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Art Integration Lesson Plan

Samantha Shipley
Art Integration Lesson Plan Template
LTC 4240: Art for Children

Grade Level: 1st Grade

Class Periods Required:
(please circle)

Lesson Title & Big Idea: Visualizing and Inferring through Still Images
Lesson Overview/Summary:

The purpose of this lesson is for students to be able to make inferences by making educational guesses
about what is taking place or happening within an image/picture. They will make these predictions based
on what they see, what they already know, or something that they have previously experienced. Students
must be able to infer and predict what is taking place within an image, in order to fully understand the
meaning or what is being portrayed by the image. This lesson should last the duration of 20 minutes.
Key Concepts


What you want the students to know.

1. Visual Art: Everyone can view a piece of art and develop completely
different meanings.
2. Literacy: When looking at a text, we utilize our own schema to infer,
visualize and develop a meaning of what is taking place in the text.
3. Everyone has different schema that they bring into situation and no
one will have the exact same interpretation of a text, because we all
have different experiences.

Essential Questions


What do I believe the Chuck Close/William Wegman is trying to tell

What do I believe is taking place within this image?
How does this relate to my own schema?

Lesson Objectives: (Excellent resource at http://www.teachervision.fen.com/curriculum-planning/new-teacher/48345.html?for_printing=1&detoured=1): What you

want the students to do.

1. Visual Art: The students will be able to . . . look at an image and determine what they believe is taking place within an image.
2. Literacy: The students will be able to . . . look at an image and describe what they believe the author was trying to portray.
3. Drawings: The students will be able to draw an image based off of Chuck Close and William Wegmans work and conduct a VTS session
from their own work.
Grade Level Expectations (GLEs)


Identify & define common vocabulary that connect the art

form with the other identified content areas:

Art Integration Lesson Plan

Samantha Shipley
1. Visual Art: Big Idea 1: PS 1 Understanding Self as an Individual and
as a Member of Diverse Local and Global Communities
a. Level 1 Identify a variety of feelings.
2. Literacy: Big Idea 1: PS 1 Understanding Self as an Individual and
as a Member of Diverse Local and Global Communities
a. Balancing Life Roles: Level 1 Recognizing personal
character traits
3. Drawing: Big Idea 2: PS 2 Interacting With Others in Ways That
Respect Individual and Group Differences
a. Respect for Self and Others: Level 2 Identify similarities
and differences among students within the school

As students reflect on the images, they utilize their own
background knowledge to develop a many for these images.
The images themselves also have a schema of their own,
especially William Wegmans work. Students must utilize their
own knowledge to infer what the author is trying to explain
about the image. So the image itself has depth and a
background of ideas as well.

Content Areas Integrated:

1. Visual Art

Lesson Activities & Procedure(s) (please be very specific):

Inspiration Artist: Chuck Close and William Wegman

2. Literacy


o Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its
key ideas.
o Students apply a wide range of strategies to comprehend,
interpret, evaluate, and appreciate texts. They draw on
their prior experience, their interactions with other
readers and writers, their knowledge of word meaning
and of other texts, their word identification strategies,
and their understanding of textual features (e.g., soundletter correspondence, sentence structure, context,

3. Drawing

1. Teacher Preparations: Before the students enter the class, post

the pictures clockwise around the room in numerical order.
(Make sure to place a number on each image, so you know
which image a student is referring to) I would recommend
being creative with your picture placement. Dont make it too
easy for the students to find them. Place some on the floor,
windows, behind doors, on the sides of shelves, etc. This will
make the activity more fun and interactive. You can also place
a sheet of colored construction paper on the back of each
picture so that it will stand out from the other papers you have
throughout the classroom.
2. Review inferring: Talk about what you think when you see an
airplane flying in the sky. Some may think, I wonder where
they are going? or I wonder how fast they are flying? or I
wonder if I know anyone on that plane?. Everyone is

Art Integration Lesson Plan

Samantha Shipley

o Using knowledge of structures and functions.

thinking about a different idea. Not everyones thoughts are the

same, but everyone is developing a meaning to the image
before them.
3. To prepare students, inform them that they will be traveling in
an inference carousel and you have posted several pictures
throughout the room. Each photo will be a work of Chuck
Close or William Wegman. Explain that their job is to review
each photo and make an inference or educational guess based
on the information within each image. They and will record
their responses on the handouts that are labeled with each
image number as they walk around the room with their white
boards. They should not debate or have discussion with other
students about the photos until after the inference carousel
stops. All answers should be original and students should not
be asking each other for their opinions on the pictures until
they finish the carousel.
4. Next, individually call on students to begin the Inference
Carousel. For example, the first student you select should start
at Picture #1 (you can do this by drawing names, counting off,
etc.). The next student should begin at the following picture
and then continue walking clockwise around the room.
Students should make sure the picture they are currently
looking at corresponds to the correct number on their handout.
If they begin at Picture #12, they should be recording their
responses on the sheet where it says Picture #12. Once
everyone has been assigned a number, allow each student to
spend 2 minutes at each station before allowing all students to

Art Integration Lesson Plan

Samantha Shipley
5. After the carousel, instruct students to return to their seats. As
a class, review each photo with responses from around the
room to generate a class discussion about how and why
students developed their inferences. Obligating them to include
the word because in all of their responses made it much
easier for them to explain the reasoning behind their
conclusions and give room for other students to argue their
opinions when they didnt make the same inference.
6. After the discussion, ask the students to now use ideas of the
two artists to create their own drawing about anything they
wish. Once they have finished, students will display their
photo for the class and conduct a VTS session with their peers
inferring about each photo.
7. Finally, after the VTS sessions, the lesson will be complete.
Collect each students inferring worksheets and transition into
next lesson.
Anticipatory Set (Gaining Attention):

Closure (Reflecting Anticipatory Set):

I will be able to gain attention of students by allowing them to get up

and out of their seats during this activity. I will keep them attentive
during this lesson, by playing music in between each transition to avoid
students getting off topic or distracted.

