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1. Analyze the following tenses in terms of the relationships established between ST and RT/ ET and RT:
1. Tim mowed the lawn yesterday/ 2. His dog chases cars. / 3. Joe wrecked the car before midnight/ 4. Mary
is leaving tomorrow/ 5. We fixed the hammock before Tod left/ 6. Richard has left now/ 7. Mary gets up at
7 every day/ 8. John will have left by next week.
2. Complete each sentence with a word or phrase from the list: afterwards, eventually, in the end,
nowadays, soon, early, immediately, lately, once, yet.
1. Theres too much traffic on the roads..2. Never mind. Im sure well find what were looking for..3.
I havent seen you for ages. What have you been doing? 4. Jack hasnt left. He hasnt finished his
work 5. Take some notes in the meeting, and well discuss them 6. If you dont mind waiting,
Brenda will be back. 7. I considered taking a new job, but decided against it 8. Norman and I
worked for the same company. 9. You didnt fool me! I recognized you. 10. You can get more
work done if you get up.
3. Complete each sentence with a word or phrase from the list: all night long, from time to time, in a few
moments, over and over again, all the year round, in the nick of time, the other day, for hours on end,
once and for all, this time next week.
1. Ive told you., dont leave your bags here! 2. Its time you stopped biting your nails. 3. Sheila
grabbed Bill..before he could fall in the water. 4. Hurry up! The bomb will go off. 5. Gerry sits
staring at the television.. 6. .Ill be lying on the beach, not working in the office! 7. The
swimming pool on the common is open 8. I met your friend Janet in the pub. 9. David isnt a
keen fisherman, but he goes fishing.. 10. The party finished at dawn after we had danced .
4. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence:
a) I haven't decided yet about whether to buy a new car or a second-hand one. But / think about it/I'm
thinking about it.
b) All right, you try to fix the television! But I hope/I'm hoping you know what you're doing.
c) Every year / visit/I'm visiting Britain to improve my English.
d) It's time we turned on the central heating. It gets/It's getting colder every day.
e) Of course, you're Mary, aren't you! / recognise/I am recognising you now.
f) The film of 'War and Peace' is very long. It lasts/It is lasting over four hours.
g) I can see from what you say that your mornings are very busy! But what do you do/are you doing in the
h) I'm going to buy a new swimming costume. My old one doesn't fit/isn't fitting any more,
i) That must be the end of the first part of the performance. What happens/is happening now?
j) What's the matter? Why do you look/are you looking at me like that?
5. Put each verb in brackets into the present simple or present continuous:
1. British people (drink) more and more wine, apparently.
2. I hope Sarah will be here soon. I (depend) on her.
3. Please be quiet, David. You (forever/interrupt).
4. Hey, you! What (you/think) you're doing?
5. Could you come here please? I (want) to talk to you now.
6. Jane is away on holiday so Linda (handle) her work.
7. To be honest, I (doubt) whether Jim will be here next week.
8.You've only just started the job, haven't you? How (you/get on)?
9. Pay no attention to Graham. He (just/be) sarcastic.
10. I (think) you already know my views on the matter.
11. I am tired of working in an office. I (think) of changing my job.
12. I just (smell) your roses. They (not smell) wonderful?
13. I gradually (forget) all the French I ever learnt at school.

