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Cortney Luna

Reflection Paper
Teaching, to most people, can be looked at as either a negative
occupation or a very positive one. This depends on the perspective of the
viewer, some say that teachers arent paid enough for their work, which in
some cases, can be true. But, when we look at the students, from the
toddlers in pre-k to the self-sufficient college students, educators play a vital
role in the adolescent life of students and young adults.
Statistics show that having a quality education can depict the success
of one individual to either mediocre financial stability or multi-billion dollar
business owners. Whichever career path students decide to pursue, their
education is the fundamental building blocks to achieving their goals.
Therefore, educators are a primary source for this goal. It is our job to make
sure that students are properly equipped to not only survive in the real
world, but thrive.
I have learned throughout this course that obtaining what it takes to
become a teacher is so much more than just classes and observation hours.
It is having a passion to serve those who will one day serve the next. As a
future educator, I vow to always hold my students to their highest potential.
Showing them they are more than just youth, they are capable of whatever it
is that they truly set their minds to. I want to display characteristics that my
previous teachers and mentors have bestowed down to me. They taught me
more than just material to pass tests and advance to the next grade level,

but also taught me about life, self-worth, value and principles. I believe that
this is what has impacted me, as a student, the most. While observing, I saw
the passion in the teacher, which then transmitted through the students,
engaging them and drawing them in. A connection was then made that
allowed a platform to unfold, to encourage, communicate and appropriately
assist in learning.
Understanding that everyone has different learning techniques is
something I will, in the future, incorporate into my profession. As a
kinesthetic learner, I find it very difficult to learn visually or verbally.
Unfortunately, this has been a reoccurring theme for me, when dealing with
teachers who present with power points and lecture. As a result, I have
thought it to be a great idea to have my future students to complete a test to
determine their style of learning. Meeting each student according to their
specific style of learning may be a little more difficult, but I believe that it
could have the best results. My observation hours really exposed me to a
classroom where the teacher presents the information in multiple forms so
that each student, no matter kinesthetic, auditory or visual learner, can
comprehend and compress. The classroom as a whole responded together
and at a generally even level to the information and were able to not only
understand but explain to other classmates that may have needed a little
more explanation. I feel as though having students complete a learning
techniques test will not only help students perform at an excellence level,
but will make the students feel more significant, knowing that the way I

approach my lesson plans, depends on their styles of learning. This shows a

TEAM effort, not just them working hard, but all of us working together to
ensure everyones success.
I would also love to incorporate lots of group work! I am a strong
believer that social interaction is necessary for future jobs and relationships.
Considering the advancement of technology, the present and future
generations could use some bonding time with actual other human beings
and not their cell phones. As Aldous Huxley once stated, Technological progress
has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards. I wholeheartedly agree with Huxley, but, I also believe that if we incorporate technology
with group activities, it can make a greater impact on students than group work
alone. Keeping young minds interested is the overall barrier between learning and
cell phones. Providing them with well thought-out lesson plans and activities can
decrease the amount of distraction caused by technology. The amount of group
work that I experienced while observing was at a high level. The whole room was
designed to center the students as well as integrating them into groups. The
students seemed to respond very well to this environment, working together on
assignments, incorporating ideas, thoughts and reassuring others understanding of
the information. It was very encouraging to see students working so diligently with
each other and creating an environment for each other to learn and excel. Each
group consisted of a very diverse mix of personalities and learning abilities,
avoiding the possibility to create an unequal balance of persons. It was extremely
rewarding to see students of different cliques, so to speak, and different races,
cultures and perspectives, come together to assist one another learning.

I am ardent to begin my journey as an educator and mentor for the youth.

From what I have learn from participating in this course, I believe I can help make a
difference in very small but lasting ways, such as giving my time, advice and
experience to my scholars. More importantly, I can help them impact someone else
as I hope to impact them.

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