Exit Slip What did you learn about inferring and visualizing from the
work of Chuck Close and William Wegman?

Formative Assessment strategy:

Summative Assessment strategy:

Assessment will take place throughout this lesson. At the beginning,

middle and conclusion of this lesson.

The last assessment will be the only summative assessment that

accounts for a grade. The teacher will collect the students response
worksheets and see how students were able to connect and create

Students will first be assessed at the beginning of the lesson when the

Art Integration Lesson Plan

Samantha Shipley
teacher discusses students prior knowledge about inferring and
visualization. During this time the teacher will be able to assess
students previous ideas about these topics.
The teacher will also assess while students are working throughout the
lesson, to see who is on task and diligently engaged in the activity. If
the teacher sees students who are not actively writing at each station,
they can assume that the student is not inferring and is not able to
connect their own experiences and own thoughts to the ideas of the
image. This may mean that the lesson needs to be altered in order to
meet a larger variety of needs.

inferences to each image. Because this activity is all opinion based,

there will not be a strict or correct answer for every question. Instead,
the teacher will check to insure that students are making an inference,
and then backing up their inference with evidence (schema or

Students will be assessed again when they complete their own drawings
and develop their own narrative about their drawings. They will also be
assessed on their ability to VTS when presenting their drawing to the
whole class. During this time, students will engage in a class discussion
where students share their own ideas for the lesson, and listen to those
of their classmates. The teacher will be observing and assessing students
during this time to ensure that students are participating and absorbing
the ideas of this lesson.
What student prior knowledge will this lesson require/draw upon?

Coming into this lesson, students should bring knowledge of prior educational, personal and physical circumstance and experiences of which they
have encountered. Students should also have participated in a book talk and practiced leading, where they learn to stop, think and infer
throughout a text. This will help them to decide when they should be making connections within the text. When looking at an image it should be
the same way. Students must stop to making connections and look for essential details to lead to the artists main idea. Students must also have
knowledge of a VTS session and how to conduct one.
How will you engage students in imagining, exploring, and/or experimenting in this lesson?

Students will get to explore as they participate in the Inferring Carousel around the classroom. They will be able to imagine throughout this
process as they infer about each image. Students will also be able to imagine and experiement as they create their own images based off of Chuck

Art Integration Lesson Plan

Samantha Shipley
Close and William Wegmans work.
How will this lesson allow for/encourage students to solve problems in divergent ways?

I will encourage students to solve problems in only the way they know how. I will encourage them to utilize their own ideas about topics within
an image and explain to them to rely on their own ideas and imagination when determining meaning.
How will you engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning?

Students will be able to reflect on their ideas by participating in multiple levels of this lesson. They will start by discussing their own ideas about
inferring and visualizing. Then, they will move to applying those ideas when looking at visual images. Next, their ideas will be shared again
during a whole-class discussion. Lastly, the student will be able to reflect again as they develop ideas about their peers images and the meaning
behind each image.
How will you adapt the various aspects of the lesson to differently-abeled students?

In order to meet the need of all students, I will be sure to give clear and explicit instruction prior to starting this activity. Students who may
require more time, or who may have trouble focusing in larger environments, could utilize a classroom iPad and view the images as a PowerPoint.
If they do not have the mobility to write, they can verbally inter their responses using the recording app on their iPad as well. The teacher could
then replay what the student said in order to assess their learning.
An alternative to having students walk around the room would be to put their desks together in the form of a large circle. Pass out the images one
at a time and have students continually circulate the pictures until everyone finished. Students should never have more than one picture at their
desk circle at once. Students should initially not discuss the image and first write their thoughts down on their response worksheets. After
recording their thoughts and after seeing all images, then discussion of what was inferred from each image will be prompted by the whole class.
Please note that you can conduct the lesson in the very same way, the only difference is that the students remain seated and avoid disruption
throughout the classroom.
What opportunities/activities will students be given to revise and improve their understandings and their work?

Students will be assessed at three different points in this lesson (please see assessment section), each time the student is provided the opportunity

Art Integration Lesson Plan

Samantha Shipley
to improve their own ideas about inferring and visualizing.
What opportunities/activities will you provide for students to share their learning in this lesson?

Students will first be able to share their ideas on their own inferring worksheets as they observe each image displayed in the classroom. Next,
during a whole-class discussion they will be able to share their recorded ideas following the inferring carousel. Students will also be able to share
their ideas during the VTS session conducted by each student for the rest of the class to provide inferences.
Lesson Resources/References (please be very specific by providing links, authors, titles, etc.):

Chuck Close
William Wegman

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