14. You (see) that house over there? No, not there! You (not look) where my finger (point).
15. I (not hear) anything. You just (imagine) things.
16. The court (hear) this particular part of the evidence in private.
17. I just (taste) my cocktail to see if theres enough gin in it. Here! How it (taste) to you.
18. I (think) my daughter (see) too much of that young man these days, and I (not approve) of it.
19. Dont take his remarks seriously. Hes so upset that I (not think) he really (know) what he (say).
6. Put each verb in brackets into the present simple or present continuous:
I work in a large office with about thirty other people, most of whom I (1) (know) .quite well. We
(2) (spend) .most of the day together, so we have all become friends. In fact, most of my
colleagues are so interesting, that I (3) (think) of writing a book about them! (4) (take)
.Helen Watson, for example. Helen (5) (run) .the accounts department. At the
moment she (6) (go out) ..with Keith Ballantine, one of the sales representatives, and they (7)
.(seem) very happy together. But everyone - except Helen apparently - (8) (know)
that Keith (9) (fancy) ..Susan Porter. But I (10) (happen)
to know that Susan (11) (dislike) .Keith. 'I can't stand people who never
(12) (stop) .. apologising all the time!' she told me. 'And besides, I know he (13)
(deceive) poor Helen. He (14) (see) Betty Wills from the overseas
department.' And plenty of other interesting things (15) (currently/go on) .. For
instance, every week we (16) (experience) more and more problems with theft personal belongings and even money have been stolen. When you
(17) (realise)
. that someone in your office is a thief, it (18) (upset) you at
first. But I (19) (also/try). to catch whoever it is before the police are called in.
I'm not
7. Most of these sentences contain an error. Where there is an error, rewrite the sentence correctly.
a) I'm depending on you, so don't make any mistakes!
b) Is this total including the new students?
c) Excuse me, but do you wait for somebody?
d) These potatoes are tasting a bit funny.
e) How are you feeling today?
f) I look forward to hearing from you.
g) I have a feeling that something goes wrong.
h) What's that you're eating?
i) Are you hearing anything from Wendy these days?
j) I think you're being rather mean about this.
8. Translate to English

a. Tipul nostru iubete, mai presus de orice, tiin a i Rromnia, crora le sacrific activitatea, lini tea,
sntatea, familia sa, tot. El susine c tiina, de i esenial uman, trebuie, mai ales la o na iune mic i
tnr ca a noastr, s fie naional. El constat n fiecare moment cu mndrie progresul prodigios a
tiinelor rromne. El dirijeaz un institut naional savant sau, dac nc nu pn acum, va inventa unul sau
dou pentru a le dirija institute absolut indispensabile Rromniei, care este i trebuie s fie centrul i farul
cultural n Peninsula Balcanic Ar fi o ruine s lsm pe Bulgaria s ne ia nainte! De exemplu. Este
absolut indispensabil s ntemeiem un institut pentru domesticirea, prsirea i educarea licuricilor
lampyris resplendens avnd misiunea de a studia un nou sistem de iluminare a ora elor rregatului cu
aceste interesante gngnii fosforescente. nchipuiasc- i acum orice rromn cu dorr de arr ct economie
i ce lumin! Strlucitoare, gratuit i igienic! Dar pentru asta, savantul nostru, brbatul ingenios,
patriotul neobosit, trebuie s cltoreasc n cele dou emisfere, spre a studia primo: deosebitele sisteme de
iluminare a capitalelor mari, secundo: diferitele spee de lampyris resplendens Dup spusa
entomologitilor, exist pn acum vreo patruzeci, afar, se-n elege, de acele pe care le va descoperi
savantul nostru. (Savantul I.L. Caragiale)
b. E o meserie extrem de grea, n care farmecul personal, spontaneitatea, calmul sunt calit i decisive, de
nenlocuit prin hrnicie tenace sau prin simpla bun inten ie. Suntem nc departe de performan e cu
adevrat memorabile n acest domeniu. Avem de-a face mai curnd cu o bogat colec ie de incompeten e.
Moderatorii notri sunt diletani chiar cnd par a fi dobndit oarecare dezinvoltur. Unii tind s ocupe tot
ecranul cu suficiena lor egolatr, transformndu- i invita ii n materia prim a unui spectacol propriu.
Obraznici, hruitori, cu att mai siguri de ei n i i, cu ct sunt mai inconsisten i, ei se comport ca ni te
satrapi mruni, ca nite vedete de suburbie. Al ii, dimpotriv, cultiv tonul mieros, i flateaz slugarnic
conlocutorii i telespectatorii, privesc umed spre camera de luat vederi, cu un aer de bie i buni i sinceri,
gata s mpace pe toat lumea. Mai exist stilul ugub , stilul matre dhotel, stilul pionieresc (bazat,
nainte de orice, pe tutuirea preopinenilor, mai ales dac sunt tineri). Toxine mari i mici/Comdii la porile
orientului- A. Pleu

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