to
talk with their table groups. The students will be asked to build the quadrilateral and
classify the attributes of each quadrilateral by writing on the side of the paper. The teacher
will give the students instructions and then the teacher will walk around, observing the
students working. Now that you all have learned so much, you are going to practice it with
marshmallows and pretzels! I have the materials and am going to pass them out as I give
instructions. I need everyone to look at me right now. I am going to put the materials at the
top of your desk. You are not to touch them until I tell you to begin working. You also may not
eat any of it until we are done. If I see anyone breaking the rules, you all can just draw the
shape on the piece of paper instead of using these materials. The teacher begins passing out
the materials. On the sheet of paper that I am passing out I have the names of the
quadrilaterals that we talked about today. You are going to build that shape in the spot on the
page and then write in pencil next to it the attributes that we talked about and wrote on that
chart paper. I really really want you all to try and do this without looking at the chart paper.
If you need to use it at the very end, I may let you, but work together with your table group to
get the attributes without looking at it. If you know it, help your friends, okay? Does anyone
have any questions about this? It is pretty simple and shouldnt take you very long. I will give

you all 10 minutes to work on this before I have you do a worksheet to show me what youve
learned. This is helping you for the worksheet I will be giving you, so take advantage of it and
pay attention, okay? I will be walking around to make sure that you all are following
directions and to answer any questions if you have any. You all may take your materials and
begin working. The teacher walks around and monitors the students work. After about 10
minutes she will collect the materials and transition into the assessment portion.

III. Assessment:
The teacher will evaluate the students knowledge by giving them worksheet where they
have to identify attributes and label quadrilaterals. They will need a pencil and will be
asked to check the correct response. When they are finished the teacher will collect the
sheets and assess how they did. Now it is time for you all to show me what youve learned!
What have we learned about today boys and girls? Quadrilaterals! You all are going to keep
working on this over time, so dont feel bad if you still dont fully understand. Today was just
an intro. I still want you to try your best on this worksheet. In order to do that you are going
to have to read the questions very carefully. The teacher shows the students the worksheet
and draws their attention to it as she explains what they will be doing. First, I want you all
to label what shape it is. We have talked about each of these today, so try to remember your
best! Then you are going to look at the questions down here. You are going to check the
correct box for each shape. Again, you really have to read the question and think about this as
you answer. This work should be done on your own. You all will have 10 minutes to do this. I
do not want to see anyone looking around. Your eyes should be on your own paper. No one
needs to be getting out of their seat either. Please work diligently on this so we can move onto
the next thing. Student J will you help me pass these out? Once you get it you may start
working on it. When you are finished you may either read or make a shape out of the
quadrilateral blocks that we used earlier. If you want to do that, please raise your hand and I
will bring you some. Does anyone have any questions before we begin? The teacher answers
any questions if needed and gives shapes to students when they are done.

IV. Closure:
For closure the teacher will read If You Were a Quadrilateral by Molly Blaisdell to the
students. The teacher will ask the students a few questions at the end of the book before
they move onto the next subject.

Materials and Resources:
Mini White board (for under doc camera)
Dry erase marker
Promethean Board
Document Camera
Video clip - https://www.pinterest.com/pin/180284791311723267/
Assessment worksheet
Pretzel sticks
Plain white paper with quadrilateral labels
Pattern blocks

Chart Paper
If You Were a Quadrilateral by Molly Blaisdell

Differentiation Strategies (including plans for individual learners):
Students who score less than an 80% will be considered in the red range and need further
support. The teacher can have the student play math games and work with them on
differentiating the different attributes by working with the blocks. Students who are in the
green range can be given more challenging practice. They can be given other quadrilateral
shapes and have to determine the attributes and if they are similar or different to those
that were learned in class. The students could also do a shape sort and have to categorize
each attribute and quadrilateral.

Data Analysis:
There were only 5 out of 17 students that scored an 80% or higher on this assessment. As I
looked over their papers I came to the conclusion that the assessment was confusing to
them. I think one of the things that confused them was the pairs aspect of it. I taught
about pairs in the lesson and made sure to clarify it many times, but even in the lesson they
did not seem to understand what pairs meant. Most students got the right angle question
correct, but the first two questions and the last one on each section there were a variety of
answers. I think that a better assessment would have been to give them a shape and label
the parallel sides, right angles, and equal sides. It would have been easier for them to
understand and I believe that they would have been able to do this. I formatively assessed
the students throughout the lesson and many of them seemed to understand the concept of
the lesson. My teaching and assessment aligned, content wise, but as far as appropriate
levels and understanding it was too difficult. I even had a hard time understanding what
the right answer was. I review with them at the end and the teacher said that this was a
great foundational lesson on quadrilaterals that she plans on building on. She encouraged
me that sometimes lessons and assessments dont always go as planned, but that is where
you get to grow and make changes in instruction. Next time I want to be less afraid of
changing the assessment if I feel it wont represent their understanding well even if it was
planned. As I was passing out the papers I thought that about assessing their learning in a
different way, but I had already printed and planned this so I just stuck with it. I learned a
lot from it and know where to improve next time.

Other than a number talk, I have never taught an explicit math lesson like this. When my
teacher suggested that I teach a math lesson I was very nervous and chose to teach it as
practice lesson where no one observed it. I am glad that I did, because there are a lot of
things that I would change about the lesson. First, there was a good bit of technical
difficulties. It took a few minutes to figure out what device I wanted to use and how to use
it. I had initially planned to use the document camera and write on the mini white board
underneath that, but I ended up moving and writing on the Smart Board and having the
students come up and draw examples of what I was asking. The board was not calibrated
and sometimes the students would come up and draw or label the wrong thing. I eventually
just moved to writing on the chart paper that I had made before hand. (Example attached).
Another issue was having the students come to the board. A lot of the lesson just had to do

with identifying qualities of quadrilaterals so I thought it would be interactive and fun for
students to have the opportunity to show me. There were only a select few students that
would raise their hands and sometimes they would come up and give the wrong answer. I
turned it into a number talk by asking if there were any other answers that people had and
we would change it, but next time I would have the students tell me the answer from their
desk before they came up. I used Popsicle sticks with their numbers on it to call on some
students and that didnt go too well either. Each student had shapes at his or her desk and
at first I thought it was a good idea, but I think it would have been more helpful to have
them drawing the shapes and labeling them on a sheet of paper instead. It also might have
been a good idea to let them play around with their shapes before I began teaching so that
they werent as tempted to play with them during my instruction. The students were
responsive, but Ive been trying to think of ways that I could have made this more
interactive. I think it would have been fun for the students to make the shapes with their
bodies and identify qualities of them by doing that. It also might have been more beneficial
if they had sat on the carpet and used clipboards to write instead of sitting at their desks.
Lastly, I should have simplified my language when teaching this lesson. I used pairs to
explain the sets of parallel lines and equal sides and I think it really confused them. I used
the term pairs because it was used in their assessment, but it was obvious from the results
that that was not the best representation of what they knew. At the end I asked them
questions and most of them seemed confident in the information we talked about. I did not
feel very confident about how this lesson went, but the students said that they enjoyed it. I
hope that it was a good foundational lesson for the teacher and that she can build on what
was talked about in class today.

Samford University
Design for Learning

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